367. Auktion
367. Heinrich Koehler Auction
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1868/69, Large Hermes Heads: The section of the Athens impressions after the cleaning of the plates, 45 stamps (3 pairs), mint and used, with various shades, paper variations, plate flaws and errors of the Control Numbers. Also, a large newspaper fragment with 1 lepton. Interesting, mixed condition [mounted on exhibition sheets, part of the awarded Knithakis collection]
1870, Large Hermes Heads: The section of the special printing (under the supervision of German printers), mainly used single copies, with various shades, paper variations and error of the Control Numbers ("02" for "20"), mixed condition [mounted on exhibition sheets, part of the awarded Knithakis collection]
1875/86, Large Hermes Heads: 12 copies of 30 lepta & 2 of 60 lepta, all used, mixed condition, including a 30 lepta ultramarine with rare plate flaw, interesting for study
1880's, 1901, 1911/1980s, Collection in album, from the engraved issue of 1911, including an interesting section of "Elliniki Dioikisis" overprints (mint and/or used, some with Zeis' certificates), Campaign 1912-13 and the newer issues. Together is offered a stock of unused modern stamps (sheets of 50 and large blocks), including two sets of Annexation of Dodecanese in blocks of 4. Also, two sheets of 150 Large Hermes Head (values of 2 lepta & defective 20 lepta, last printings) and a 20 lepta Small Hermes Head sheet of 100 (Athens printing). Very interesting accumulation, worth careful examination
1886/1900, Nice collection in album of Small Hermes Heads and 1900 Surcharges on Large & Small Hermes, mint and used, singles, multiples or blocks (i.e. a block of 15 of the 1 lepton with "Depot 1887" and Serial Nr), many duplicates with color shades, plate flaws, various errors in the 1900 surcharges section (with some forgeries as usual), worth careful examination. Offered together with hundreds of stamps in stock envelopes
FORGERIES & BACK OF THE BOOK: Impressive accumulation of doubtful/forgeries/fakes, with a. Large Hermes: a 10 lepta with Control Number on the front side -like Zante error but on meshed paper, three copies of 20 lepta with fake Control Numbers "80" instead of "20", a 80 lepta with CN "20" in blue, three forged copies of 40 lepta with CN "20 lepta corrected to 40", a 5 lepta inferior quality with double Control Number (similar to Coundouros 45.1.a) used at "Syros", a 40 lepta 1862-67 without Control Numbers used in "Athens", a 40 lepta meshed paper (olive on blue), with double Control Numbers, some altered colors of Large Hermes, b. Small Hermes some values together with a 20 lepta "postal forgery" used in Athens, c. some covers repaired, with stamps not belonging or stamps missing, d. Some bogus essays (i.e. the 1863 King George lithographic reprints) or issues (Epirus etc). Offered together with some genuine "Perfins", "Revenues" and "Poster Stamps" (vignettes)
CANCELLATIONS: AGA-SOULE, comprehensive collection with over 1000 stamps and some entires, mostly large and small Hermes heads
1861/1950 (ca.), Hundreds of stamps with nice cancellations in two albums. a. Classic cancellations (types I-VI), including rare strikes (i.e. dotted "131" of "Sourpi", type II of "Hania" Crete, type V of Stomion", "Tsefereminion", "Yria Naxos", "Halandrion" etc), b. Telegraphic postmarks, c. Railway postmarks and handstamps, d. Dotted rural cancellations, e. Maritime, f. Miscellaneous. Hard to collect, high catalogue value, mixed condition
GREECE & TERRITORIES: Collection in album with complete airmail issues, charity stamps (including forged surcharges, as usual), Postage Dues, but also incomplete sections of "Dedeagatch", Dodecanese (Greek issues), Autonomous & North Epirus (reprints of the Skull set, a King Constantine issue used but with altered colors, with some forged overprints), Western & Eastern Thrace (some forgeries exist), Ikaria, Ionian State, Lemnos, some Kavala surcharges, Mytilini overprints and incomplete Samos, mixed condition, worth examination
1912/20, Collection of postmarks prepared for the New Territories (Macedonia, Epirus, North Epirus, Aegean Islands, Thrace), mainly type V, some larger types & negative seals, canceling Hellenic Adminisrtation, Campaign 1912-13, North Epirus & lithographic definitive issues. Many rare to find cancellations & fine to superb
1913/20, Rural Post for the New Territories (Macedonia, North Epirus, Crete), 15 different dotted cancelers on Campaign 1912-13, North Epirus & Provisional Government issues, scarce & very fine to superb
NATIONAL RESISTANCE: 1943-1945, 1st "E.D.E.S." set unused never hinged, "Lesvos" surcharge (3 values, one missing) unused never hinged, "Agrinio" surcharge in block of 4, unused never hinged (with administrative handstamp on the gum for validation), Serres issue (5 leva -Bulgarian currency), corner pair with varirty (unused, issued without gum) and "Evros" issue, a used copy of the 5leva/1000drs. Scarce accumulation in excellent condition
1862/82, Large Hermes Heads: 28 letters/covers and 5 large fragments/fronts franked with Large Hermes Heads, incoming, outgoing and inland mail, from single up to 4-colors franking, various routes, very interesting and good to fine condition
1880/1960 (ca.), album with postal stationery, covering a large part of the issued postal cards, envelopes, aerograms and letter cards, together with some regular covers/postcards, nice accumulation with color varieties (various reprints), unused and used. Some nice postmarks, including rural, type V, telegraphic datestamps, censorship
GREEK AREAS: 1900/40 (ca.), 8 better entires
Crete, Foreign Post Offices (Austrian Levant in French currency, French and Italian issues, British & Russian occupation issues) and Cretan State issues: Advanced but incomplete collection/accumulation in album leaves and stock cards, mint and/or used, together with a small album with rural cancelations (dotted & posthorn) and other postmarks. The collection includes 18 mint stamps of the Russian issue without star (but not the blacks) Small section of revenues, with 2 documents. Worth examination
1901/15, 4 covers (2 wth official stamps), one card and 40, mostly used postal stationery cards
1840/91, vorwiegend gestempelte Sammlung mit Mi.-Nr. 2, 5-7, 49, 66, 85 und 98-99 gestempelt sowie Telegraphenmarken Mi.-Nr. 10 gestempelt, leicht unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1840/1929, vorwiegend gestempelte ab Mi.-Nr. 1-2, außerdem Mi.-Nr. 49-50, 66 und 85, außerdem Dienstmarken, stark unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1840/2005, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie, Klassik unterschiedlich, im Karton
1841/70 (ca.), ungebrauchte und gestempelte kleine Partie mit einigen Einheiten, Besonderheiten und Stempeln, 2 Fotoatteste Davind Brandon
1952/83, postfrische, weitgehend kpl. Sammlung, dazu verschiedene Wz.-Stellungen, Naphthadag und Phosphor-Aufdrucke, verschiedene Drucke, Portomarken, Regionalausgaben, Kanalinseln Guernsey, Isle of Man und Jersey
1967/90, Machin issues, pre-decimal and decimal issues, the wonderful and highly specialised mint collection in ten stockbooks and one sheet book, carefully sorted and structured according to types, phosphor bands, gum, heads, sheet cylinders, coils, se-tenants stamps, cpl. sheets, coated & uncoated papers, cylinder blocks and perforation varieties. The lifework of an enthusiastic "Machin" collector, untouched since more than twenty years. A challenge for a collector to continue and complete! Also two small books containing maximum cards plus five Royal Mail Special Stamps books 1984-1986 (For the second part of this collection see the following lot). Face value for decimal issues approx. GBP 1.300,- but present cat. value many thousands SG-Sterling! For extracts see www.
1976/90, Machin issues, the extremely specialised collection of Booklets and Booklet Panes, mint never hinged, in five stockbooks, two larger and two smaller boxes with a huge variety of gum, paper, se-tenant panes, phosphor bands, stitched or stapled booklet panes. The lifework of an ethusiastic collector and untouched since more than twenty years. Face value approx. GBP 1.550,- but present cat. value many thousands SG-Sterling. A wonderful collection to continue and complete this highly interesting modern field in GB philately (For the first part of this collection see previous lot)
1843/1911 (ca.), 14 Briefe und 1 Paketaufkleber, dabei 3 Briefe mit Nr.-Malteserkreuz, 3 Briefe nach Schweden etc.
1850/1950 ca., kleine Partie, meist auf alten Auktionskarten, dabei diverse bessere Werte
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
0 1 3 6Katalog-Nr.
Ausruf150 €
Zuschlag160 €
1900/46 (ca.), kleine Partie, dabei viel Indien George VI mit hohen Wertstufen
1850/1933(ca.), gute ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit vielen guten Ausgaben, dabei Australische Staaten, Barbados
Bermuda mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 7 ungebraucht mit Fotoattest BPA (2018), Ceylon, Jamaica, Fidschi-Inseln, Grenada, Kap der guten Hoffnung
Labuan mit Mi.-Nr. 11 gestempelt mit Fotoattest BPA (2018), Strait Settlements, Trinidad und Tobago, St. Vincent und Zypern, stark unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1855/1938, schöne und umfangreiche ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit unzähligen guten Werten, dabei Bermuda Mi.-Nr. 9 ungebraucht, Britische Jungferninseln mit Abarten, Britisch Zentralafrika Mi.-Nr. 28 und 51 ungebraucht, Falkland-Inseln Mi.-Nr. 1-4 und 11d gestempelt sowie Mi.-Nr. 15-16 ungebraucht, Fiji Mi.-Nr. V ungebraucht, Gambia Mi.-Nr. 2 ungebraucht, Grenada Mi.-Nr. 4 und 6 ungebraucht
Guyana Mi.-Nr. 40, Hong Kong mit Jubilee Marke, Neuseeland diverse "Chalon Heads", Nigerküste Mi.-Nr. 9Ia ungebraucht, Sierra Leone mit guten Werten, Strait Settlements Mi.-Nr. 1-6, 8-9, 69 ungebraucht und Trinidad Mi.-Nr. 8-10, 46 gestempelt und 45 ungebraucht, einiges sign. bzw. mit Fotoattest, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
0 1 3Katalog-Nr.
Ausruf300 €
1900(80 (ca.), postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie mit besseren Ausgaben im Einsteckbuch
1955/65 (ca.), ungebrauchte Partie mit besseren Ausgaben im kleinen Album
1955/65 (ca.), postfrische Partie mit mittleren Ausgaben im Einsteckbuch
1955/65 (ca.), postfrische Partie mit mittleren Ausgaben auf Steckkarten
1900/47 (ca.), rd. 60 Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen, dabei diverse M.E.F.-Frankaturen, Indien etc.
1961/93 (ca.), postfrische Sammlungen Kenia, Tansania und Uganda im Leuchtturm-Album
1857/1960 (ca.), überwiegend gestempelte Sammlung, dabei besonders Hongkong