368. Auktion
26.-30. März 2019 in Wiesbaden
- (-) Remove Dänisch West Indien 1773-1917 – Die Sammlung "Høgensborg" (Teil I) filter Dänisch West Indien 1773-1917 – Die Sammlung "Høgensborg" (Teil I)
CHILE TO GERMANY: 1858, Letter (side flaps missing) from "SANTIAGO 31 ABRIL", franked with 1857, 5 c. dull reddish-brown with good to enormous margins, tied by red cancel, addressed to Borken, Hessen-Homburg, Germany, carried via Panama and Colon, from here on May 24 per "Clyde" to St. Thomas and from here on June 1st per "Atrato" to Southampton, in Germany red "SEEBRIEF PER ENGLAND UND AACHEN 15/6" applied and charged with a total of "27¼" silbergroschen incl. delivery fee; a fine entire with scarce destination, sign. Calves and Holcombe with certificate (1999), certificate Van der Linden BPP (1999)
CONFEDERATE STATES - PRUSSIA: 1861, Entire letter, dated "Galveston den 3tn Octtr 1861" to Crossen, Prussia endorsed "pr. R.M.Str. via Tampico", via forwarding agent "DROEGE OETLING & Co. MATAMORUS" with manuscript date "17/10/61" and British PO "TAMPICO NO 29 1861", from here per "Clyde" to St. Thomas and on December 16 per "Shannon" to Southampton; in Germany taxed with a total of "28" silbergroschen. A fine and very rare Civil War letter