368. Auktion
26.-30. März 2019 in Wiesbaden
SHIPMAIL: 1858 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing admirality 3 piaster rose carmine excellent impression and color, good to wide margins, with boxed “P.P./Anchor” alongside, very clear. Usual vertical file fold not affecting stamp or cancellation. An important showpiece from well known corrospondance Kirmissian, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
Provenance : Corinphila 99.th Stamp Auction Torrey & Brodtbeck Collections
1859 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing label “Porto-Piastre” with ms. 4 Piaster, black “POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI COSTANTINOPOLI P.P.” clear alongside. Usual file folds, border toned, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
1861 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Mudania showing rare blue Ottoman Maritime Company cachet „COSPOLI POSTA DEL IMPERO OTTOMANO DELLA ZECCA *P.P.*“ very clear, alongside “Franco” one-liner in blue. Usual file fold and tiny spot at left, fine and very scarce