373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
FRENCH MAIL: "ST. THOMAS PAQ. FR. D No.2 / 26 MAI 80", clear strike in red on frontside of lettersheet franked with colonies general issue Ceres 25 centimes, tied by clear "PAQ. FR. POINTE-A-PITRE-GUADE 22 MAI 80" to Bordeaux with arrival of June 10. Stamp with small marginal faults, otherwise fine
"ST. THOMAS PAQ. FR. B. No. 3 / 30 ARIL 70", clear strike on reverse of envelope with original contents from "ST. THOMAS 30/4 1870" to New York, franked with Napoléon lauré 10 c. in pair and 40 c., tied by anchor cancel, adjacent "M.Y. STEAMSHIP 10"; one 10 c. corner perf missing, otherwise fine
1867, "COR. D. ARMÉES LIGN. B. PAQ. No.3 / 24 AVRIL 67" on front of envelope (backflap missing) to Dijon, franked with Napoléon 40 c. orange, tied by anchor cancel, certificate Behr (2001)
SPANISH MAIL: "So. TOMAS", straight line in red, clear strike on entire letter, dated "Sn. Tomas 14 junio 1844" to Manati, Puerto Rico. Vertical filing crease touching the first S in the handstamp, otherwise fine. One of the rarest items of DWI postal history and the only recorded strike of this handstamp in red
"SANTHOMAS.", oval marking, clear strike on wrapper with return address "Del cefe civil y Militar de la Prova. de Marac." to the Venezualian consul at Santiago de Cuba, taxed "12" reales inland postage; some tropical staining, otherwise fine. Only few entires with the oval marking are recorded, this one of the nicer ones.
US MAIL: 1867, Envelope franked with 1861/66, 3 cents rose in horizontal strip of 6 and 2 cents black with adjacent "ST. THOMAS 16/12 1967" (tying two 3 cents), addressed to Maine, cancelled upon arrival in the US with cds. "N.YORK STEAMSHIP DEC 23". The franking with some marginal faults and slightly stained, still attractive and very scarce cover, transported by the first U.S. & Brazil mail steamship company
1869, Pictorials 10 c. orange used on small envelope with adjacent "ST. THOMAS 14/11 1869" to Washington with New York c/o-address; the stamp cancelled upon arrival "N.YORK STEAMSHIP NOV. 20"; one side flap of the envelope missing, otherwise fine
1875 (ca.), Envelope addressed to Machiasport, Maine, franked with US 1870, 10 c. brown, cancelled "N. YORK STEAMSHIP / MAY 20", showing on reverse blue "FORWARDED BY JAMES T. ABBOTT & Co. ST. THOMAS W.I.", fine
1875, Taylor 5 c. blue, tied by New York steamship cancel to fragment of cover with additional franking DWI 3 c. blue/red, tied by "missing wedge" ring cancel with adjacent "ST. THOMAS 20/11 1875" and encorsed "Pr. Carondelet" (merchant steamer). A very scarce combination, illustrated in 'Danish West Indies Mails' on page 94
1875, 10 cents blue-green/yellow/black in block of 4 from the right sheet margin, unused o.g., very fine
1875, 10 c. black/blue-green/yellow, tied by mute ring cancel to envelope from "PHILADELPHIA FEB 3" franked with US 1879, 2 c. vermilion and 3 c. green, 2 copies each, addressed to a member of the US coast survey steamer 'Blake' at St. Thomas and re-directed to St. Vincent. The Hapag stamp 2 clipped perfs at upper left and one 3 c. perforation cut away at right, otherwise fine. a very attractive and rare combination cover, just 2 other combination covers of Hapag and US stamps are recorded. Certificate Philaltelic Foundation (2017)
Puerto Cabello Steam Ship Co.: 1866, 2 r. green tied by Caracas double circle to entire letter 1866 via St. Thomas and England to Bordeaux, very fine (Facit LG11)
1869, Jesurun issue ½ real green, perf. 10 vertical marginal pair, precancelled with violet ink, used on envelope to Curacao with frontside arrival mark of 5.2.1874 with blue due notation "30". A rare franking, certificate C.A. Møller AIEP (2007) (Facit LG21)
2 reales with pen cancel used on cover with adjacent manuscript "pr. Packet" to Curacao. The stamp with somewhat rounded corner due to the difficult perforation, otherwise fine; a scarce cover, certifiate C.A. Møller AIEP (2007) (Facit LG22)
½ cent on brown, vertical block of 15, unmounted mint, the left row partly touched/cut into, otherwise very fine and fresh. A very scarce multiple, certificate C.A. Møller AIEP (Facit LG35)
II. PRINTING: ½ cent on brown, horizontal block of 10 with all transfer types, unmounted mint; 4 stamps slightly touched/cut into, otherwise very fine and fresh (one stamp natural paper bore); a rare multiple, certificate C.A. Møller AIEP (Facit LG35)
ANTIGUA-NOVA SCOTIA: 1867, Printed matter envelope franked with 1867, 1 d. vermilion (slightly rounded corner at upper right, tied by clear "A02" from "ANTIGUA DE 12 67" via "ST. THOMAS DE 14 67" to Annapolis, very fine (SG 7)
ANTIGUA - UNITED STATES: 1862, Small envelope with clear crowned circle "PAID AT ANTIGUA" and adjacent "ANTIGUA OC 11 62" to NEW YORK, transported via "ST.-THOMAS OC 14 1862" and in closed mail to Halifax and finally to New York, here marked with "STEAMSHIP 10" and "ADVERTISED 1 CENT"; very fine and scarce
ANTIGUA-UNITED STATES: 1869, "PAID AT ANTIGUA", clear strike of crowned circle handstamp on envelope from "ANTIGUA MY 27 69" via "ST. THOMAS MY 29 69" to Boston with frontside "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10 / JUN 11", prepaid with "4" d.
ANTIGUA-UNITED STATES: 1872, Lettersheet franked with 1867, 1 d. vermilion, vertical strip of 4 and single, tied by "A02", from "ANTIGUA AP 2 72" via "ST. THOMAS AP 4 72" to New York with "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10 / APR 19" on front, vertical cover crease affecting one stamp of the strip and another one damaged at top, still attractive, opinion Holcombe (SG 7)
BARBADOS-JAMAICA: 1862, Lettersheet from "BARBADOS OC 10 62" via "ST. THOMAS OC 14 1863" to Kingston with arrival mark on front, franked with 1861, 6 d. rose-red, tied by numeral "1"; slight age marks, still fine and scarce (SG 29)
BARBADOS-UNITED STATES: 1853, "PAID AT BARBADOES", crowned circle, good strike on small envelope via "ST. THOMAS JU 14 1853" to Philadelphia with frontside "STEAMSHIP 10", prepaid with 1/-"
BRITISH GUYANA-JAMAICA: 1863, Entire letter, franked 1862/65, 12 c. dull purple, tied by "A03", from "DEMERARA OC 23 63" via St. Thomas to Kingston with arrival mark on front; a fine letter (SG 47)
COLOMBIA-UNITED STATES: "PAID AT SANTA MARTHA", crowned circle in red on entire letter 1854 to New York via "ST. THOMAS OC 30 1854" and "KINGSTON JAMAICA NO 6 1854", prepaid with "1/-", very fine
COLUMBIA-UNITED STATES: 1853, Entire letter from Barranquilla to New York, showing on front clear "RECD. & FORWD. BY M. PRETTO & Co. ST. THOMAS" and red "PAID AT ST. THOMAS" (CC1) with adjacent manuscript "1/-", on reverse clear dispatch mark "ST. THOMAS OC 18 1853"
CUBA-ARGENTINA: 1871, Lettersheet docketed "Matanzas agosto 16 1871", addressed to Buenos Aires, prepaid with US 1870, 10 c. brown for the USBMC steamship rate, "FORWARDED BY J. NILES & Co. ST. THOMAS W.I." and posted at "ST. THOMAS 1 10 1871"; on front rated "2/4" (pesos/reales) in blue crayon. A fine and rare ship mail cover, one of 3 USBMC letters with only US stamp
CUBA - ARGENTINA: 1874, Entire letter from Santiago to Buenos Aires, transported by forwarding agent "J. NEILS & Co. ST. THOMAS W.I." (blue oval on reverse), franked with US 10 c. brown and (most likely) GB 4 d. orange which came off either already at St. Thomas or in transit, mailed "ST. THOMAS ../10 1874", transported by United States and Brazil mail steamship company vessel to Montevideo with small blue "CORREOS MONTEVIDEO 1 DIC 74", applied over the empty space of the British stamp. A very interesting and scarce letter of the "Argentina Mail"
CUBA-FRANCE: 1861, Entire letter from Santiago to Bordeaux, handled by forwarding agents "H. GRAFFSTEDT & Co. ST.JAGO DE CUBA" and "HEISE SCHMIDT & Co. ST. THOMAS", posted at the British PO with date stamp "ST. THOMAS C FE .. 61". A fine and interesting entire with very rare code "C"
CUBA-FRANCE: 1861, Entire letter from Santiago to Nantes, showing on reverse blue oval forwarding agent mark "G. NUNES & GOMMEZ ST. THOMAS" and British PO "ST. THOMAS AU 13 1861". On arrival charged with "8 decimes" but cancelled and changed to "16" in manuscript
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-FRANCE: 1855, Entire letter from Santo Domingo to Le Havre, transported by St. Thomas forwarding agent M. Pretto & Co. with clear cachet on front and with British PO "ST.-THOMAS 1855" (without day and month) via London to France with red boxed "COLONIES & ART. 13", charged "90" centimes on arrival. The St. Thomas date stamp without day and month was used during a short period after a fire devastated the post office on March 11, 1855. A fine and scarce entire
GUADELOUPE-FRANCE: 1866 (?), Printed Matter (not quite complete inside) franked with French Colonies Eagle issue 1 centime olive in horitzontal pair with good to large margins together with 20 centimes brown, somewhat cut into at left, tied by Pointe à Pitre cds. with adjacent boxed "PD", sent by closed mail via St. Thomas and Southampton; a fine and very scarce franking
GUADELOUPE-UNITED STATES: 1863, Lettersheet franked with French Colonies 1859/65, 5 c. green and 40 c. orange in strip of 3, tied by diamond of dots and "STEAMSHIP 10" to lettersheet with adjacent "POINTE-A-PITRE 10 SEP 1863" to New York with adjacent crowned circle "PAID AT GUADELOUPE", transported via "ST. THOMAS SP .. 1863". A fine and scarce combination cover, signed Jakubek
GUATEMALA - FRANCE: 1858, Entire letter from "GUATEMALA 3 AGO 1858" with adjacent red boxed "Franco" to Paris, sent via British PO "BELIZE AU 16 1858" per closed mail via St. Thomas to England and with triangle accountancy mark "GB 2 F" to France, here re-directed, little unfresh
MARTINIQUE - UNITED STATES: 1860, Envelope from "FORT DE FRANCE MARTINIQUE 27 MARS 1860" via St. Pierre to St. Thomas, here handled by forwarding agent Koefoed, Whitmore & Co. (clear red oval on front) and handed over to the Danish PO, here posted with cds. "ST:-THOMAS 15 4 1860" by private ship to Boston with frontside arrival mark, "SHIP" and "5" (cents due), small marginal faults
PANAMA - GREAT BRITAIN: 1876, Small sailor's letter (envelope) from a member of HMS Albatros at Panama, the ocal countersigned by commanding officier, franked with GB 2 d. blue, cancelled in transit with "C51" of St. Thomas, addressed to Pocklington with transit and arrival marks, most part of upper backflap missing and the stamp negligible small corner fault. A stunning letter, certificate Paaskesen (1995)
PRUSSIA - UNITED STATES: 1851, Entire letter from "COELN 17/2", prepaid with "39½" silbergroschen addressed to a member of the German ship "Reform" at San Francisco, endorsed "via Panama", travelled via London, in closed package per "Trend" to St. Thomas (arrived March 19) and on March 24 per "Great Western" to Shagres and further via Panama to San Francisco, on reverse forwarding agent mark "Reynolds & Co. Express / San Francisco" and oval "NOT PAID", both in blue. A fine and extremely rare letter of the forwarding agent Reynolds & Co., who disappeared already in the fall of 1851