373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
1919, 2nd. Kaunas Issue 60 sk. as complete sheet, between 3rd and 4th. stamp imperforated horizontally, used with clear cds. "KAUNAS 17.III.19", very fine and very rare as complete sheet (PSL.-Nr. 19d)
1923, Castle ruin 60 c. tied by “KAUNAS 24.XI.28” and 2 c. ochre to front and reverse to cover with green double line “Peuples écoutez! Le Coeur de la Lithuanie “VILNIUS” est dérobé par les polonaise” to Cairo with arrival mark, reverse franking (perforation faults) cancelled with arrival machine cancel, otherwise fine
1926/27, Double cross 2 c. orange, 3 c. brown (2), 5 c. green (2), 10 c. violet (6) and Lord Vytautas 2 c. brown and sepia (4) and 5 c. green and orange (3), all tied by cds. “PAPILE 20.VI.30” to reverse to multilingual propaganda cover “Vilnius Lietuvos sostiné buvo ir bus * Vilnius estis chefurbo de Lithuania kay ghi estos…” to Prague, folds and cover shortened at left
1941, Airmail 40 c., vertical pair and two single stamps Peace 5 c. tied by cds. “VILNIUS 27.I.41” to airmail cover with German double line accounting mark “Durchgangsgebühren verrechnet Postamt 5, Königsberg (Pr.)” to Blex, Switzerland with arrival mark and forwarded to camp for Jewish internees in Bad Schauenberg near Liestal
1940, Airmail 60 c., vertical pair and two single stamps Peace 15 c. tied by cds. “VILNIUS 13.12.40 to registered airmail cover with German censor mark “Lb 11b” to Blex, Switzerland with arrival mark and forwarded to camp for Jewish internees in Bad Schauenberg near Liestal, reverse rough opened with long tear
1940, Airmail 3 l. and Peace 15 c. orange tied by cds. “VILNIUS 10 11.11.” to registered airmail cover with handwritten endorsement “VIA YANKE CLIPPER” to New York with arrival mark, cover vertical fold at left, otherwise fine
1940, Airmail 3 l. and Peace 15 c. orange tied by cds. “VILNIUS 10 11.11.” to registered airmail cover with handwritten endorsement “VIA YANKE CLIPPER” to New York with arrival mark, cover vertical fold at left, otherwise fine
"KLAIPEDOS MUITINEJE" censor label on reverse of franked Express cover from ""JUODKRANTE 30.VIII.37" (Schwarzort, Memel) to Leipzog, one adhesive small fault, otherwise fine
1918/40, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit guten Werten und Sätzen
1919, Vilnius und Kaunas-Ausgabe, sehr interessante ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung beginnend mit 20 Stück ex Mi.-Nr. 1-2 sowie Mi.-Nr. 6 im Bogen, des weiteren Mi.-Nr. 17U im Paar ungebraucht, Mi.-Nr. 10I und 15II gestempelt, außerdem Abklatsche, Doppelzähnungen sowie 43 waagerechte und senkrechte Zusammendrucke sowie Herzstücke, Mi.-Nr. 20-26 im Bogen und etliche weitere Werte teils nach Typen und Feldern gesammelt, meist gute Erhaltung