373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
1851, entire letter from Zagata with handwritten endorsement from forwarded agent “Claussen & Frailes” (Tampico May.20) and second forwarded agent “Cramer & Co.” on reverse, new dispatch from “NEW ORLEANS JUN.6” with tax mark “PAID 5” via London with French transit marks “COLONIES & c.ART.13.” and “ANGL. 2 CALAIS 2 4.JUIL.” and tax cancel “30” (decimes) to Ustaritz, France with arrival mark, fine
1861, Hidalgo 1 r. on green, horizontal pair "AGUASCALTES" (1864), cancelled "O", very fine, just 400 issued, sign. Jaretzky and Greg Todd
1868, Thick numerals 6 c. on brownish, 37-71 LAGOS, block of 4 with clear oval "CORREOS SAN JUAN DE LOS LAGOS", very fine and scarce, sign. Jaretzky
50 c. on yellow, postal forgery, 23-70 OAXCA, used as usual at Mexico City, fine and scarce, sign. Jaretzky
100 c, on red-brown, postal forgery on very thick paper, 12-70 QUERETARO, scarce, sign. Jaretzky
100 c, rose, horizontal strip of 4, "180/ZAMORA", tied by boxed "FRANCO JIQUILPAN" to piece, fine, scarce shipment
1874/83, Hidalgo 100 c. on thin paper, strip of 3 and pair, "1980/QUERETARO", tied by oval "FRANCO EN SALVATIERA" to piece, scarce shipment
1887/88, Numerals 3 c. red, vertical marginal pair without watermark, perf. 6, unmounted mint
1900/60 (ca.), etwa 250 Ganzsachen und Briefe, dabei Einschreiben, Zufrankaturen etc.