377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
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1852, entire letter from "CHRISTIANIA 16/7 1852" with adjacent "DANEMARCK" octagonal handstamp, via Hamburg to Paris, endorsed "franco dansk Graendse", altered to "franco direct" and charged "11" decimes upon arrival
1851, FIRE R.B.S., Thiele 1st printing, plate 2, horizontal strip of 4, nice colour and good to large margins, tied by mute cancel to envelope with adjacent "KJØBENHAVN 31/8 1852" to Hamburg, very fine, certificates Moeller BPP (2002) and Nielsen (2004) (AFA 1Ia)
2 rbs. blue, Thiele, plate 2, good to mostly large margins, neatly cancelled with upright "1", very fine, certificate Moeller AIEP (2021)
2 rbs. blue, Thiele, good to large margins all around, used with numeral "1", fine, certificates Kaiser (1978) and Möller AIEP (2021)
2 rbs. blue, Thiele, good to large margins all around, used with numeral "1", fine, certificates Kobenhavns Philatelist Klub (1978) and Möller AIEP (2021)
2 rbs. blue, Thiele, horizontal pair with close to large margins all around, used with numeral "1" on small piece, fine, certificates Gronlund (1976), Kaiser (1978) and Möller AIEP (2016)
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf120 €
Zuschlag100 €
1858, 8s. green, fresh colour and good margins all around, unused with part original gum, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
0 1Katalog-Nr.2-6
Ausruf120 €
Zuschlag100 €
1940/41, overprint issue 20-60Ø., mint never hinged resp 1Ø small adherence, fine
1864, Inner-island letter to Claushavn with interesting contents: the newspaper arrived, brought by a British steamer, it reports the death of the king on November 15th and the invasion of German troops in Schleswig; very nice condition
1840, "LEEWARD ISLAND F" in green, clear strike on reverse of entire letter (the contents proving that it is coming from St. Thomas) to Edinburgh with clear London arrival mark of June 18, charged on arrival with "6/-"; some vertical folds, still fine and very scarce
"PAID AT ST. THOMAS" (CC2), good strike on entire letter from St. Croix with adjacent Danish "CHRISTIANSTED 12 5 1862" to South Zorra, West Canada, endorsed "Via Halifax", paid with 4 c. inland postage and "pd 4 d." British postage to Halifax, transported via "ST. GEORGES MY 18 1862", on reverse also transit mark of Quebec and arrival mark of May 31; on front marked "unpaid 5" which was applied to part paid letters. A very interesting and rare letter with light patina, one of the few recorded carried by open mail
1940/41, 20 on 1ø - 60 on 6ø, 50 and 60 from 2nd. printing, tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 12.5.41" to "Rejseliste" registered envelope, in addition 20 on 1ø with vertically shifted print tied by Klipfisk cds. to "Rejseliste" blank envelope, fine
1940/41, 20 on 1ø tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 4.6.41" to cover with pre-printed sender's address of N.S. Johannessens Eftf., fine
1940/41, group of five larger pieces with four singles Numeral 5ø on piece, four singles 6ø on piece, strip of three 6ø together with three singles 60 on 6ø, 6ø together with 20 on 1ø and Numeral 10ø together with Gebyr stamp 5ø and 50ø on 5ø, one certificate Moeller
1940, 20ø on 5ø red-lilac, six singles tied by cds. "VAAG 17.5.41" to value declared cover over 4000 Kroner to Thorshavn with arrival mark, scarce and attractive multiple franking
1941, interesting group with Caravelle 20ø on local cover and 6 larger pieces with three parcel COD clips, mostly different frankings, fine
1940/41, cover with two singles Caravelle 25ø brown on "Afleveringsattest" to Sandevaag and registered cover with Provisional 50ø addressed to the Court in Thorshavn, fine
1940/41, 2nd. printing, 50 on 5ø tied by Klipfisk cds. "THORSHAVN 14.3.42" to registered local cover, in addition two registered cover with five singles Numeral 10ø resp. with Caravelle 20ø as pair and single Numeral 10ø, fine
1940/41, small group of three pieces with 50 on 5ø together with Gebyr stamp 5ø, 60 on 6ø on piece and three singles Numerals 6ø together with Christian X. 60ø, fine
1940, small group with one cover with Caravelle 15ø together with Numeral 5ø on cover and four pieces including Caravelle 20ø. on piece and Numeral 5c. as strip of four on piece, mostly fine
1940, Numeral 10ø, two singles on local cover and Caravelle 15ø together with Numeral 5ø on local cover, in addition Caravelle 20ø grey on small piece, nice group
1940, Numeral 10ø, two singles tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 19.7.40" to local cover, slightly shortened at right, otherwise fine, scarce
1939/40, interesting group of 6 covers including Last Day Cover of 15Ø rate from "THORSHAVN -9.7.40" and a letter written on 9th of April 1940 about the occupation of Denmark
1940, small group with one cover with two singles Numeral 10ø on cover and four three pieces including Numeral 10ø as pair on piece, fine
1940, interesting group of seven cards and covers including registered cover from Sandevaag and value declared cover from Ejde, good condition

1940/45, First Day Covers, interesting group of 28 covers with many better including Mi.-Nr. 5 on FDC with certificate Grønlund and Mi.-Nr. 5-6 2nd. printing with additional values on FDC "THORSHAVN 26.4.41", mostly good condition
1941, interesting group of 13 cards and covers including registered cover with Mi.-Nr. 5 and Karavel 20 ø. on cover from Lervig, good condition
1941, interesting group with Caravelle 20ø on cover from Viderejde and 4 pieces, mostly from postal notes, fine

1942/43, group of 18 cards and covers and two large pieces including a nice pre-printed envelope, cover with local Strafporto, reused cover Tofte and Thorshavn, reused by Færø Amt, mostly good conditon
Radio Greetings: 1940, Radiohilsener, one regular cover and one registered cover, both addressed to the British Consulate representing the 20ø local rate resp. the 50ø inland registered rate, the latter cover somewhat stained, otherwise fine
LOCAL BRITISH CENSORSHIP: 1942, Christian X. 50ø grey tied by cds. "MIDVAG" to registered cover to Thorshavn with two-line censor mark "OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR" struck twice on reverse, stamp a little unfresh, very rare with only one other registered cover with censor mark known
LOCAL BRITISH CENSORSHIP: 1942, Numeral 10ø violet, vertical pair tied by cds. "SØRVAG" to cover to Thorshavn with two-line censor mark "OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR" and paper label, stamps a little soiled, otherwise fine, scarce
LOCAL BRITISH CENSORSHIP: 1943, Caravelle 20ø red, tied by cds. "SANDEVAG" to cover to Thorshavn with two-line censor mark "OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR" struck on reverse, fine and scarce
LOCAL BRITISH CENSORSHIP: 1943, Christian X. 20ø red, tied by cds. "MIDVAAG" to cover to Thorshavn with two-line censor mark "OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR" struck on reverse, fine and scarce
BRITISH LABELS: Christian X. 25 and 50ø as, each as horizontal pair tied by cds. "TRANGISVAAG 30.8.45" to complete parcel card with British type label "Trangisvaag 335" for a parcel of 8kg to Denmark by M/S Mogens, Upon arrival in Copenhagen it has been found that the parcel is damaged and stamped "Indgaaet med beskadiget Emballage, Toldpostkontoret København" (Entered with damaged Packaging, Customs Post Office, Copenhagen). Delivered despite the damage without objection, endorsed on reverse "12/9 45 Pk modt- trods beskadigelsen uden Indsigelse, underskrift". In addition, loose British label "Trangisvaag 733", a very fine group the loose label being very rare if not unique
BRITISH LABELS: 1945, Christian X. 25ø brown, vertical pair tied by cds. "VAAG 17.12.45" to registered cover with British R-label with handstamped "VAAG" to Thorshavn and Christian X. 50ø grey tied by cds. "SKOPEN" to registered cover with British R-label "THORSHAVN", few wrinkles, few wrinkles, very attractive and rare