377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
1852, 6 baj. on lilac grey, 3 single copies with single 5 baj. on carmine rose , one 6 baj. little touched in one place, otherwise all clear to wide margins, tied by clear grid cancells to small envelope from "ROMA 28 GEN. 67" to new York, very fine, certificate Enzo Diena (2019) (Sassone 7A,6A)
PAPAL STATES-GREECE, 1856, Entire letter from Ancona to Syros, entirely prepaid with 1852, 6 bajocchi on grey and 2 copies 7 bajocchi on blue, tied by grid cancel with adjacent "ANCONA 9 GEN. 56" and greenish blue oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ancona"; on reverse arrival mark of January 5 (Julian calendar). A fine entire
SARDINIA-INDIA, 1855, Part-paid entire letter from Genova via Trieste and Alexandria to Calcutta, franked with 1854, 40 centesimi in horizontal pair, tiny touched at upper right, otherwise good to large margins, and 20 centesimi dark blue with good to large margins including 2 mm sheet margin at top, all neatly cancelled by cds. "GENOVA 7 LUG. 55". On reverse transit marks of Trieste (10.7.) and Alexandria (17.7.), also boxed "CALCUTTA STEAM LETTER 1855 Aug. 17 Bearing" with manuscript "8" (annas) to be paid by the recipient. A very fine and attractive letter with extremely rare destination for the Italian States. Several signatures and certificates Enzo Diena (1980) and Bottacchi (1996) (Sassone 9b, 8c)
ITALY (SARDENIA)-TURKISH EMPIRE (LEBANON), 1862, Small cover from "MILANO 9 APR. 62" to Beirut, franked with 1861, 20 centesimi celeste with full to large margins; adjacent arrival mark of the Austrian post office "BEYRUT 23 APR.". The cover was only prepaid to the Italian/Austrian border, for the remaining way taxed with "15" new kreuzer Austrian postage and "20" (in manuscript) new kreuzer sea postage from Trieste to Beirut. A fine and scarce cover. Certificate Bottacchi (1995)