378. Auktion
21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (32) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN - Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 7. Auktion (11) Apply ALTDEUTSCHE STAATEN - Die Sammlung ERIVAN · 7. Auktion filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil II) (1) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil II) filter
- Transatlantik-Post über Bremen – Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer (152) Apply Transatlantik-Post über Bremen – Die Sammlung Friedrich Meyer filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (1) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsches Reich (1) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Europa (1) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (1) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Transatlantikpost (153) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
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- Bayern (1) Apply Bayern filter
- Braunschweig (1) Apply Braunschweig filter
- Bremen (3) Apply Bremen filter
- Hannover (2) Apply Hannover filter
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin (3) Apply Mecklenburg-Schwerin filter
- Oldenburg (1) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Preußen (1) Apply Preußen filter
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- Württemberg (2) Apply Württemberg filter
- Österreich (3) Apply Österreich filter
- Weißrußland (Belarus) (1) Apply Weißrußland (Belarus) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (1) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (2) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
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- Toskana (1) Apply Toskana filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (1) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (2) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (4) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (2) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
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- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (2) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Neubraunschweig (1) Apply Neubraunschweig filter
1865, (Aug 26) double-weight pre-printed envelope of the "Consulate General of Switzerland" endorsed "Per Bremen Steamer", franked with 1861, Washington 3c. rose and Jefferson 5c. brown and Washington 10c. green as strip of three, all tied by cds., to Egelshofen Switzerland. First accountancy mark "16" applied, this crossed out and correctly "32" applied, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied and "8 Wf" noted for the postage beyond the GAPU
1866, (Feb 19) cover endorsed "By Bremen / Hamburg Line" franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black, two singles affixed slightly overlapping and single Washington 24c. grayish lilac, all tied by target cancel with matching cds. "SPARTA FEB 19" alongside, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMN. PKt. FEB 24 PAID" to "George E. Pratt Car of his Excellency Rufus King..Rome". Red Crayon "25" credit to the Stadtpostamt and via Taxis mail, Marseille and Civitavecchia to the Destination. The stamps some blunted perfs, small tear, some wear and mended at right where opened roughly, a fine and very scarce fully prepaid use through France to Italy
Provenance: The Bernard Faust Collection of U.S. 1863-68 Black Jack Issues (Robert A. Siegel, 2018)
1866 (May) folded letter via New York with black integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. Pk. 3 MAY 5" via Bremen and St. Petersburg to Jacobstadt, Finland. Upon arrival in Bremen blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, Bremen debited "9 3/4" sgr., the recipient was charged with "47" kop. resp "1m 88p", fine
1867, (May 15) small cover franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black and Washington 3c. rose and 10c. green, all used with manuscript with adjacent cds. "BEISTERTOWN MAY 15", via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN PK MAY 16 PAID 12" to Horgen, Switzerland. Upon arrival in Bremen, despite the insufficent franking, blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" added, only Baden than added boxed "FRANCO Schweizer Grenze", thus the recipient was charged with "15" rp., some staining around the stamps, a very interesting entire showing the rare handstamp
adressed to Horgen, Switzerland.
1867, (Jul 19) unpaid double-weight cover from "ST. LOUIS JUL 19" via New York with black integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. PKt. 6 JUL 25" to Bodenheim, Württemberg. Upon arrival in Bremen blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and accountancy mark "44" applied, the cover shortened, but an attractive and rare example of this handstamp
1867, (Aug 10) envelope franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose and 12c. black, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "RICHMOND AUG 10" alongside, via New York wit red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pkt. AUG 15 PAID 12" and upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, a fine and attractive entire
1867, (Oct.) small envelope addressed to the "SS Shenandoah Hong Kong China", which operated in Japanese waters, franked on front and backflap with 1861 Washington 1c. blue, two singles 10c. green and 24c. gray lilac, used with several strikes of straight-line "PAID" and adjacent cds. "TIOCA OCT",. Upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO", manuscript "via Triest" and "fr. Alex." applied, the British Post office in Alexandria charged "1"sh. The stamps small defects, a very attractive cover, being the only known with Country of origin USA sent via Bremen Mail to Hong Kong, China
1867, (Oct 9) mourning cover endorsed "per steamer for Bremen from New York", franked with 1861 Lincoln 15c. black, used with cork cancel and matching cds. "BALTIMORE OCT 9", to Hannover via New York with red "N. YORK BREM. PKT OCT 10 PAID 12" and upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, fine and attractive
1867, (Oct 24) cover endorsed "p. New York" and franked with 1861 Jefferson 5c. brown and Lincoln 15c. black, tied by cork cancel, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pk. OCT 24 PAID 12" and Bremen to Pruschany, Gouver. Grodno, Russia. Upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, "Wf 2" charged, with Pruschany arrival mark, some minor toning and some nibbed perfs, a very attractive and rare cover
1867, (Oct 24) double-weight cover endorsed "via Bremen" and franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose horizontal pair, tied by cork cancel, via New York with black integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pkt. 6 OCT 24", New York stamped "SHORT PAID", upon arrival in Bremen blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and the rare accountancy mark "13" sgr. applied, some transportation wear, otherwise fine and rare
1867, (Oct 24) cover franked with 1861 Lincoln 15c. black, tied by cork cancel, via "N. YORK BREM. PKt. OCT 24 PAID 12" to Vienna, carried on the NDL's "New York, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" struck and tying the stamp, fresh and very attractive cover
1867, (Dec 2) envelope franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black as vertical pair and Lincoln 15c. black, all tied by cork cancel with adjacent cds., via Bremen to Safenwyl, Switzerland. Upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied and "4" noted for the postage beyond the GAPU, very fine and attractive
1867, (Dec 5) double-weight registered envelope endorsed "pr Bremen Steamer" franked with 1861 Jefferson 5c. brown and Franklin 30c. orange, neatly tied by cork cancel, via New York with "NEW-YORK REGISTERED DEC 5 1867" applied to Eichelsachsen, where the recipient had to pay "4" delivery fee, a fine and very rare registered letter
1867, (Dec 12) double-weight envelope franked with 1861 Jefferson 5c. brown single, pair and horizontal strip of three, all with manuscript cancellation, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pkt. DEC 12 PAID 24" to Steinach, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" struck and partly tying the stamps, the recipient was charged "2" Kr. delivery fee, stamps some minor faults, a very attractive, unusual franking to pay the double 15c rate
1854, folded lettersheet from "SAN FRANCISCO 16 AUG" with red crayon "33" and straight-line "PAID" alongside via Panama, New York with red cds "N. YORK BREM PK. OCT 3 PAID", and Hamburg to Stockholm, where the recipient was finally charged "56" öre, a fine and attractive entire
1855, (Oct 5) Postal stationery envelope 10c. green with additonal franking 1851 Washington 12c. black, framelines touched at left, tied by cds. "SAN FRANCISCO 5 OCT" via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK NOV 3 PAID 6", transported by the "Hermann" via Bremen to Hamburg, some minor soiling, otherwise fine, signed Jakubek BPP
1859, unpaid folded lettersheet from New York via Hamburg to Sweden, charged with "6 3/4" sea postage, Hamburg added "2sgr" and applied blue accountancy mark "8 3/4", and sent via Lübeck to Stockholm, a fine and attractive entire
1860, (Sep 29), envelope endorsed "per Steamer" franked with 1857/60 Franklin 1c. blue and Washington 10c. green, both tied by cork, the 1c. representing the "carrier fee" within New York, to Bremen, 1c. applied at edge thus some missing perfs, a very fine and attractive usage
Refernce: Understanding Transatlantic Mail, Volume 1, Richard F. Winter, page 50
1862, (Apr 19) cover endorsed "Pr. Steamer" franked with 1861 Franklin 1c. blue, Jefferson 5c. buff and Washington 10c. green, all with neat red grid cancels and matching integral cds. "N. YORK HAMB. Pkt. APR 19 PAID 10" alongside, to Bremen, reverse with oval "HAMBURG 6/5. 62" transit mark, a very attractive and colourful franking, paying the rare 15c. rate plus 1c. carrier fee
1862, (May 6) double-weight cover endorsed "via Bremen" franked with 1861 Washington 10c., two singles and Franklin 30c. orange, all with grid cancel with matching cds. "MILWAUKIE MAY 6 1862" alongside, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM PK. MAY 16 PAID" and Hamburg to Lunden, Holstein. Some transportation wear, 30c. small tear at bottom, still and attractive entire
1863, (Aug 15) cover endorsed "St. America" franked with 1861 Jefferson 5c. brown, horizontal pair, with cork cancel and adjacent integral cds. "N. YORK BREM PK AUG 15 PAID 7" to Bremen, one stamp short perf, a fine and attractive cover paying the special rare to Bremen
1863, (Sep 27), General George B. McClellan and Eagle with shield, blue design, unpaid cover printed by "Lith. Hunckel & Son Balt." mit matching cds. "BALTIMORE SEP 27" to "G. Hunckel" in Bremen, some toning, very scarce and attractive
The recipient was the printer of the Bremen stamps
1865, (Aug 22) cover endorsed "via Bremen Packet" franked with 1861 Washington 10c. green, tied by grid with matching cds. alongside, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. PK. AUG 26 PAID 7" to Jever, Oldenburg, upon arrival in Bremen black boxed "Paid to Bremen" applied and the recipient charged with "1" sgr., a fine and attractive cover wih part-payment for the special Oldenburg tariff
Reference: Understanding Transatlantic Mail, Volume 1, Richard F. Winter, page 59
1865, (Dec 30) cover franked with 1861 Jefferson 5c. brown and Washington 10c. green, tied by grid, with adjacent red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM PKT. DEC 30 PAID 12", to Varel with arrival mark. A fine and attractive entire where New York credited 12c. out of an unfamiliarity with Oldenburg's tariff
1866, (Mar 30) double-weight envelope endorsed "pr Steamer via Panama" from "SAN FRANCISCO MAR 30" via "N. YORK BREM PKT. APR 21 6", transportet on the "Hansa" to Bremen, from there via "ST. HAMBURG 5/5 66" to Christiansand where the recipient was charged "84" sk., backflap missing, a fine entire with scarce destination
1866, (Dec 15) cover endorsed "per Steamer Amerika" franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black, five overlapping singles, all tied by cork cancel, to Bremen. Red "N. YORK BREM. PK DEC 15 PAID 7" alongside, some manuscript scribbled out on reverse, a very attractive and unusual for the 10c. franking to Germany
Provenance: The Bernard Faust Collection of U.S. 1863-68 Black Jack Issues (Robert A. Siegel, 2018)
1867, (Apr. 9) printed matter price list marked "CIRCULAR" and endorsed "pr Str. Hansa" franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black, tied by cork, to Bremen. With accountancy handstamp crediting Bremen "½" alongside, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, fine and attractive
1867, (Apr. 25) cover endorsed "fr. Bremen Mail Pr Str. Deutschland" franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black and Washington 24c grayish-lilac, tied together by grid cancels, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pk. APR 25 PAID" and red crayon "20" alongside, to Oldenburg. Carried on the North German Lloyd steamer Deutschland via Southampton to Bremen, flap tear and some minor soiling and corner wear, a fine and very attractive cover being the only registered showing the double-rate of the special Oldenburg tariff
Provenance: The Bernard Faust Collection of U.S. 1863-68 Black Jack Issues (Robert A. Siegel, 2018)
1867, (Jul 13) printed matter endorsed "pr Steamer via New York", franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose, tied by cork and matching cds. "GALVESTON", to Bremen, upon arrival red accountancy mark "½" and blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO applied, fine
1867, (Aug 26) Postal stationery envelope 3c. rose with sender address imprinted at left, used with negative "D" and matching cds. "DUNKIRK AUG 26", via New York where, since the postal stationery was valid for postage only on domestic correspondence, light strike of integral cds. "N. YORK Brem.Pk. 3 AUG 28" applied to Renzlin, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Upon arrival in Bremen rare blue accountancy mark "6½ America über Bremen" applied, the recipient was finally charged "10½" Meck. Schilling. A very attractive entire showing this rare accountancy mark, combined with a scarce destination
Provenance: 3. Altdeutschland-Spezial Auktion (Till Neumann, 2009)
1867, (Oct 5) unpaid cover from "Buonos" and endorsed "p. paid" via New York and Hamburg to Bremen, upon arrival in Hamburg accountancy mark "6½" and rare italic "aus America." and further boxed "not paid" applied, reverse with transit mark "HAMBURG ST.P. 17/10 67" and arrival mark, the cover partially, especially at upper right restored, otherwise a fine and rare entire
1867, (Oct 15) printed matter endorsed "per Steamer via New York" and franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose, tied by cork and matching cds. "GALVESTON OCT 15" to Bremen, routed via Hamburg thus upon arrival in Bremen red accountancy mark "1" struck, lower corner unobtrusively repaired, an attractive entire
1867, (Nov 27) printed matter franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black, tied by cork cancel, to Bremen with red accountancy mark "½" and blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" alongside, fine
1867, (Dec 6) folded letter dated "Cayes (Haiti) 6 December", privately forwarded to New York with black integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. Pk. 3 DEC 26" to Hamburg, upon arrival in Bremen black accountancy mark "6½ America über Bremen" struck, the recipient was charged "9" Hamburg Schilling, a fine and attractive entire being the only registered bearing this accountancy mark in black
1867, (Dec 18) cover endorsed "Pr. Hamburg Steamer" franked with 1861 Lincoln 15c. black, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "CHICAGO DEC 18" alongside, to Dömitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin via Bremen and Hamburg with transit marks. An attractive letter which, contrary to the routing endorsment, was carried by the "UNION" of the NDL via Bremen, the last ship to be charged at the Bremen rate
1867, (Dec 18) cover franked with 1861 Lincoln 15c. black tied by cork with matching cds. "NEW ORLEANS" alongside, via New York with two red integral cds., the latter "N. YORK HAMB. Pkt. DEC 22 PAID 12" to Bremen, reverse with "HAMBURG ST. P. 7 1 67" transit and Bremen arrival mark,