378. Auktion

21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Ausruf300 €
Zuschlag750 €

EGYPT - DENMARK: 1857, unpaid entire letter from Alexandria to Aalborg, dated inside "31er October 1857", showig on revers forwarding agent handstamp "DUMMREICHER FRERES & Co. ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE", on front "COL VAPORE D'ALESSANDRIA" next to blue boxed "6¼" (silbergroschen) of Triest for the conveyance to the danish border, corresponding with manuscript "8½" Hamburg shilling. In Denmark a total of "36" skilling were charged to the receipient, including 8 skilling internal Danish postage. An interesting letter with scarce destination.





Ausruf100 €
Zuschlag120 €

USA TO DENMARK: 1868, Washington 3c. rose and 10c. green with cork cancel and matching cds. "WINONA OCT 19" alongside on cover to Denmark, upon arrival in Bremen violet boxed "BREMEN 2 11 68" and boxed accountancy mark "Weiterfr. 1 Sgr". applied, some wear, as stamps where applied at edge, and part of backflap and small part of front at lower left restored, still a attractive and scarce destination





Ausruf200 €
Zuschlag360 €

USA DEN DENMARK: 1870, Pictorial Issue 3c. blue, single and strip of three tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "HARTDORF FEB 23" to pre-printed cover via New York with "NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT FEB 26" and via Bremen with red boxed "BREMEN 1/3 70 FRANCO" and accountancy marks "2½" resp. "Weiterfr. 1 Sgr." to Denmark with arrival mark, small opening tears at left, right stamp with corner crease entirely in margin. Very attractive cover from the Warner correspondence, the rates to Denmark by NGU mails were 13c prepaid and 16c unpaid, the Hartford mail clerk apparently experienced significant confusion on this point as a number of covers from this correspondence are overpaid or underpaid, here a 1c. underpayment was ignored and treated as fully prepaid 





Ausruf100 €
Zuschlag120 €

USA TO DENMARK: 1872, McMasters Stanton 7c. orange-red tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "SAN FRANCISCO SEP 1" alongside to cover via "NEW YORK PAID ALL VIA BREMEN SEP 11" to Kopenhagen, Denmark, fine