379. Auktion

19.-24. September 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Ausruf200 €
Zuschlag360 €

TUSCANY – TURKISH EMPIRE (CYPRUS): 1857, unpaid entire letter fom Livorno to Cyprus, taxed on front with 9 kreuzer Austro-Italian Postal Union rate and 12 kreuzer sea postage from trieste to Larnaca and showing on front clear double line "LARNACA 1. APR." of the Austrian post.





Ausruf10.000 €
Zuschlag23.500 €

WESTERN AUSTRALIA – MALTA: 1857, entire letter, dated "Australind 5th/10th OCTO. 1857" to Malta, endorsed "per Steamer from King George Sound"and franked with 1854/55, 4 d. blue with large margins and pair 1 d. black, slightly touched at lower right, otherwise clear to good margins, tied by barred oval with adjacent "POST OFFICE AUSTRALIND WESTERN AUSTRALIA"; on reverse clear blue oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO MALTA". Most likely the letter was transported by the 'European & Australian Steam Navigation Company' to Suez, via 'Overland Mail', from Alexandria to Corfu by the Austrian Lloyd 'Trieste express line' and finally to Malta by a short-lived branch line. A very fine and fresh letter of great rarity, showing the only recorded example of the Austrian Lloyd agency handstamp of  Malta. Certificate BPA (2007)

Frank Chadwick (1978)
Henry Houser (1992)