379. Auktion
19.-24. September 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (637) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Die Sammlung Larry C. Parks (18) Apply Die Sammlung Larry C. Parks filter
- ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN 1870 - 1872 - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (54) Apply ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN 1870 - 1872 - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs filter
- England über Bremen (2) Apply England über Bremen filter
- INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil III) (33) Apply INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil III) filter
- Memelgebiet 1634-1945 - Die Sammlung Robert G. Wightman (7) Apply Memelgebiet 1634-1945 - Die Sammlung Robert G. Wightman filter
- Transatlantic Mail (22) Apply Transatlantic Mail filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (59) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (4) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (6) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsches Reich (17) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (36) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (28) Apply Luftpost filter
- Transatlantikpost (24) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
- Hannover (1) Apply Hannover filter
- Memelgebiet (1) Apply Memelgebiet filter
- Großbritannien (1) Apply Großbritannien filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (3) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Irland (Eire) (3) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Russland (Poccия) (1) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (1) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Brasilien (1) Apply Brasilien filter
- China (2) Apply China filter
- Ägypten (2) Apply Ägypten filter
- Aden (1) Apply Aden filter
- Libanon (1) Apply Libanon filter
- Syrien (1) Apply Syrien filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (5) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Indien (3) Apply Indien filter
- Ionische Inseln (Ionioi Nhσoi, Eπtanhσoσ) (1) Apply Ionische Inseln (Ionioi Nhσoi, Eπtanhσoσ) filter
- California Postgeschichte (1) Apply California Postgeschichte filter
1867, Duloz, unissued 25 pia. light salmon with perf. 12 ½, unused with original gum, some blunted perf., otherwise fine and fresh copy of this extremely rare stamp, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 38)
1876, Duloz, unissued 25 pia. dull rose with perf. 13 ¼, unmounted mint and fresh colour, fine copy of this extremely rare stamp, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 97)
1908, Constitution 5 pa.-2 pia. with First Day cancels in special presentation folder
1909, Thugra overprint for printed matter 2 pia. slate, perf. 12, fresh colour, unmounted mint, fine, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 290)
1913, Adrianople 10 pa.- 40 pa. perforated "SPECIMEN", 40 pa. one toned perf., otherwise fine
1914, Constantinople views 1 pia.-100 pia. on registered First Day Cover to Munich with arrival marks. Envelope horizontal fold at base, otherwise fine; very rare
1915, Crescent and Six-pointed Star on Printed Matter Stamp 5 pia. violett, instead on 5 pia. postage stamp , used, fine and rare, not listed in Michel , certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 570FF05)
1915, Crescent and Six-pointed Star on 10 pa. green, double overprint on stamp of plate I instead of plate II, one overprint inverted, used, fine copy of this rarity, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 574FS18)
1916, Crescent and Six-pointed Star Overprinted 10 pia. brick red with perf. 12, unused and fresh colour, fine, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 594)
1918, 3,5 rbl. tied by cds. "KIEV 4 3 19" to money order, folded in the middle, fine
1920, Ottoman Museum Revenue Stamp 1 pia. ultramarine with overprint error „1 of 1337 missing“ (plate IV, field 9), unsued, fine, very rare, only 29 stamps are printed with this overprint error, private signature and pencil signature and certificate Englert (1996)
1783, entire letter with red straight line "NORWICH" via London and Ostend to Bolzano, prepaid with "1sh4" and "6" kreuzer charged upon arrival.
1786, entire letter with red double line "ROCH/DALE" via London and Ostend to Bolzano, prepaid with "1/6" and "6" kreuzer charged upon arrival.
1840, Mulready letter sheet 1 d. black, used with red MC from "STOOLTON JU 4 1840" to Hartlepool, small Paper break at front
1840, 1d. black, pl.6, LH, nice fresh colour and good to large margins, showing part of neighbour stamp at top, unused with not original gum, two insignificant small thin spots, otherwise very fine and fresh. A very attractive stamp. Certificate Louis BPP (2022)
1d. black, plate 2,FH, ample to good margins, neatly cancelled by red MC, vf
1840, 1 d. black, A-C, plate B with clear red Maltese Cross, good to wide margins all round, fine, signed Bühler with opion (1984)
1840, 1 d. black, pl. 1B, IC, with variety "watermark inverted", good to large margins, used with black MC, very fine, certificate Louis BPP (2005)
2d. blue, PG, ample to good margins, neatly cancelled by black MC, vf
1856/58, 1 d. deep rose-red (plate 34) on white paper, die II with watermark 4, block of 4 (QA-QB/RA-RB) with large left sheet margin, unused with large part of original gum, folded horizontally and partly separated between stamps, otherwise fine, certificate Louis BPP (2017)
1847/54, Embossed 1 sh. deep green, die 2, cut square, little touched at right, used on small mourning envelope 1855 to a lieutenant at Bangalore, India with arrival mark of November 7th.
6d. purple, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by central barred numeral, vf
1867/80, 1 sh. green, pl. 5, 3 marginal copies with parts of inscriptions, used
1882, 5 sh. rose on blued paper, perfectly centered and perforated, neatly cancelled "REGISTERED GRACECHURCH ST. 19DE82",minor and almost invisible corner perf creases at base, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare stamp, certificate Louis BPP (2022)
1883, 5 sh. rose on blued paper, well centered and perforated, cancelled by duplex "LONDON NO 21 84", very faint pressed crease, otherwise very fine and fresh. A scarce stamp, certificate Louis BPP (2022)
EGYPT: "B01" ALEXANDRIA, four mostly clear strikes on 2 re-joined pairs 1862/64, 1 sh. green, vf
1821 (1. Sept.), "PACKET SHIP ATLANTIC ABRAHAM BELL & CO OWNERS NO 33 PINE ST NEW YORK" clear red three-line cachet on reverse of folded letter from Belfast endorsed "Ship Atlantik" to Lynchburg, front showing "NEW YORK SHIP LETTER" and manuscript "27" rating, a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this rare ship handstamp
1828 (2. July.), "PACKET SHIP FABIUS ABRAHAM BELL.....", red three-line cachet (slightly enhanced) on reverse of folded letter from Ireland to Pattonsburg, Virgina, after landing in New York treated as ship letter and charged 2c. plus 18 3/4 cents for inland to Pattonsburg, with further manuscript "forwarded" and charged additional 10 cents, total showing as "10/30", a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this handstamp. The Bell cachets are registered for the sailing ships Atlantic, Courier, Josephine, and Robert Fulton, the Fabius being very rare and maybe unique
1828 (28. July.), "PACKET SHIP WILSON MALCOMSON & BELL AGENTS NO 9 DONEGAL QUAY BELFAST", red three-line cachet on reverse of folded letter from Philadelphia to Belfast, front showing boxed "* BELFAST * SHIPLETTER" and manuscript "6" rating, some wear as to be expected, a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this rare ship handstamp
1835 (9. June.), "PER BELFAST & NEW YORK PACKET SHIP SARAH SHEALE MALCOM ON & BELL AGENTS NO 9 DONEGALL QUAY BELFFAST" clear red four-line cachet on reverse of folded letter from New York to Dungannon, front showing boxed "* BELFAST * SHIPLETTER" and manuscript "1/-" rating, some wear as to be expected, a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this rare ship handstamp
1848, Embossed 1sh. green, horinzontal pair and singles 1841 1d. red and 2p. blue, fresh colors and mostly good margins, 2d. touched, tied by barred numeral "466" to folded letter endorsed "Niagara" to Boston with "48" cent retaliatory charge applied, vertical crease touching 2d., otherwise fine and scarce entire
1848, registered double-weight folded letter dated "15 Dec. 1848" endorsed "per Europa", prepaid with two singles 1847 Embossed 1sh. green, cut to shape, additional "6" p. for registration paid in cash, carried on Cunards "Europa" final retaliatory voyage to New York, with "48" double-rate manuscript applied upon arrival, a fine and scarce entire, certificate PF (2004)
1848, folded letter dated "Rotterdam 19 Sept 1848" endorsed "p Steamer Cambria" via Liverpool with framed "PAID AT LIVERPOOL" and red handstamp "1/-" to Philadelphia, upon arrival in Boston red cds. "BOSTON SHIP" and matching "34" cent retaliatory handstamp struck, fine
1848, folded lettersheet from "BOSTON SEP 11" with matching red "PAID" and red "29" alongside, endorsed "pr Niagara" to Annan, with arrival and "1/-" retaliatory due rating, forwarded to Glasgow and franked with 1841 1p. red, tied by blueish numeral, touched, attractive Retaliatory period cover
1849 (15 Sept.), folded letter dated "Manila 15 September" with oval forwarder cachet "FORWARDED BY FLETCHER ALEXANDER & Co London" on reverse, via London endorsed "p. Hibernia" with double-circle "PAID 30 NO 1849" manuscript charge "1/-" and matching credit handstamp "5 CENTS" alongside, carried by the "Hibernia" to New York and finally to Salem, part of reverse stained, otherwise fine