380. Auktion
16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden
3 kr. brown-carmine, size 25:30 mm, type II, unused, hardly perceptible corner bend at lower left, a fine copy of this scarce stamp, signed Mrnák, Gilbert, Karasek a.o.
Special delivery 5 h. green, type III, mint never hinged, very fine copy of this scarce stamp, signed Mrnák and Lešetický and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2016)
Overprint on Austrian airmail stamps: 1,50-4 kr., unused, few slightly shortend perfs, otherwise fine, a. o. signed Mahr BPP, Darmietzel BPP
Overprint on Austrian postage due stamps: 1908/13, 2 h. carmine, unused, a fine copy of this incredibly rare stamp, with only 75 printed, signed Lešetický Ustredna, Tribuna and Mahr BPP with certificate (1982) and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018)
Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 30 h. red, type 3, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Mrnak and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018)
Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 50 h. red, unused, very fine, sign. Pofis a.o.
Overprint on Austrian newspaper stamps: 10 h. lilac-red, type II, mint never hinged, very fine, only 250 issued, sign. Mrnák, Lešetický, Tribuna a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2016)
Overprint on Turul: 70 f. brown on greenish, type IV, unused, at top tiny shorter perfs, fine, only 150 issued, signed Gilbert a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)
Overprint on Hungarian parliament issue: 10 kr., type I, unused with the barest trace of hinge, very fine, a scarce stamp with only 235 issued, sign. Lešetický Ustredna etc., and Karasek with certificate (as mint never hinged; 1999)
Overprint on Hungarian stamps inscribed "MAGYAR POSTA": 20 f. brown, type III, unused, two slightly shortened perfs at top, still a very fine copy of this rare stamp, only 100 issued, sign. Gilbert, Mahr BPP a.o. and certificate Karasek (1999)
Overprint on Hungarian Postage due stamps with black numerals: 5f., type I, unused, fine, scarce with only 200 printed, signed Mrnák a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)
1945, 10h. yellow-brown, corner sheet, unobstrusive paper bend away from the design, variety imperforated at right, mint never hinged, fine and very scarce
1943, THERESIENSTADT, rosa Rückschein für einen R-Brief von Wien in das Ghetto mit Wiederaufgabestempel "BAUSCHOWITZ 24.VI.43", gefaltet
1943, Reko-Adressaufkleber der sogenannten 'Ölsardinenaktion', ungebraucht, sehr selten
1943, B+M Hitler 50 H.. mit Stempel "BAUSCHOWITZ 12.X.43" auf Vordruckkarte aus Theresienstadt." mit OKW-Zensur nach Tanger mit Ankunftsstempel und vorderseitigem Davidstern-Stempel "C", sehr selten
1944, weißes Benachrichtigungs-Formular für die Zulassungsmarke mit angeheftetem zugehörigen frankiertem Einlieferungschein mit Hitler 1K. mit Stempel "PRAG 18.VII.44"
Incoming Mail: 7.12.44, Schweizer GSK 20 C. von Zürich mit langen Text nach Theresienstadt mit Zensur und Eingangs-L1 vom 10.2.45
0 1 3Katalog-Nr.
1918/38, mint, unused and used group, including printers waste, proofs, i.a. Mi.-No. 404/05, three proofs to 1 Kr., imperforated in other colours etc.
1918/2016, attractive unused and mint collection with plenty of better values including Mi.-Nos. 29Ua, 29Ub, 54Ia, 58I, 81-91, 92-97, 118-119, also a good part of officials as well as a collection Slovakia, some signed or with certificate Darmietzel BPP
1918/2018, mint never hinged, unused and used holding with collections and part collections, including good issues like anthem souvenir sheet pair sign. Mrnak etc., plus postage and SO, in albums in 2 large boxes.
1945 (approx.), 3 stampless letters to the President (2) and to the Foreign Minister Eduard Benes/Praha Hrad, each with the addition "Secret" and "Urgent" respectively, each with large lacquer seals of the Czech Embassy in Paris on the reverse, once with additional paper seal of the same.
1945, Becov to Zabren, comprehensive unused and mint collection with some covers, including multiples and se-tenants, mostly neatly mounted on exhibition pages, good condition
1920/21, 10h., 20h., 40h. and 100h., franking a small group of four (4) covers and cards including some incoming mail from Germany, one 10h. bisected with an horizontal pair tied with cds "PIRKENHAMMER" to an envelope from Karlsbad, also a 1939 Slovakia 1,50k. Reply Card mint; overall condition very fine (Mi.-Nr. P2, 4, 7, 9)