380. Auktion
16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden
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- Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth (5) Apply Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) (15) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) filter
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1859/81, General Issues, specialized assembly of over fifty (50) used stamps and one cover, neatly mounted and mostly described on album leaves, starting with 1859 Eagles tied by postmark dotted diamond "SNC", Cérès, Sage and Alphé Dubois, including better items such as Sage 1877 75c. rose horizontal pair tied cds "DAKAR", Eagle 10c. bistre horizontal pair, touched at upper left, tied by dotted diamond "SNG" to front of an envelope (part back flap missing) to Toulon, redirected to Brest, on front departure cds "SENEGAL SAINT LOUIS 27 JANV. 65" and "CORRESPONDANCE D´ARMÉES" alongside, shipmail cds (unclear), back arrival cds "TOULON SUR MER", etc; condition varies, mostly very fine
1887/1966, collection of hundreds of used stamps, as well as some covers, neatly written on album leaves, starting with 1887 15c. on 20c. horizontal pair with both type XVII and XX se-tenant, 1892 Sage issues with some duplicates, including some covers such as 5c. green two strips of three tied by cds "SENEGAL" to front of envelope (faults) to Bordeaux, etc.; condition varies, mostly fine to very fine
GORÉE: 1859/61, group of six (6) folded entires to Bordeaux, five struck by blue cds "GORÉE", endorsed "Voie anglaise", maritime to Bordeaux with cds "COL. FR. ANGL. AMB. CALAIS." alongside, from the Sengenes correspondance, some small faults, fine to very fine
1915/64, collection of over two hundred (200) used stamps and a dozen covers, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album pages, some duplicates, nice range of postmarks, airmail covers and multiple frankings, mostly very fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 1/123)
1864/1970, collection of hundreds of used stamps as well as some covers, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, starting with some stampless folded entires tied by cds "TUNIS", France Napoleon 40c. orange singles tied by dotted diamond "5107" to two folded entires to Marseilles, red entry cds "TUNIS PAR BONE ALGERIE" and cds "TUNIS 67" alongside, reverse arrival cds "MARSEILLES", French Protectorate issues with better items such as 1893 2fr. violet (Mi 27), 1906 20c. brown scarce vertical strip of three with gutter tete-beche (uncatalogued in Michel, Yvert 34a), 1918 15c. on 5fr. violet/black (Mi 68), over twenty (20) covers and cards including registered and multiple frankings, general condition mostly very fine, an attractive assembly (ex Mi.-Nr. 1/464)
1888/1960, collection of over hundred (100) used stamps, with better items such as 1888 5fr. violet on lilac paper (2), signed Calves or Roumet, mostly very fine (ex Mi.-Nr. P1/65)
1892/1960 (ca), collection of over three hundred (300) used stamps and a few covers, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, starting with 1892 French Sage "Congo Francais" tied by cds "BATA" or "BENTO", Ferdinand Poo 1899/1903 with better items such as 1900 50c. on 20c. lilac-red double overprint (Mi 66 uncatalogued), some Paquebot postmarks, Spanish Guinea 1902/60 including better items such as First Issue 1902 2pta. dark olive and 5pta. salmon-red (Mi 7, 8), some covers including airmails with multiple frankings, overall condition mostly very fine, a nice assembly
1920/60, collection of over seventy (70) used stamps, neatly mounted on album leaves, also three 1930s registered airmail covers from Ouagadougou, mostly very fine
1892/1960, collection of over 200 used stamps mounted on album leaves, starting with Anjouan, following with Grande Comore, Mohéli and Mayotte, mostly early issues, a few multiples and also two covers; overall condition is very fine
1844/1894, small collection of 9 covers, including France Mi. 16 in a strip of four on cover from Alexandria and 31 on cover from Cairo, GB Mi. 34 in a pair on cover from Alexandria, etc., all with description in Spanish.
1914/72, collection of hundreds of used stamps, neatly mounted on album leaves, starting with issues from the French Protectorate, with better items such as 1917 2fr. dark brown (Mi 35), 1912 Cherif local stamps, also some covers, mostly fine to very fine
1871/1900, collection of over 40 covers sent underfranked from foreign countries to France, neatly presented in one album, all taxed upon arrival, some colourfull combinations incl. franked mail from North German Confederation, Switzerland, Argentina, USA, etc., also a wrapper from Denmark to Algeria, mostly very fine, an attractive collection
1924, collection of 9 covers, cards and some unused stamps related to the 1924 Paris Olympics, some Machine Meter cancellations "JEUX OLYMPIQUES PARIS MAI-JUIN-JUILLET 1924" on cards and pieces, Liban and Syrian 1924 four overprinted sets unused and one official program in French, also a collection of St Moritz Oympics, mostly very fine
1887/1900, small group of over twenty (20) used stamps and covers, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, better items such as 1900 5m. dark green/carmine-brown (Mi 19), 10pf. red postal stationery card tied by cds "KAMERUN", alongside arrival cds "SHANGHAI 3 / 4 00", also some French "Tresor et Postes" unstamped envelopes, postcard tied with postmark "MATADI A BORDEAUX L.L. N°2 3 3 15", mostly very fine