380. Auktion

16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden

Used for lot[min] lot[max filters used in emails, not UI, ui is hidden by css
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.




Ausruf250 €
Zuschlag340 €

1855, PACIFIC: Small Envelope from "DOYLESTOWN DEC 29" to Brussels, Belgium, overpaid 25 cents as Belgium was not available as fully pre-paid destination, upon arrival in London red "U.S. Pkt" struck and manuscript "4"d. debit to Belgium applied, in Brussels boxed "DEBOURS ETRANGERS..." applied and total of "6" decimes applied in manuscript, attractive entire of the last voyage before being lost at sea