380. Auktion
16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2721) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth (248) Apply Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth filter
- Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil IV) (117) Apply Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil IV) filter
- El Salvador – Die Sammlung Michael Peter (92) Apply El Salvador – Die Sammlung Michael Peter filter
- Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) (60) Apply Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) filter
- Privatpost – Die Sammlungen Peter Rogers (Teil II) (151) Apply Privatpost – Die Sammlungen Peter Rogers (Teil II) filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten – Die Sammlung ERIVAN – 9. Auktion (307) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten – Die Sammlung ERIVAN – 9. Auktion filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) (933) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) filter
- Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil I) (277) Apply Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil I) filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1391) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (555) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (989) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (115) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (447) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (506) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (211) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (406) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (49) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (39) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (33) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Transatlantikpost (281) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
- Übersee (257) Apply Übersee filter
- Bayern (1) Apply Bayern filter
- Hannover (1) Apply Hannover filter
- Preußen (1) Apply Preußen filter
- Sachsen (2) Apply Sachsen filter
- Württemberg (1) Apply Württemberg filter
- Deutsches Reich (1) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Kamerun (1) Apply Kamerun filter
- Memelgebiet (1) Apply Memelgebiet filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (2) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Frankreich (2) Apply Frankreich filter
- Irland (Eire) (3) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Italien (1) Apply Italien filter
- Lettland (Latvija) (1) Apply Lettland (Latvija) filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (3) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Brasilien (1) Apply Brasilien filter
- Ecuador (1) Apply Ecuador filter
- Mexiko (1) Apply Mexiko filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Indien (3) Apply Indien filter
- (-) Remove Einzellose filter Einzellose
1890, Second Issue 1c. to 25c. black imperforate, complete set used, very fine, signed Calves (Mr.-Nr. 6, 7, 8, 9)
1987/89, Antarctic plants 6,50 fr., 1,70 fr. and 2,80 fr., each as 'epreuve d'artiste' in black on handmade paper, very fine and attractive
1891, Alphée Dubois First Issue, 5c. to 15c., complete set of seven tied by cds "LIBREVILLE", very fine, signed Calves or A.Brun
1892, Postage Dues Overprinted, Third Issue, complete set of four, goog to large margins, used, 5c. on 20c. lower sheet border, very fine, signed Calves
1894, First Issue, 0,15c. on 75c. carmine, used, very fine, a scarce stamp signed Brun and Roumet
1894, First Issue, 0,25c. on 1fr. olive on light yellow paper, used, very fine, a scarce stamp signed Roumet
1892, German Empire 10pf. card tied by French cds "CONAKRI RIVIERES DU SUD JUIN 92", embarked as Atlantic shipmail with cds "LOANGO A MARSEILLE L.M.N°1" and arrival cds "MUENCHEN 10 JUL 92" alongside, insignificant soiling on the lower right of the card, otherwise extremely fine, very rare Conakri postmark, exceptional in combination with the German card
1893, Allegories Overprinted, 5c., 25c. on 2c. and 50c. on 1c., the three values neatly cancelled, very fine, signed Brun or Calves (Mi.-Nr. 1II, 2, 3)
1894, 1fr. on 5fr. red, Camel Post overprint, used, very fine, signed Calves
1894, 5fr. red, Camel Post overprint, used with "DJIBUTI" handstamp, small gum spot on front mentioned for accuracy, still very fine and scarce stamp, signed Brun and Calves
1894, 10c. brown/green, bisected vertically and tied by cds "DJIBUTI COTE FRANCAISE DES SOMALIS 1901" to a Journal Officiel and its wrapper to PARIS, some reinforcement on the wrapper, still fine; also another 10c. brown/green bisected tied by cds "COTE FRANCAISE DES SOMALIS 1901" to reverse of a small wrapper to PARIS, some soiling, a fine group
1862/81, Eagles 40c. orange (thinned), 80c. rose, Cérès 10c. bistre and 40c. vermilion, tied by dotted losange "GAB" or by cds "CORRESPONDANCE GABON", also Alphée Dubois 15c. blue, 25c. black on lilac rose and 30c. brown, fine to very fine, signed Calves, very scarce group
1889, Alphée Dubois 15. on 10c. black on lilac paper, used, very fine, signed Calves and Roumet, a very scarce stamp
1889, Alphée Dubois 15c. on 1fr. olive, fresh, tied by postmark "CORR: D´ARMÉE", very fine, signed Calves, a scarce stamp
1889, Alphée Dubois 15c. on 1fr. olive, neatly tied by cds "LIBREVILLE 30 MARS 89", very fine, signed Calves, a scarce stamp
1889, Alphée Dubois 25. on 10c. black on lilac paper, fresh and well-centred for this difficult issue, tied by cds "LIBREVILLE 89", very fine, signed Calves, a rare stamp
1889, Alphée Dubois 25. on 75c. carmine, with cds "LIBREVILLE 26 MARS 89", very fine, signed Calves, a rare stamp
1889, 15c. black on rose paper, fresh with very good margins, tied by cds "LIBREVILLE MAI 89", very fine, signed Calves and A.Brun
1889, 15c. and 25c black on rose and green paper respectively, fresh with very good margins, tied by cds "LIBREVILLE MAI 89", very fine and scarce set, signed Calves
15c. and 25c black on rose and green paper respectively, fresh with good to very good margins, tied by cds "LIBREVILLE MAI 89", very fine and scarce set, signed Calves, A.Brun, Roumet
25c. black on green paper, fresh with very good margins, tied by cds "LIBREVILLE 24 MAI 89", very fine, signed Calves and Roumet
1881, Alphée Dubois 25c. yellow-brown, upper right corner missing, neatly tied by cds "LIBREVILLE 17 FEVR. 86" to small envelope from the Veuve Hugé correspondence to France, endorsement "Voie portuguaise France", reverse arrival cds "ROCHEFORT s/ MER 14 MARS 88", fine and scarce
25c. yellow-brown, some faults, neatly tied by large cds "ETABLISSEMENTS DU GABON 18 FEVR. 1885" to small envelope from the Veuve Hugé correspondence to France, reverse arrival cds "ROCHEFORT s/ MER 17 MARS 86", cover opened for display and small tear on reverse, fine and rare cancellation
25c. yellow-brown, natural paper corner crease and one short perf., neatly tied by cds "LIBREVILLE 17 AVRIL 86" to small envelope from the Veuve Hugé correspondence to France, reverse arrival cds "ROCHEFORT s/ MER 13 MARS 88", fine and scarce
25c. yellow-brown, neatly tied by large cds "ETABLISSEMENTS DU GABON 14 FEVR. 1885" to small envelope from the Veuve Hugé correspondence to France, transit cds alongside, reverse arrival cds "ROCHEFORT s/ MER 11 MARS 86", minor toning mentioned for accuracy, fine and rare cancellation
25c. yellow-brown, small faults, tied by cds "COTE D´OR ET GABON 18 JUIL. 85" to envelope from the Veuve Hugé correspondence to France, endorsement "Voie Portugaise France", transit cds alongside, reverse arrival cds "ROCHEFORT s/ MER 17 AOUT 85", fine and scarce
25c. yellow-brown, tied by a fair strike of the cds "COTE D´OR ET GABON 19 NOV. 85" to small envelope from the Veuve Hugé correspondence to France, endorsement "Voie Portugaise France", reverse arrival cds "ROCHEFORT s/ MER 20 NOV. 85", fine and scarce
1859, Eagle 40c. vermilion, well balanced margins, small thin, tied by very fine strike of the very scarce dotted diamond "ASI" (Assinie) postmark, general issues of the French colonies ued in Ivory Coast are very scarce
1881, Alphée Dubois 35c. dark violet on yellow orange paper, tied by cds "COTE D´IVOIRE GRAND BASSAM 26 AVRIL 93", very fine, rare usage of the general issues of French colonies in Ivory Coast
1899, stampless envelope sent postage free to France, endorsed on front "Correspondance militaire de Kong (Petit) (Etats de Samory)", entering the mail stream at Bettie with cds "BETTIE 21 MARS COTE D´IVOIRE", reverse cds "GRAND BASSAM 25 MARS 99", on front shipmail lines cds "SOUDAN-FRANCAIS L.M.N°2" and "LOANGO A MARSEILLE L.M.N°.3 28 MARS 99" (possibly S/S Tibet), arrival reverse cds "SALINS JURA 15 AVRIL 99"; a few tone spots otherwise very fine, very scarce and impressive route
1889, First Issue 05c. on 10c, 05c. on 25c. and 25c. on 40c., fresh colours, used, very fined, signed Calves and Brun
1889, Second Issue 05c. on 40c. (3), 15c. on 25c. (3), 5c. on 10c. (2), used, mostly very fine, signed Calves (Mi.-Nr. 4, 5, 6)
1891, 5c. black on green paper imperforate, complete sheetlet of ten typesets cancelled "TAMATAVE", corner crease at lower right, also five single used, a few shallow thins as usual, mostly very fine
1891, 10c. black on greenish-blue paper imperforate, complete sheetlet of ten typesets cancelled "TAMATAVE", one stamp tiny thin spot otherwise very fine, also four singles used, very fine
1891, 15c. blue on grey paper imperforate, complete sheetlet of ten typesets cancelled "TAMATAVE", tiny pinholes mentioned for accuracy, also five single used, very fine
1891, 25c. brown on bistre paper imperforate, complete sheetlet of ten typesets cancelled "TAMATAVE", small tear and corner crease not affecting the stamps, also ten singles used, with shades, one cancelled with cds "VOHEMAR"; mostly very fine, the sheetlet signed Brun