380. Auktion
16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2721) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth (248) Apply Amerikanische Postschiffe über den Atlantik 1800–1870 – Die Sammlung Graham Booth filter
- Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil IV) (117) Apply Bayern ab 1849 – Die Sammlung Eliahu Weber (Teil IV) filter
- El Salvador – Die Sammlung Michael Peter (92) Apply El Salvador – Die Sammlung Michael Peter filter
- Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) (60) Apply Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil I) filter
- Privatpost – Die Sammlungen Peter Rogers (Teil II) (151) Apply Privatpost – Die Sammlungen Peter Rogers (Teil II) filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten – Die Sammlung ERIVAN – 9. Auktion (307) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten – Die Sammlung ERIVAN – 9. Auktion filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) (933) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil I) filter
- Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil I) (277) Apply Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil I) filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1391) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (555) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (989) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (115) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (447) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (506) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (211) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (406) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (49) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (39) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (33) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Transatlantikpost (281) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
- Übersee (257) Apply Übersee filter
- Bayern (1) Apply Bayern filter
- Hannover (1) Apply Hannover filter
- Preußen (1) Apply Preußen filter
- Sachsen (2) Apply Sachsen filter
- Württemberg (1) Apply Württemberg filter
- Deutsches Reich (1) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Kamerun (1) Apply Kamerun filter
- Memelgebiet (1) Apply Memelgebiet filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (2) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Frankreich (2) Apply Frankreich filter
- Irland (Eire) (3) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Italien (1) Apply Italien filter
- Lettland (Latvija) (1) Apply Lettland (Latvija) filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (3) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Brasilien (1) Apply Brasilien filter
- Ecuador (1) Apply Ecuador filter
- Mexiko (1) Apply Mexiko filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Indien (3) Apply Indien filter
- (-) Remove Einzellose filter Einzellose
1891, 1fr. violet/black on yellow paper imperforate, eight (8) used singles clearly identified by their respective position in the sheet, one stamp with shallow thin otherwise mostly very fine, a very scarce assembly, signed Calves or Brun
1891, 5fr. violet/black on grey paper imperforate, seven (7) used singles clearly identified by their respective position in the sheet, some occasional shallow paper thins, fine to very fine, a rare assembly, signed Calves, Brun or Roumet
1902/21, INVERTED OVERPRINTS, 1902 15c. on 1fr. and 1921 0,60c. on 75c. used (the latter tied by cds "TANANARIVE" to fragment), very fine (Mr.-Nr. 51, 141)
1943, France Libre 20fr. yellow brown/blue, neatly tied by cds. "TANANARIVE RP. MADAGASCAR 14 8 43" with further strike alongside to a local registered envelope, label "N°261", some slight soiling from the reverse flaps showing through on front, very fine and rare, signed Calves
1889, First Issue 25c. on 30c. brown, used, very fine, signed Brun and Roumet
1889, First Issue 25c. on 40c. brick red, used, very fine, signed Brun and Roumet
1889, First Issue 25c. on 40c., clear margins, used, very fine, signed Calves
1889, Second Issue 5c. on 10c. black on lilac paper, tied by cds "NOSSI BE 10 JUIN 1889" to small fragment, stamp lifted for examination and replaced; very fine and scarce, signed Brun, Roumet
1890, Third Issue 25c. on 20c. red on green paper, used, very fine, signed Calves
1892, Allegory overprinted, 4c. violet-brown on grey used, very fine, signed Calves
1892, Allegory overprinted, 75c. carmine, used, very fine, signed Calves
1892, Allegory overprinted, 1fr. olive on light yellow, used, very fine, signed Roumet, Calves
1892, 5fr. on 1fr. overprinted, tied to small fragment by cds "OBOCK", signed Calves and Roumet, very fine and scarce
1894, Camel post 5fr. blue/rose, good margins, neatly tied by cds. "OBOCK 22 JUIN 94 COLONIES FRANCAISES" with adjacent framed "R", to a small envelope to Nancy, France; handed over to a French paquebot with shipmail handstamp "LIGNE T PAQ. FR. N°4 23 JUIN 94" (Salles 2.142), reverse arrival cds. "NANCY 3 JUIL 94"; very fine and attractive, a scarce usage
1891, 40c. light yellow-orange, four balanced margins, used, very fine, signed Calves and Roumet
1891, Allegories 30c. to 1fr., fresh colours, used set, 30c. brown with vertical fold on the sheet margin (not affecting the adhesive), the scarce 75c. carmine signed Brun and Calves, very fine
1891, 1fr. olive on yellowish paper, well centered, used, very fine, signed Calves
1857, commercial folded entire to Bordeaux, endorsed on front "Par voie anglaise", tied with a fair strike of the blue circular handstamp "DIRECTION DE LA POSTE AUX LETTRES ST. LOUIS (SÉNÉGAL)", framed red "PD" and cds "COL. FR. AMB. CALAIS: M", reverse arrival receiver "BORDEAUX 12 AOUT 57", very fine and scarce early mail from Saint Louis (first post office established one year earlier)
1887, Alphée Dubois First Issue, 5c. on 20c. (type I) very tiny thin, 5c. on 30c. (type I), 10c. on 4c. (type VII), 15c. on 20c. (2) (type XIV), tied by cds "SAINT LOUIS" or "DAKAR", mostly very fine, signed Calves and Brun
1887, Alphée Dubois First Issue, 10c. on 20c. (type VII), tied by cds "DAKAR 31 OCT 87", very fine, signed Calves
1887, Alphée Dubois First Issue, 10c. on 20c. (type VIII), fresh colour, tied by cds "DAKAR 31 OCT 87", very fine, signed Calves
1887, Alphée Dubois Second Issue, 75c. on 15c. blue and 1fr. on 5c. green, black overprint, used, very fine, signed A.Brun and Calves
1916, Handstamp Overprint 5c. blue-green, 10c. red (2) and 1p. on 25c. blue, neatly tied by cds. "ILE ROUAD * 30 - 4 1916" to a registered cover to Port Said, on reverse arrival cds. "PORT SAID 31 5 16"; some slight imperfections, otherwise very fine and scarce
1922, Allegory 5000r., horizontal strip of four together with Overprinted 3000r. on 100r., tied by cds. "TIFLIS 26 6 22" to registered envelope to Germany, adjacent oval transit mark "MOSCOW 7 - 7 22" and arrival "BERGEDORF 14.7.22", minor soiling otherwise fine
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO SYMI", clear strike in blue on 1867, 10 so. blue, fine printing, on entire letter 1878 to Trieste. On reverse transit mark of Smyrne and arrival mark. Very fine. The only recorded franked entire with this handstamp in blue. Certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer (2004)
Provenance: Dr. W. Shalcross (1956), Dr. Anton und Elisabeth Jerger (Corinphila, 2004)
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SCIO", fine strike of bluish black oval handstamp on entire letter to Athens, rated "10" lepta for inland postage, rare and fine
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Metelino", oval handstamp in black, fine strike on letter sheet 1859 to Constantinople, fine and rare
1871, Franz Josef 2 kr. yellow tied by cds. "BUDAPEST 74 DEC-20" as additional franking to Postal stationery card King Franz Josef 2kr. to Zürich with arrival mark "ZURICH 22 XII 74", very fine and attractive combination, very scarce
1871, Franz Josef 3 kr. green tied by oval handstamp to Postal stationery card King Franz Josef 2kr. to Leipzig with cds. "AUSGABE 21 XI", horizontal crease and small tear at bottom, still an attractive two-colors combination, very scarce
1904, 2kr. grey-blue/black, perf. 11½, fresh colours, unused with original gum, very fine and scarce
1909, Turul and King Franz Josef, 1f. to 5kr., sixteen imperforate blocks of four with sheet margins (1913 16f. missing), 2kr. grey-blue/black light horizontal bend, 5kr. lilac-brown/black fold in the sheet margin far away from the adhesives, mint never hinged, fine to very fine
1934, Souvenir Sheet, 20ft. carmine-brown, with uncut lower sheet margin (scarce thus), horizontal fold on the margin far way from the design, unused, very fine (Mi.-Nr. BL1)
1949, 70th birthday J. Stalin 60 f. - 2 ft. imperforated each in block of 9 contiguous as horizontal large block with large margins on three sides, anmounted mint with small gum crease, otherwise fine, very rare, so far only a few copies are known
1933 Hopflug Itala 1kr.-10kr., unused, very fine and scarce, with certificate A. Diena (1974)
1852, Crowned Eagle 5c. black/green and 25c. black/brownish, both barely touched at corner otherwise good to large margins, neatly tied by blue horizontal barred cancel with adjacent framed "UFFIZIO POSTALE IN SASSUOLO" and "P.D." to a registered folded entire to Modena, on front single line "RACCOM" and arrival cds. "MODENA 20 GIU 55"; an attractive and very fine cover, signed Diena
"CARPI", so-called 'Cuore' cancel, clear central strike on Sardegna 5 c. light olive yellow on piece, very fine, certificate Colla (2022) (Sassone 13Ca)