382. Auktion
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (5) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- UPU UPU Postal Stationery Archives (1) Apply UPU UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (111) Apply Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma (4) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma filter
Official corner card cover "COMITÉ DES JEUX OLYMPIQUES A ATHENS", used with Hermes 25 l. (defective corner), tied by c.d.s. "ATHENS 7 MAR 06", to IOC member Dr. Willibald Gebhardt in Berlin. Rare and most interesting.
1907, official New Year’s greeting card of the Director General of the Greek Postal Administration, small corner crease at lower left and some minor marginal staining, still fine and very scarce
2 unused and 4 used picture postcards (one with franking fallen off) of the stadium during the games, 2 franked on picture side as printed matters 1906 to Sweden resp. Denmark
Four norwegian postcards, one of the games and three of the return celebrations, including one postcard to Shanghai with arrival mark of the German post
1 2 3Katalog-Nr.ex144-156
Unused and used group on seven album pages including several imperforated and part-perforated stamps, special cancellations, tax stamps, etc.
FISCAL USE: 1919, 3 on 2 dr. and 5 dr. with additional stamp, tied by seal cancel to document
1896, Olympische Spiele 1 Lepta bis 10 Drachmen komplett, ungebraucht, einwandfrei
1896, Olympic Games 1 lepta to 10 drachma complete, unused, fine
1924, 100. Todestag von Lord Byron 80 Lepta als ungezähnter Foto-Probedruck auf Karton geklebt mit Bleistift-Datierung "22/2/1924" in einwandfreier Erhaltung
1924, 100th anniversary of the death of Lord Byron 80 lepta as imperforated photo proof on cardboard glued with pencil-dating "22/2/1924", very fine
1924, 100. Todestag von Lord Byron 2 Drachmen als ungezähnte Farbprobe auf Karton ohne Gummierung, links mit senkechter Faltung durch das Markenbild mit gebrochenen Rändern, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung
1924, 100th anniversary of Lord Byron's death 2 drachmas as imperforated colour specimen on cardboard without gum, on the left with countersunk fold through the stamp image with broken margins, otherwise fine
1924, 100. Todestag von Lord Byron 2 Drachmen als ungezähntes Foto-Probedruck, zwei verschiedene (einmal nur Rahmenzeichnung) auf Karton geklebt mit Bleistift-Datierung "11/3/24" bzw. "22/3/24" in einwandfreier Erhaltung, selten
1924, 100th anniversary of Lord Byron's death 2 drachmas as imperforated photo proof, two different (once only frame drawing) glued on cardboard with pencil dating "11/3/24" and "22/3/24" respectively, very fine, rare
"ULTRAMAR": 1901/27 (ca.), unused group of over 20 postal stationery and parcel cards, incl. reply cards (2) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some wrappers (4); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

1875/1972 (ca.), unused and mostly used collection, neatly mounted in one album, covering both Greece and Turkey, incl. postage dues, charity stamps, etc., overall condition is fine to very fine
1877/1900 (ca.), small lot of postal history, including 2 covers with ottoman all Arabic octagonal handstamps of Canea and Candia, 2 covers with handstamp of the Greek PO at Smyrna, "THE ASIA MINOR / SCREW STEAMSHIP CIE / SYMI AGENCY" handstamp on letter, etc.