382. Auktion
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (93) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil I) (3) Apply Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil I) filter
- Franco- und Hufeisenstempel – Die Sammlung Karl-Heinz Willin (1) Apply Franco- und Hufeisenstempel – Die Sammlung Karl-Heinz Willin filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma (1) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma filter
SMOLENSK: 1922, "7500 rub" handstamp overprint on 250 r., thin paper, four very good even margins, a couple of light creases and small tear at left barely touching frame, still fine, a very scarce stamp, sign. and certificate Ceresa (2013) (Geyfman-Nr. 2)
SURAZH: 1922, "100" brownish black overprint on 1 r., three horizontal pairs, tied by unclear oval cds. "--- VOKZAL 11 22" to piece, fine and extremely rare, sign. and certificate Ceresa (2014)
1863, 6 k. dark blue, second printing, position 2, fresh colours, large margins all around, unused with remnants of original gum, tiny thin, still fine, with some Agathon Fabergé pencil notes on reverse
1879, 2 k. black/rose, together with 1884 1 k. orange (two singles), 7 k. blue and 10 k. red/green (horizontal pair and single), all neatly tied by cds. "ROPIT CONTANTINOPLE 25 FEV 91" to registered envelope to Berlin, adjacent blue single line "ZAKAZNOE", reverse transit cds. "ODESSA 27 FEV 1891" and Berlin arrival cds. "14/ 3. 91"; very fine, an attractive and scarce Four-Colour franking
LEVANT-ZEMSTVO: 1892, Kharkov Zemstvo 5 k. blue/silver, tied in transit by oval handstamp "KHARKOV DIST. ZEMSTVO ADMINIST. - 92" to an envelope to the village Osnava, sent from Constantinople, bearing on reverse Russian Levant 10 k. red/green paying the maritime fee and tied by cds. "CONSTANTINOPLE JAN. 93", transit cds. "ODESSA 28 JAN 1893" and "KHARKOV 31 JAN"; very fine, a very scarce mixed franking (Schmidt-Nr. 28)
"BERLIN P.E.9 F N1 30.10.68" zweimal klar in Grün auf Wert-Briefkuvert mit Rötelvermerk "9/30 ½ = 39 ½" (Groschen: 9 Groschen NDP-Anteil + 30 ½ Groschen Weiterfranco) nach Wilna mit Ankunftsstempel rückseitigem Vermerk "95 Kop. WF" (umgerechnete Gesamtgebühr). Der Umschlag ist in guter Gesamterhaltung inklusive der fünf rückseitigen Lacksiegel, interessante und seltene Auslandsverwendung
1889/1901, Ganzsachen-Anzeitgenfaltbrief der Maria-Feodorowna-Stiftung 7 Kopeken mit u.a. Abbildung "Klavier von C. Bechstein", ungebraucht, in tadelloser Erhaltung, selten
1889/1901, postal stationery-annex cover of the Maria-Feodorowna-Foundation 7 kopeks with i.a. illustration "Piano by C. Bechstein", unused, very fine, rare
7 Kreuzer blau im waagerechten Paar mit Rahmenstempel "FRANKFURT A.M. STADTPOST EXP.No.2. 2.17" auf Faltbriefhülle an die Direktion der Charkov-Krementschuker Eisenbahn in Krementschuk mit Ankunftsstempel. Die Briefhülle mit Falt- und Beförderungsspuren, das Markenpaar mit zum Teil etwas unruhiger Zähnung, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung. Sehr seltenes, nur wenige Monate mögliches 14 Kreuzer-Porto vom 2. Tag der Gültigkeit der Brustschildmarken, Fotoattest Sommer BPP (1994)
7 Kreuzer grauultramarin in Mischfrankatur mit großer Schild 3 Kreuzer karmin je mit EKr. "PFORZHEIM 15...73" auf Briefkuvert mit gedruckter Adresse und rotem Handstempel "Franco." via England nach New York mit Ankunftsstempel. Die 7 Kreuzer-Marke leicht eckrund und etwas fleckig und der Umschlag oben mit Einriss, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung. Trotz der Einschränkungen ein dekorativer und mit Kreuzer-Frankatur nicht häufiger Brief nach Übersee
1 Groschen karmin und waagerechtes Paar 5 Groschen ockerbraun je mit Rahmenstempel "SLAWENTZITZ 27.2.(74)" auf R-Briefkuvert der 3. Gewichtsstufe an den Fürstlich Hohenlohischen Hofrath Karl Gustav Friedrich von Bühler (ab 1877 Mitglied im Deutschen Reichstag) in St. Petersburg mit Ankunftsstempel. Die linke 5 Groschen-Marke und der Umschlag mit Einriss und die 1 Groschen-Marke etwas eckrund rechts unten, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung. Trotz der Einschränkungen eine seltene 11 Groschen-Frankatur nach Russland

Ireland Military 19th Century: 1800/1902 collection written up on over fifty pages, includes British East India Company, Crimea War, Boer War, comprises mail to and from serving personnel, with wide variety of franked and stampless covers, many scarce markings and destinations, many Irish postmarks, noted 1855 green Dublin duplex on envelope to Crimea, in addition many individual documents, also mail from or to USA, Canada, Germany delivery mail, German Navy mail from the Marinepostbureau to Ireland, extremely rare, a Gold medal exhibit.
1825/56 (ca.), group of 9 covers, mounted on album pages, incl. 2 Polish stampless folded entires, with some official letters and interesting handstamps "ODESSA 4/3" and framed "AV", mostly fine

1858/1918 mostly used stamp collection, comprising one album, begins with three examples of Michel 1, one which is tied to small frangment and comes with a Mikulski certificate, another has four margins and cancelled by a manuscript cross, also Michel 8 tied to piece by St. Petersburg red datestamp also comes with a Mikulski certificate and is Ex. Fabergé, very fine Michel 2 tied to piece with good perforations, Michel 5 to 11 and 8 to 28, with eight y values, noted Michel 38 and 39y used, two covers with Michel 139/48A, at the back of the album some nice Russia Levante and occupation of China, comes with Ebnet Russia 1857/1917 book and a 2005 Michel, very high catalogue value, an excellent collection.

1868/1917, over 130 covers and postal stationeries, housed in one album, many registered, incl. Mute Cancel and illustrated envelope, mixed condition

1880/1923 complication with duplication of mint and used stamps, comprising one ring binder, includes Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Wenden, civil war areas, the main value in the Ukraine with many significant values, numerous fresh and fine singles, a good collection.
2002/19, small lot with eight scarce booklets and some sheets of self-adhesives (Mi. ca. 5400,-)
1810/1917, over 20 covers mostly from or to current Estonia, neatly mounted on album pages, incl. registered, stampless and official mail, with superb strike of the handstamp "PERNOV" on folded entire dated 1810, etc., mostly fine
1853 – 84, 11 unfranked and franked letters and postcard, except one all to abroad, including nice railway letter

1872/1914 (ca.), accumulation of over 100 covers and cards from Lithuania under the Russian Empire in one album, incl. some official and registered mail, wide range of postmarks, together with some incoming mail, in mixed condition
1891/1916, interesting group of 27 postal used documents, mostly used in Moscow, many different preprints and postmarks, mostly good condition
1897/1900, four used newslettter wrappers, all sent to Riga and with censorship stamp, including newslettter wrappers from Ceylon "The times of Ceylon", mostly good condition

1900/18 (ca.), kleine Partie von über 90 Briefen, 20 davon als Einschreiben, dabei u.a. Finnland, Polen, TPO, Bahnpost, uvm., in zwei Alben

1856/1917, unused and used postal stationery collection, neatly mounted on album pages, some with additional frankings to foreign destinations, underfranked mail to France taxed upon arrival, etc., together with one prephilatelic folded entire and a scarce telegram from Moscow dated 1872; mostly fine, an interesting group
1883/1949, group of six unused/used postal stationery cards, incl. Mi.-Nr. P 164-165 unused (4), mostly very fine

1864/75, interesting cancellation group study with over 140 pieces, spanning from the early Dotted Truncated Railway postmarks to the later circular datestamps, many Polish numerals and concentric circles in between, also some plate flaws identified, mostly fine, a colourfull and unusual assembly (ex Mi.-Nr. 9-24)

1920/22, unused and used balance of a specialized collection with one card and one piece, incl. ASKHABAD, PETROVSK, TULTSIN, MOLCHANOVO, several unrecorded provisionals (sign. Ceresa), together with 1920 returned parcel receipt card from a small village to Petrograd with Arms 20 k. vertical strip of five, all revalued without overprint, paying the correct fee; some occasional faults, mostly fine to very fine, an interesting group, all sign. and with certificates Ceresa