382. Auktion
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
1913, Romanov 5 r. brownish-black, neatly tied by cds. "TAGANROG 18 6 19" to a large registered commercial envelope to Rostov on Don, in combination with War Charity 10 k. and South Russia Don issue 25 k., reverse arrival cds. "ROSTOV ON DON 19 6. 19", cover with two minor tears and a couple of perf toned, otherwise fine. A rare combination franking and a late use of the 5 r Romanov, certificate Leupold (2021)
TROPHY STAMPS: 1920, Denikin 10 k. green and 70 k. blue (irregular horizontal block of seven), tied by cds. "CHERNYI-RYNOK 12 5 20" to registered envelope to a small station near Kizlyar, reverse arrival cds. "KIZLYAR TERSK OBL. 17 5 20", correct Soviet 5 roubles rate, cover with one vertical crease and some light aging, still fine and rare usage of Bolshevik trophy stamps from an elusive place in the Tersk region (most are usually from Ukraine or Crimea)
1920, 20k. on 14k. cobalt/red tied by cds. "VLADIVOSTOK 28 10 21" to registered cover with Russian and French r-label to Miloslaw, Poland with adjacent polish censor mark "P10" of Posen, London transit and "MILOSLAW 16.12.21" arrival mark, horizontal fold and some light transport wear, a very rare and with polish censor mark probably unique cover, certificate Mikulski (2005) and Drzewiecki (2017)

Ireland Military 19th Century: 1800/1902 collection written up on over fifty pages, includes British East India Company, Crimea War, Boer War, comprises mail to and from serving personnel, with wide variety of franked and stampless covers, many scarce markings and destinations, many Irish postmarks, noted 1855 green Dublin duplex on envelope to Crimea, in addition many individual documents, also mail from or to USA, Canada, Germany delivery mail, German Navy mail from the Marinepostbureau to Ireland, extremely rare, a Gold medal exhibit.