382. Auktion
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (10) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil I) (3) Apply Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil I) filter
- Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849, Europäische Länder – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil I) (2) Apply Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849, Europäische Länder – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil I) filter
- Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil II) (1) Apply Einschreibebriefe der deutschen Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (Teil II) filter
- UPU UPU Postal Stationery Archives (1) Apply UPU UPU Postal Stationery Archives filter
- Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (20) Apply Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder filter
1866, envelope from Engelholm via Trieste to Alexandria, Egypt, charged at Trieste with "30/10" kreuzer for the distance to resp. from Trieste. The letter was undeliverable and returned, showing on front boxed "MAI CHIESTA" and on the reverse several transit- and arrival marks. A rare early cover from Sweden to Africa.
1855. 3 sk.bco. light bluish green, nice fresh colour and quite well centered, unused without gum as usual. A few shortish perfs, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare stamp in this condition. Certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilén (2004) (Facit 1a)
1855. 6 sk.bco. grey, nice fresh colour and nice perforation, unused without gum as usual. Very fine and fresh. A rare stamp in this condition. Certificate Sjöman (1966) (Facit 3)
1855. 24 sk.bco. orange-red, nice fresh colour and quite well centered, the upper right corner perf somewhat short, otherwise nice perforation, unused without gum as usual. Fine and fresh. A scarce stamp in this condition. Certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilén (2001) (Facit 5b)
1872/76, Ring type 4 o. grey, fresh colour and well perforated, unmounted mint. Very fine.Certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilén (2001)
1872/76, Ring type, 1 riksdaler, fresh colour and well perforated, unmounted mint, extremely fine.
1918, Värnamo 55 o. unused and 80 o. unmounted mint, both nice fresh colour, 55 o. well centered, a very fine set, each stamp certificate Obermüller Wielen
1918, Värnamo 55 o. and 80 o., Fresh colour and well to almost perfectly centered, used, very fine and fresh, each stamp certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilén (2002)
"WARMBAD *** 31.1.02" klar auf Kaiseryacht 40 Pfennig als portogerechte Einzelfrankatur auf R-Briefvorderseite mit R-Zettel "Warmbad Deutsch-Südwestafrika" (Einfeldt Nr. 3) nach Stockholm mit Transit-R-Zettel "Pkxp. 83 (fran utlandet)", in einwandfreier Erhaltung
6Katalog-Nr.DR86 I
"STOCKHOLM STADION 10. 7. 12" (several finals including fencing and gymnastics), very fine strike as arrival mark on postcard from Germany, to Stockholm poste restante, redirected to Slesvig, with transit cds. "STOCKHOLM 30 7 12". fine and very scarce usage of the ´Stadion´ postmark on foreign incoming mail
"STOCKHOLM STADION 10. 7. 12" (several finals including fencing and gymnastics), 3 fine strikes on definitives 1 c. black, 10 copies, on registered envelope with register label "Stadion N:r 16" to Gothenburg with transit and arrival marks; most likely further franking removed on reverse. A rare item, just 3 covers with the stadium register label have been recorded.
"STOCKHOLM STADION 12. 7. 12" (Tennis finals), tying 10 ö. to Graubergs postcard (Swedish gymnasts in the stadium), to Kent, England. The stamp with an unobstrusive corner crease, otherwise very fine and scarce card to abroad
"STOCKHOLM STADION / LBR. 14 7 1912" (several finals including wrestling and swimming) tying 5 ö. to illustrated postcard depicting the outside of the stadium, sent to Rumla, very fine
"STOCKHOLM STADION / LBR. 18 7 1912", superb strike on a 4 ö. lilac postal stationery envelope, very fine and very scarce
1912, "JEUX OLYMPIQUES + STOCKHOLM 1912 + LE 29 JUIN-22 JUILLET", publicity cachet in blue, clear strike on cover with 10 ö. With olympic machine cancel of 9.6.12 to Arboga with arrival mark. Very fine and scarce.
1912, "JEUX OLYMPIQUES + STOCKHOLM 1912 + LE 29 JUIN-22 JUILLET", publicity cachet in black, superb strike on cover with 2 copies 10 ö. from "OSTERSUND" to the US. The envelope with few pinholes and minor staining, stille fine and very scarce.
"STOCKHOLM OLYMPISKA SPELEN / 22 7 1912" (sailing finals and closing ceremony), machine cancel on 10 ö. on picture postcard to New York
"OLYMPISKA SPELEN STOCKHOLM 29 JUNI-22 JULI", three-line machine cancel on 10 ö. and Olympic vignette on postcard to Vienna, very fine and scarce
6Katalog-Nr.64, 67
"SVENSKA SPELEN STOCKHOLM 5 17. 7. 16", two superb strikes tying a 1 ö. black and 4 ö. violet on a 5 ö. stationery card to Iceland, late usage of the special postmark, very fine and scarce
Olympic roller machine cancel on 10 different Olympic picture postcards (5 Granbergs), except one all mailed on days of the games, including day of closing ceremony.
Official envelope 'Ve Olympiade/ Le Comite d'Escume/ President Capitaine Emil Fick…', correctly franked with 20 ö., tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 18 6 12" to the Czech 'Chef de Mission', Josef Rössler-Orovsky in Prague.
Official envelope 'ORGANISATIONSKOMMITEN', sent to the Czech Olympic Committee in Prague, franked with 20 ö., tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 6 2 12", very scarce
Official brown envelope 'ORGANISATIONSKOMMITEN', sent to the Czech Olympic Committee in Prague, franked with pair 20 ö., tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 10 2 12", very scarce
Official envelope 'BILJETTFÖRSÄLJNING', sent locally with 2 ö. tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 22 2 12", fine and scarce
Official envelope 'INKVARTERINGSKOMMITTEN', sent registered to the Czech Olympic Committee in Prague with 35 ö., tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 26 2 12", very rare registered mail
Official envelope 'KOMMITEN FÖR FOTBOLL', franked with pair 5 ö., tied by cds. "PXP.87 23 8 12" to Stockholm, light transportation marks, franking with small faults
Finnish envelope 'SUOMEN OLYMPIALAINEN UUTISTOIMISTO…' franked with 5 ö., tied by trilingual ship mail c.d.s. "ABO 13.VII.12" (finals of fencing, swimming, waterball, etc.), as printed matter to Kuopio with arrival mark.
Receipt from the Telegraph Office in Stockholm for 10 kroner for the registration of the telegram address for the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games, dated 9.11.1911
Olympic picture postcards, 12 different (5 Granbergs), some used or with written text
1918, Värnamo 55 and 80 o. , each tied by cds. "VÄRNAMO 12.7.18" to piece. Very fine. Each with certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilen (2014)

1855/1950 (ca.), used specialized collection, except Värnamo practically overcomplete with perforations, watermarks and pairs from stamp booklets; Skiling Bco. overcomplete, Öre issue with many nuances, Postal Congress and UPU complete, etc.
¼ Groschen grauviolett und ½ Groschen orange mit Doppelprägung (1. Prägung um ca. 1,3 mm nach unten versetzt), mit klarem Rahmenstempel "STETTIN BAHNHOF 27.6.(74)" auf Drucksachen-Faltbriefhülle bis 50 g nach Stockholm mit Ankunftsstempel. Beide Marken farbfrisch und gut gezähnt (unten mit Schere getrennt) sowie Briefhülle in einwandfreier Erhaltung - in Verbindung mit der Doppelprägung und Destination Schweden eine Brustschild-Seltenheit, ausführliches Fotoattest Brugger BPP (2011)
Provenienz: Peter Hansen (6. Dr. Derichs Berlin-Auktion, 2011)
1 Groschen karmin im waagerechten Dreierstreifen mit klarem DKr. "BONN 5.12.72" auf Briefkuvert nach Stockholm mit Ankunftsstempel. Der Umschlag oben links neben der Frankatur mit Einriss und kleine Randspuren, der Dreierstreifen in einwandfreier Erhaltung, bessere 3 Groschen-Frankatur ins Ausland im Tarif für Briefe bis 15 g bis zum 30.9.1873
Provenienz: Franceska und Leon Rapkin (315. Köhler-Auktion, 2002)
1874, 2 ½ auf 2 ½ Groschen braunorange mit vollständigem linkem Bogenrand, sauber mit klarem DKr. "BERLIN 20.2.75" auf Faltbriefhülle mit rückseitiger Siegelmarke "KAISERL. DEUTSCHE GENERAL-DIRECTION DER TELEGRAPHEN" an die "Königliche schwedische Telegraphen-Direction" in Stockholm. Die Briefhülle mit senkrechter Faltung links und Patina, Marke in einwandfreier Erhaltung. Tarifrichtig frankierte Auslands-Telegraphensache nach Schweden, so eine äußerst seltene Briefverwendung und nur ein weiterer Brief dieser Marke mit Bogenrand registriert
"ULTRAMAR": 1901/37 (ca.), unused group of over 30 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some meter cards (3); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group
1867/1960, about 50 covers, cards and postal stationeries and some hundred stamps and pieces, mostly with nice cancellations