Eine Frage zu diesem Los stellen

Los 11008

1884 India QV 1/4 anna + 1/4 anna message + reply postcard with only 24 holes instead of the normal 28 holes. According to Deschl "The perforated reply postcard has two types of perforations, #C2 has 28 holes over 120 mm and #C2a has 24 holes over 120 mm. One copy of #C2a recorded" . Deschl also records the error in spelling "PUTTIALIA" instead of "PUTTIALLA" as the C2b. This postcard has both errors listed as C2a & C2b (24 holes and spelling error on reply portion) which most certainly makes this a unique example and perhaps the greatest rarity of Patiala postal stationery. Few trivial perf separations