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Los 6054

PAPAL STATES - TRIESTE: 1869, large size quintuple rate registered envelope from Rome to the Russian consul at Trieste, franked with 6 copies 1867, 80 cmi. on vivid rose and 1868, 10 cmi. on orange, 20 cmi. on red and 40 cmi. on yellow, all tied by grid with adjacent "DIRECTIONE DI ROMA 20 GEN. 69" and french transit mark; on reverse rare oval "RECOMMANDIRT TRIEST 26/4 1869". An outstanding cover with a rare and most attractive 4 colour- 550 cmi.-franking. Certificate Colla (2013) (Sassone 20a+26a,27,29)
Reference: Illustrated in "Etats Pontificaux 1852-1870" of the Club de Monte Carlo