ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS: 1865/78, collection of four folded entires, one front and a few fragments, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, including 1863 40c. carmine tied by cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 65" to front of four folded letters, also 20c. yellow-orange tied by boxed shipmail postmark "PIROSCAFI POSTALE ITALIOANI" applied in transit, single line "Da Tunisi" alongside, condition fine to very fine and interesting specialist group
40c. carmine tied by numeral dotted cancel "235" to front of a folded letter to Italy, departure cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 22 7 68" alongside, reverse arrival cds "GENOVA 26 7 68", usual horizontal file fold away from the adhesive, very fine