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Los 1600

1832 (May 28): Entire letter written by Edward Walter Bonham from ´Shuchtinabad´ to Brighton, UK (mailed on June 8), with fascinating content "I am living in a tent as the village is a collection of small round huts and dirty to a degree...dried cowdung is the fuel in this country...the Mines are situated clöse by which is the reason I am staying here. I left Tabriz on wednesday last the 23rd...on one of Capt. Campbell´s horses...I reached this place (104 miles) in three days...this place is 4 miles from Meanna on the direct route from Tabriz to Teheran and celebrated for its bugs..." letter continues from Gultuppa on June 7 "I went out to seek these goats..what they call Bouuetins in Switzerland (Chamois?) I have sent a young one home to Thornton which will be a curiosity if it arrives alive as they are said to be extinct in Europe...its is now two months or more since a Tartar has been in from Constantinople, it is too bad Mr. Cartwright does not send them (with the Post) more regularly...this letter goes tomorrow by a Gholam (Post-Rider) who takes it to Erzeroum to be forwarded by a Pasha´s Tartar...". The letter has split pages but shows fine circular NETTO DI FUORI E DI DENTRO circular Disinfection cachet of Semlin on reverse and part wax seal of same with London arrival cds (August). and charged 1/6d. due. A remarkable entire.