STOCKHOLMIA 2019 & ERIVAN Worldwide Rarities
1. Juni 2019 in StockholmZustand
1852, 10 c. bistre, two single examples and a horizontal strip of three, all with large margins, used on 1859 entire letter from Ineboli, Turkey to the Inspector of Customs in Syria in Beirut, tied by fine strikes of ‘4010’ petit chiffres in blue with pearled INEBOLI / TURQ. D’ASIE cds (May 3) and framed ‘PD’ in blue at right. Reverse with ‘Constantinople / Turquie’ cds (May 5) and ‘Smyrne / Turquie’ transit (May 8) both in black. File folds well away from the superb adhesives, a magnificent and very rare cover. Signed Calves. Certificate A. Roumet (2010). (Maury 13)
1855, Great Britain 1 d. red-brown, wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, a horizontal strip of three used on 1855 cover mailed from Gallipoli (where there was a British Army hospital during the Crimean War), mailed at the French Post Office and cancelled by good strikes of ‘3767’ petit chiffres. Pearled ‘Gallipoli / Turquie’ datestamp at left (July 17) in black. Small cartridge ‘Paquebot / De La / Mediterranée’ in red, thence via Marseille (July 24) to Glasgow, where taxed as posted out of course and charged 1/2 d. due to pay in manuscript. Exceptionally rare and probably unique usage. Signed Holcombe. (SG 17)
1862, Empire 40 c. orange, a used example on 1867 cover with imprinted ‘Messageries Impériales Services Maritimes’ on reverse, from Sinope, Turkey to Mothe St. Héraye, Deux Sevres, France tied by ‘5097’ gros chiffres with corresponding pearled SINOPE / TURQUIE D’ASIE cds alongside (Sept 9) in blue. Framed ‘PD’ at right and reverse with ‘Constantinople / Turquie’ transit cds (Sept 11), ‘Marseille a Lyon’ cds (Sept 17) and arrival. Extremely rare with just a handful of covers recorded from this Office. Certificate A. Roumet (2000). (Maury 23)
1870, Siège 40 c. pale orange, a used horizontal pair on 1872 cover from Ordou, Turkey to Mothe St. Héraye, Deux Sevres, France tied by ‘5097’ gros chiffres with corresponding pearled ORDOU / TURQUIE D’ASIE cds alongside (July 28) in black. Framed ‘PD’ at right and reverse with ‘Constantinople / Turquie’ transit cds (July 30), ‘Marseille a Paris’ cds (Aug 8) and arrival. Extremely rare with just a handful of covers recorded from this Office. Signed Calves. Certificate Soluphil (1990). (Maury 38)
6Katalog-Nr.Italy P7+10
1874, Entire letter sent unpaid from Énos (Enez, Thrace, Turkey) to Genova, Italy struck with exceptional impression of the pearled ÉNOS / TURQUIE despatch datestamp (May 8) in blue. ‘Les Dardanelles / Turquie’ transit cds at right in black (May 21) and large ‘90 LEP’ handstruck due marking in black. Reverse with further strike of ‘Les Daranelles’ datestamp, Messina cds (June 3), Naples cds (June 4) and Genova arrival, where taxed with Italian 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 60 c. tied by ‘Genova’ cds’s (June 6). Minor imperfections of no significance - a magnificent and extremely rare entire – unique. Signed Calves.
Provenance: Collection 'Cihangir' (Corinphila sale 121, Zurich, 1 May 2000, lot 2843)
1900, Special printing on Bristol, 2 large pages (65:50 cm), with printed images (alltogether 9) of postcards, lettercards and envelope. Slight marginal faults, but generally fine. Very rare, only 3 sets were issued
1849, Ceres 1 franc vermillion terne in a very nice vivid shade and with large margins on all sides, cancelled very attractively with 2 parallel strikes of grid cancel. A marvellous copy of this rare stamp in superb condition. Signed A. Diena and Brun and also R. Calves with his certificate (1973) (Yvert 7b)
Provenance: 56. Corinphila auction (1973)
VICTOR HUGO: Small entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with Lauré 30 centimes (slightly rounded corner) and 40 centimes, tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE. St. GN 58/17 OCT 70" via London to New York with red transit and arrival marks on front. A fine letter with scarce destination. Certificate Brun (2017)
1871, "Auf militairischen Befehl geoeffnet", small blue double-lined censor mark, both types, one on reverse of small envelope from Chambery (DEC 29, 1870) to Straßburg, the other one on reverse of folded letter from Olten, Switzerland (JAN 20, 1871) to Mulhouse. Both entires unfranked and charged with "30" resp. "50" centimes. A rare pair.