334 / September 2008
Heinrich Köhler Auction
- German Empire (1) Apply German Empire filter
- Belgium (1) Apply Belgium filter
- France (5) Apply France filter
- Gabon (1) Apply Gabon filter
- Great Britain (2) Apply Great Britain filter
- Italy (1) Apply Italy filter
- Spain (2) Apply Spain filter
- Sweden (1) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (1) Apply Switzerland filter
- Chile (1) Apply Chile filter
- Colombia (2) Apply Colombia filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Japan (1) Apply Japan filter
- Philippines (1) Apply Philippines filter
- Uruguay (1) Apply Uruguay filter
- United States of America (5) Apply United States of America filter
1868, 25 c. blue CHIAPAS (thin figures, 28-68 with blue District overprint), used on February 1869 cover to Oaxaca, tied by bold strike of 'Tuxtla' handstamp in blue (Schatzkes 132, unrecorded on this issue); a scarce cover, signed J.K.Bash and Jaretzky (Scott-no. 48)
25 c. blue TOLUCA (thick figures, 16-70), no stop after '25', a marginal example from left of sheet, tied to cover to Mexico City by two line 'Franco En El/Oro De Mexico' handstamp in black (Schatzkes unlisted); a scarce usage from a difficult District, signed J.K.Bash (Scott-no. 61a)
rouletted issues: 12 c. black on green rouletted ACAPULCO (thin figures, 25-69 to Acapulco) and imperforated 25 c. blue (thick figures, 10-69 to Morelia), used on cover to Guanajuato, tied by Mexico City cds., 12 c. partly scissors cut; a scarce out of District double usage (Scott-no. 47,61)
1872, 12 c. blue GUANAJUATO (18-82) on 'Papel Sellado' watermarked paper, a fine example used on June 1872 entire letter to Guanajuato, tied by 'Silao-Franco' cds. in black; scarce usage on cover, signed J.K.Bash (Scott-no. 82)
1800 (ca.), large parcel front fragment with very high manuscript rate '129 1/2 rs.' at top and scarce framed 'Franqueado/en Leon' handstamp in blue (Harris 37, unlisted in this colour)
1810 (ca.), cover front to Leon with good strike of scarce 'Managua' script handstamp in brown (Harris 5)
1823 (July 20), entire letter from Masaya to Guatemala struck with superb 'LEON' framed handstamp in blue
1851 (ca.), USA 6 c. green postal stationery envelope, addressed to Rockland, Maine, endorsed 'Via Nicaragua' at top, struck with New York cds. (March 14), carried on 'Star of the West' and restored cover, also to Maine franked by 1851, 3 c. brown-red pair, tied by 'New York/Ship' cds. (Feb 24) with part strike of framed 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS.' struck in blue
1854 (April 1), entire letter from San Francisco to Boston, endorsed in manuscript 'Via Nicaragua', struck with rare 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS' in blue; carried on the 'Pacific' and from Nicaragua on the 'Northern Light'; franked by fine pair of 1851, 3 c. brown-red, tied by New York cds. (April 25) in black; a fine and scarce item
1854, Front only of USA 6 c. green postal stationery envelope, front only, endorsed at left 'Via Nicaragua' and at lower left 'Per Steamer Brother Jonathan, Jan 1st 1854', cancelled by New York/Ship datestamp (Jan 24) in black. The 'Brother Jonathan' was owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt, running the Pacific route from March 1852
1854 (Jan 16), cover from San Francisco to Bridgeport, Ct. with 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS.' in red, bearing pair of 1831, 3 c. brown-red, margins just touched, tied by New York cds. (Feb 9) in black; re-addressed on arrival with 'Bridgeport/3 Paid' cds. in red over the 'Via Nicaragua' handstamp, back to New York; an unusual usage, copy of letter from Stanley Ashbrook accompanies the lot
1854 (Jan 16), entire letter from San Francisco to Boston, struck with very rare unframed 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS.', struck in red (unlisted by Simpson in 'U.S. Postal Markings 1851-61'), franked by USA 1851, 3 c. brown-red imperforate pair, margins all around, tied by New York cds. (Feb 9) in black, slight file fold away from adhesives; a very rare entire
1862, 2 c. black, imperforated plate proof on laid white paper and 1869/71, imperforated plate proof on card (6) resp. India paper (9)
2 c. black, die proof on card board, fine and rare
INCOMING MAIL: 1883, insured cover from "KIRSANOV 1 JULY 1883" via Odessa to Jerusalem, reverse with seal "KIRSANOVSK.P.K.TAMBOVSK.G " and transit cancel of Kirsanov and Odessa, very interesting cover in good condition
1907, insured cover from "KIRSANOV 1 JULY 1883" via Odessa to Jerusalem, reverse with seal and transit cancels, good condition
German Post: "JAFFA 2/9 01" on 1889, 1 1/4 pia., 20 pa. and 3 copies 10 pa. and German stamp 2 pf. of 2 different issues on registered envelope to Germany, fine and scarce
"JERUSALEM a 7/2 02", 8 strikes on 10 pa. on 5 pf. (6) and 20 pa. on 10 pf. (2) on registered cover to Germany with arrival mark
1852 (Sept 8), outer letter sheet to Santiago, Chile with good strike of very scarce crown 'PAID AT PANAMA' of British P.O., reverse with Panama double arc cds. in black, red 'ULTRAMAR' and 'VALPARAISO' straight-line handstamps also on front with handstamped rate, all in red; slight stain but a rare cover that opens well for Exhibit display (SG-no.CC5)
1878, 20 c. rose-red, medium thin paper, 1st printing on thin paper, a complete sheet of fifty (10x5) unused with full brown gum, margin close at right; position 50 with stain and sheet with horizontal crease through the third row; all positions showing the 'Break in oval under C of COLOMBIA' which defines the genuine, and inking flaw in between margins of positions 49 and 50. Position 8 without 'C' joined to 'O of CORREOS', position 42 with white line running from under 'U of UNIDOS' through coloured inner frame and through 'S of CORREOS' at right. A rarity with perhaps just 5 sheets in existence (Scott-no. 3; $ 2000,- +)
50 c. clear orange shade on thick paper, superb sheet of 50 subjects (10x5), mint with full somewhat dried brown gum, without any creasing. Position 3 with dot in NW corner shield, Position 10 without the coloured dot outside the NE corner frame line; Position 18 with flaw on 'S of CORREOS'; Position 31 with blotted 'E' corrected, Position 45 with dot under second 'R of CORREOS' joining frame, Position 46 without 'CO' joined, Position 49 with break in 'O of UNIDOS'. A fine sheet (Scott-no. 7)
50 c. clear deep orange shade on thick paper (with fiscal paper used to separate the sheets) superb sheet of 50 subjects (10x5), mint with full somewhat dried brown gum, without any creasing. Position 3 with dot in NW corner shield, Position 10 without the coloured dot outside the NE corner frame line; Position 18 with flaw on 'S of CORREOS'; Postion 31 with blotted 'E' corrected, Position 45 with dot under second 'R' of 'CORREOS' joining frame, Position 46 wit 'CO' just joined, Position 49 with break in 'O of UNIDOS'. A fine sheet (Scott-no. 7)
50 c. brown-orange shade on thick paper, superb sheet of 50 subjects (10x5), mint with full somewhat dried brown gum, without any creasing. Position 3 with dot in NW corner shield, Position 10 without the coloured dot outside the NE corner frame line; Position 18 with flaw on 'S of CORREOS'; Position 31 with blotted 'E' corrected, Position 45 with dot under second 'R of CORREOS' joining frame, Position 46 with 'CO of CORREOS' joined, Position 49 with brak in 'O of UNIDOS'. A fine sheet (Scott-no. 7)
50 c. clear deep orange shade on thick paper (with fiscal paper as used to separate the sheets) superb sheet of 50 subjects (10x5), mint with full somewhat dried brown gum, without any creasing. Position 3 with dot in NW corner shield, Position 10 without the coloured dot outside the NE corner frame line; Postion 18 with flaw on 'S of CORREOS'; Position 31 with blotted 'E' corrected, Position 45 with dot under second 'R of CORREOS' joining frame, Position 46 with 'CO' just joined, Position 49 with break in 'O of UNIDOS'. A fine sheet (Scott-no. 4x)
1888, 'SAN PABLO/CANAL DE PANAMA 10 AVRIL', clear violet marking on envelope to Colon with arrival mark on reverse; small hole in the cancel, otherwise fine; supposed to be unique
1780, 'LIMA', straight-line and boxed '3Rs' in red on cover front with tiny hole to Huaura, fine
1801, "CUZCO", red straight-line on entire letter to Arequipa, slightly soiled, still fine
1803, 'Certificacion/a Lima' and 'Franca', both in red on cpl. dated wrapper to Cuzco
1814, 'COTAGAITA', red straight-line on cover front to Potosi, fine
1821, 'GUARMEY', red straight-line on entire letter to Patibilca, little ink corrosion, folded but still good appearance
"HVANVCO" and 'FRANCA', red straight-lines on cover front to Lima, little ink corrosion, good appearance
"TACNA", black straight-line on entire letter to Arequipa, fine
1831, 'CHUQUISACA' and 'FRANCA', red straight-lines on entire letter to Arequipa, fine
"LAMPA", red straight-line on cover front to Cuzco, fine
1837, 'LAMBAYEQUE', red straight-line on entire letter to Trujillo, folded in the middle and somewhat stained, otherwise fine
1840, 'CHIC' and 'FRANCA', red straight-lines on cover front to Trujillo, fine appearance