Selling with Heinrich Koehler

But more than this stands behind our success. The decisive factor is the long record of meetings with the great people and personalities of the collecting world, whom we have been allowed to welcome since the days of Heinrich Koehler and whom we still welcome as customers, business partners and friends in our house. We are proud of the fact that this international, keenly-buying customer base naturally presupposes confidence in our technical authority, and above all the reliability, integrity and discretion of our house.
Our specialist work of a professional and fastidious standard is outward-looking. We are in the 21st century - a traditional auction house must learn how to be a major player on the world stage in order to obtain, and secure for the future, spectacular results in its auctions.
The Heinrich Koehler auction house therefore embraces innovative techniques such as online bidding. In addition our auctions are supported by a worldwide marketing strategy, which pays due regard to all the important media, publications and philatelic events. We offer special auctions of valuable specialised collections in high-quality catalogues (including giving lot descriptions in English, French, Italian or Spanish, if this is desired by international customers).

And we initiate publications such as the EDITION D'OR series of books, in which gold medal collections are documented in a fastidious way, and are thus made available to future generations. The collections presented in this series are undoubtedly aesthetic sensations, and the books constitute valuable works of reference. Equally, however, the publication of the life's work of a philatelist within such a framework establishes the basis for a subsequent successful sale.
There are, therefore, many very good reasons for selling through Heinrich Koehler. You may rely on the combination of innovation with tradition. We look forward to your call.
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