334 / September 2008

Heinrich Köhler Auction

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Lot no.1330



Catalogue no.35-37II

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
feiner Druck: 2 Kr. gelb, 3 Kr. grün und 5 Kr. rot mit EKr. 'HIETZING 18/7' rückseitig auf kleinem Briefkuvert nach Philadelphia mit nebengesetztem Ankunftsstempel; im Umschlag Einriß oben, sonst gute Erhaltung
Lot no.2333



Catalogue no.62

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
5 c. blue-gray, strip of 3, a pair and a single stamp, tied by pre-philatelic straight-line 'GURABA' in blue to registered cover to San Francisco, on front handwriting 'No. 747 GÜRABO' and remarks 'UN-CLAIMED' and '2nd NOTICE', reverse with two violet register marks and triangle 'DEAD LETTER OFFICE AUG 12-82', some imperfections but nevertheless an exceedingly rare combination of pre-philatelic mark and registered cover (Edifil-no. 65)
Lot no.2393



Catalogue no.8

Opening350 €
Sold forUnsold
1 d. red-brown, tied by numeral '700' to entire commercial letter from 'SHEFFIELD JU 18 1852' to Philadelphia with tax stamps '19 CENTS' and blue '24'; light crease through the stamp, nevertheless attractive and very scarce part paid letter
Lot no.2400



Catalogue no.54

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1847/54, embossed issues: 1 sh. pale green, good to wide margins with numeral cancellation and tied by bowed 'PAID' to small envelope from 'LIVERPOOL OC 14 1853' to New York with adjacent red '5 CENTS', very fine
Lot no.2433



Catalogue no.Z14

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €
CHILE: 6 d. chestnut, tied by duplex cancel 'VALPARAISO AU 9 73' to entire letter to Maine with steam ship mark on front, good condition (SG-no.122)
Lot no.2443



Catalogue no.3

Opening250 €
Sold for410 €
1851, 6 d. slate violet with enormous margins all around, cancelled by black target cancel on folded cover to New York, stamp has been lifted and replaced, address restored. Front showing red 'CANADA' and 'MONTREAL MR30 185 3'
Lot no.2444



Catalogue no.37

Opening130 €
Sold forUnsold
1870/93, 3 c. orange-red and USA 1890/93, 2 c. red, tied by 'MONTREAL AP 28' to entire cover to Neuville, insufficiently paid and stamped 'Inconnu Neuville' on the back, then sent back via London with Montreal arrival mark, very interesting and rare cover in good condition (Scott-no.USA37)
Lot no.2491



Catalogue no.16

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1869, 4 p. on yellowish toned paper, tied by barred oval cancel to entire letter from Summerside to Maine, fine and attractive entire, BPA certificate
Lot no.2743



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1851 (ca.), USA 6 c. green postal stationery envelope, addressed to Rockland, Maine, endorsed 'Via Nicaragua' at top, struck with New York cds. (March 14), carried on 'Star of the West' and restored cover, also to Maine franked by 1851, 3 c. brown-red pair, tied by 'New York/Ship' cds. (Feb 24) with part strike of framed 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS.' struck in blue
Lot no.2744



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1854 (April 1), entire letter from San Francisco to Boston, endorsed in manuscript 'Via Nicaragua', struck with rare 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS' in blue; carried on the 'Pacific' and from Nicaragua on the 'Northern Light'; franked by fine pair of 1851, 3 c. brown-red, tied by New York cds. (April 25) in black; a fine and scarce item
Lot no.2745



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1854, Front only of USA 6 c. green postal stationery envelope, front only, endorsed at left 'Via Nicaragua' and at lower left 'Per Steamer Brother Jonathan, Jan 1st 1854', cancelled by New York/Ship datestamp (Jan 24) in black. The 'Brother Jonathan' was owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt, running the Pacific route from March 1852
Lot no.2746



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1854 (Jan 16), cover from San Francisco to Bridgeport, Ct. with 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS.' in red, bearing pair of 1831, 3 c. brown-red, margins just touched, tied by New York cds. (Feb 9) in black; re-addressed on arrival with 'Bridgeport/3 Paid' cds. in red over the 'Via Nicaragua' handstamp, back to New York; an unusual usage, copy of letter from Stanley Ashbrook accompanies the lot
Lot no.2747



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1854 (Jan 16), entire letter from San Francisco to Boston, struck with very rare unframed 'VIA NICARAGUA/AHEAD OF THE MAILS.', struck in red (unlisted by Simpson in 'U.S. Postal Markings 1851-61'), franked by USA 1851, 3 c. brown-red imperforate pair, margins all around, tied by New York cds. (Feb 9) in black, slight file fold away from adhesives; a very rare entire