334 / September 2008

Heinrich Köhler Auction

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Lot no.2393



Catalogue no.8

Opening350 €
Sold forUnsold
1 d. red-brown, tied by numeral '700' to entire commercial letter from 'SHEFFIELD JU 18 1852' to Philadelphia with tax stamps '19 CENTS' and blue '24'; light crease through the stamp, nevertheless attractive and very scarce part paid letter
Lot no.2400



Catalogue no.54

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1847/54, embossed issues: 1 sh. pale green, good to wide margins with numeral cancellation and tied by bowed 'PAID' to small envelope from 'LIVERPOOL OC 14 1853' to New York with adjacent red '5 CENTS', very fine
Lot no.2433



Catalogue no.Z14

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €
CHILE: 6 d. chestnut, tied by duplex cancel 'VALPARAISO AU 9 73' to entire letter to Maine with steam ship mark on front, good condition (SG-no.122)