337 / September 2009
Heinrich Köhler Auction
1824, 'POST PAID SHIP LR. LONDON/30 SP 1824', clear strike in red on entire letter to Calcutta with 'MADRAS SHIP LETTER' on reverse; unusual pre-paid letter
1840, Mulready letter sheet 1 d. black, stereo A8 "Family Endowment, Annuity, Life Insurance, & Rebersionary Interest Society", used with black MC to London, fine
1423 Pennyblack: 1 d. intense black, plate 1a, QL, early printing, good to wide margins all around, tied by red MC and straight-line "LAMBS CONDUIT ST." to piece, very fine, Louis BPP certificate
1 d. intense black, plate 6, LI, good to wide margins, tied by black MC to small piece, very fine, signed Georg Bühler with opinion
1 d. black, plate 1a, AK, large margins all around from the top sheet margin, light central red MC, extremely fine, signed Georg Bühler and Pröschold BPP
1 d. black, plate 1b, MB, light red MC, wide to enormous margins, extremely fine, Louis BPP opinion
1 d.black, plate 3, AH, good to wide margins, tied by red MC to small piece, very fine, signed Knopke
1 d. black, plate 3, CI, wide margins all around, central clear red MC, extremely fine, signed Pröschold BPP
1 d. black, plate 6, RC, vertical guide line in NE corner, wide margins all round, central clear black MC, tiny corner crease, fine, Louis BPP opinion
1 d. black, plate 6, LC, good to wide margins, tied by red MC to piece with adjacent "Bridgewater Penny Post", very fine, Louis BPP certificate
1 d. black, plate 7, BH, wide margins all round, clear central red MC, extremely fine, Louis BPP opinion
1 d. black, plate 7, SE, good to mostly wide margins, tied by clear red MC to piece, very fine, Louis BPP certificate
1 d. black, plate 3, SK, with faint resp. missing line under ONE PENNY, tied by red MC to cover front with adjacent "DRIFFIELD SP. 19 1840", very fine, signed Pröschold and Louis BPP certificate
1 d. black, plate 6, JI, large to enormous margins with parts of 2 adjoining stamps, tied by clear black MC to large part of cover from "KENDAL JY 17 1841" to Bredford with arrival mark on front, very fine, signed Pröschold BPP
1 d. black, plate 6, PC, good to wide margins, tied by clear black MC to folded cover (side flaps missing) from "KESWICK SP 18 1841" to Cockermouth, very fine, Louis BPP certificate
1 d. black, plate 6, PA, late printing, good to very wide margins all round, tied by clear black MC to entire letter from "READING MR 10 1841" to Newbury, very fine, Louis BPP certificate
2 d. deep full blue, plate 1, QI, clear at bottom, otherwise good to wide margins, tied by clear black MC to small piece, very fine, Louis BPP certificate
2 d. blue, plate 1, EC, good margins all round, central clear black MC, very fine, signed Georg Bühler and Louis BPP certificate
2 d. blue, plate 2, good to mostly wide margins all round with central clear black MC, extremely fine, signed Pröschold BPP
2 d. pale blue, plate 1, MD, good to wide margins all round, clear red MC, tiny rubbed on reverse, otherwise fine, opinion Louis BPP
2 d. pale blue, plate 2, AK, good to large margins all round, tied by black MC to large part of cover with adjacent red date stamp "DENB...." to Ruthin with faint arrival mark on front, fine, Louis BPP certificate
1841, 1 d. red-brown, tied by numeral '700' to entire commercial letter from 'SHEFFIELD JU 18 1852' to Philadelphia with tax stamps '19 CENTS' and blue '24'; light crease through the stamp, nevertheless attractive and very scarce part paid letter
1 d. red-brown, 2 single copies with wide margins, tied by clear numeral MC "1" resp. "5" to pieces, extremely fine
1 d. red-brown, horizontal strip of 4, KA-KD, just touched in small place at top, otherwise good to wide margins, tied by clear black MC to large piece with adjacent "Strand.B", very fine, signed Pröschold BPP
1 d. red-brown, SC, wide margins all round, tied by black MC with adjacent date stamp "GALWAY SE 24 1843" to cover front to Ballinastoe with blue arrival mark on front, very fine
2 d. blue, plate 4, TD, ivory head, large margins all round from the bottom sheet margin with small part of inscription, clear numeral "5", extremely fine, signed Pröschold BPP
2 d. blue, enormous margins all round with parts of 4 adjoining stamps, lightly cancelled, extremely fine gem, opinion Holcombe
2 d. blue, plate 4, horizontal pair DI/DJ, deep colour, large margins, cancelled by oval "17" of London, very fine, signed Pröschold BPP and opinion Louis BPP
2 d. blue, plate 4, horizontal strip of 3, IG-II, wide margins, cancelled by clear numeral "8", very fine, signed Pröschold BPP und Louis BPP certificate
1847/54, 1 sh. pale green, good to wide margins and nice fresh colour neatly cancelled by central "19", extremely fine, signed Pröschold BPP and Louis BPP certificate
1 sh. green, large margins all round, neatly cancelled, very fine, signed Pröschold BPP
6 d. mauve, large to enormous margins all round, lightly cancelled, extremely fine, signed Emilio Diena and Pröschold BPP
6 d. mauve, good margins and deep colour, lightly cancelled, tiny thinned at upper right, not effecting the design, opinion Louis BPP
1855, 4 d. rose-carmine, tied by duplex cancel "JERSEY MY20 58" to folded letter to Anvers, reverse with transit and arrival mark, fine
1867/80, 6 d. dull violet, tied by numeral "498" to folded letter to Porto with adjacent
oval "FRANCA" and scarce boxed "P.BRIT" and red "MANCHESTER PAID", reverse with transit and arrival mark, horizontal filing fold, otherwise fine
1840/2000, anfangs meist gestempelte Sammlung in unterschiedlicher Erhaltung mit auch einigen hohen Werten, ab ca. 1939 meist ungebraucht/postfrisch fast kpl., im modernen Teil auch mit Markenheftchen; sauber in 3 Vordruckalben