365 / September 2017
365. Heinrich Koehler Auction
Türkische Post in Palästina / Holy Land, NAPLUS : 1871 “NABLUS” box type cancellation (Bale 708) on bisect 1 Piaster yellow on piece, unique showpiece, certificate du Vachat, ex Maury coll.
Türkische Post in Palästina / Holy Land, JERUSALEM : 1905 “JERUSALEM QUART ISRAELITE” violet c.d.s on wrapper to USA with arrival mark on reverse, some crease, very scarce violet registration label (Bale R73v)
Türkische Post in Palästina / Holy Land, JERUSALEM : 1917 “KUDS 2” all Arabic c.d.s (Bale 886) on postcard with censor mark to Adana, fine and very scarce
Türkische Post in Palästina / Holy Land, HAIFFA : 1918 “CAIFFA 1 - 12/2/18” bilingual octogonal d.s. (A&P no.14) on envelope to Berlin with transit marks Beyrouth and Stamboul on reverse, fine and scarce
Türkische Post in Palästina / Holy Land, GAZA : 1915 “GAZA” bilingual c.d.s. on envelope to Germany with several censor marks and red label, fine and scarce
Türkische Post im Irak, KERBELA : 1915 bilingual blue “KERBELA 1” cds. (A&P unrecorded) on money transfer document to Constantinople, some paper remain on reverse, fine and unique
Türkische Post in Libyen, TRIPOLI : 1903 “TRABLUS GARB TELGRAF VE POSTANE-I MAMURU” all Arabic violet cancellation on postal document “Bulletin de Depot” (A&P unrecorded), fine and very scarce, ex Siala Collection
Türkische Post in Montenegro, PLJEVLJA : 1900 “TASHLIDJA” all Arabic boxed type (A&P no.2, R) on 20 Pa. postal stationery card to Aachen with arrival mark, fine and scarce, certificate TFDF 1996
Lot no.1149
For lots marked with a circle (°) next to the lot number an additional 7% VAT on the hammer price will be charged. This charge does not apply to dealers outside Germany and within the European Union with a turnover tax identification number.
6Catalogue no.
Opening2.000 €
Sold forUnsold
Türkische Post in Saudi Arabien, MEDINA : 1902 bilingual “MEDINE-I MÜNEVVERE” cds. (Uexkull fig.78, 3.000) on registered envelope with return receipt and very scarce 5 Pia. plus 1 Pia. rate, to Constantinople, few spots and minor faults, fine and very scarce
Lot no.1150
For lots marked with a circle (°) next to the lot number an additional 7% VAT on the hammer price will be charged. This charge does not apply to dealers outside Germany and within the European Union with a turnover tax identification number.
6Catalogue no.
Opening10.000 €
Sold forUnsold
Türkische Post in Saudi Arabien, MEDINA : 1917 bilingual “MEDINE 4” cds. on postal stationery envelope to Constantinople showing unique “MEDINE-I MÜNEVVERE / SABIT AGIR TOPCU KUMANDANLIGI (=MEDINE / FIXED HEAVY ARTILLERY COMMAND”, certificate Nakri 2014, fine and unique
Lot no.1151
For lots marked with a circle (°) next to the lot number an additional 7% VAT on the hammer price will be charged. This charge does not apply to dealers outside Germany and within the European Union with a turnover tax identification number.
6Catalogue no.
Opening10.000 €
Sold forUnsold
Türkische Post in Saudi Arabien, MEDINA : 1917 bilingual “SAHRA POSTASI 28” cds. (Uexkull fig.85) on registered fieldpost envelope to Constantinople showing on front “MUAYENE EDILMISDIR MEDINE-I MÜNEVVERE ASKERI SANSÜRLÜGÜ” military censor (Uexkull fig.86), this is one of three recorded fieldpost from Medina and the only registered usage, certificate Nakri 2014, fine and unique
IBB: 1912, 20 pa. rose, horizontal and vertical pair tied by blue cds. "AB" to reverse to registered cover via "HODEIDA 2 20.2.912", Port Said and Alexandria to Berlin with arrival mark, sender addresse with double line "L'Ingeneur, Chef de la 1ère Brigade Ibb-Yemen" on reverse, seal wax missing, otherwise fine, very rare
1863/1996, postfrische, ungebrauchte und etwas gestempelte reichhaltige Sammlung mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 181-211I-IV, 229-45, 485-621 weitgehend kpl., 753, 754-66, 767-78, 807-25, 971-79, 985-99, Zw. 5-14, 15-21, 185-95 etc.
1863/1960, sehr schöne und reichhaltige Sammlung mit einem guten Klassikteil, oft differenziert nach Auflagen, Farben und Zähnungen, dann u.a. Mi.-Nr. 229-45 und 252-58 ungebraucht, außerdem Käferaufdrucke sehr reichhaltig, guter Teil Portomarken und Zwangszuschlagsmarken mit u.a. Ia-Ie im 5er-Streifen, außerdem Lokalausgaben usw., meist gute Erhaltung ex Waelbroeck
1863/2006, ungebrauchte/postfrische und gestempelte Partie von Teilsammlungen und Dubletten, dabei ein guter ungebrauchter Teil Käferaufdrucke, sowie eine Sammlung früher Stempel sowie eine postfrische Sammlung 1975-2006, außerdem eine Sammlung Post in der Levante, meist gute Erhaltung
1869/1995, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung auf Vordruckblättern und Steckseiten
1870/1918, gestempelte Partie, dabei Teilabschläge besserer Stempel, einige Belege etc.
1917/34, ungebrauchte und postfrische kleine Partie, dabei Mi.-Nr. 614-16 sign. Vossen, 971-79 postfrisch sowie 6er-Block Roter Halbmond (starke Anhaftungen)
1920, Angora-Ausgaben, hochinteressante und sehr spezialisierte Sammlung, sauber auf alten Blätttern aufgezogen und ausführlich beschriftet, insgesamt über 400 Marken, dabei viele gute und seltene Marken, teils in Einheiten oder als Typenpaare, einige Briefe, einiges sign., meist gute Erhaltung
Türkei, 1875-1918, 37 Ganzsachen meist Klassik in beiden Erhaltungen
1915/28 (ca.), Partie Briefe und Karten, überwiegend Paketkarten und Postanweisungen, dazu einige ältere Ganzsachen
LOTS FROM THE DR. ESMER COLLECTION: PREPHILATELIE: 1450/1831, 45 entire letters including several with disinfection marks and destinations as Belgium, Germany, Spain, Venice, etc.; an interesting group
Prefilatelic Mail : Lot of 14 folded envelopes and Tatarpost documents, including cancellations of Konya, Filibe, Varna, Kayseri, Halep, Amasya, Nigde etc.
Prefilatelic Mail : Lot of ten folded envelopes, including cancellations of Konya, Edirne, Kastamonu, Kayseri etc.
Prefilatelic Mail : Lot of four folded envelopes, including cancellations of Trabzon, Deraliye, Diyarbakir etc.
1840-1918, Study of turkish cancellations on stamps and pieces in a large box including Balkans, Middle East and Anatolia. Most cancellations are not complete but there are many small towns and unrecorded postmarks, few cards / covers. An opportunity for the specialist
1840-1920, Box with covers / cards / tatar post documents including newspaper with Boyaciköy cancellation, Joly Victoria Aivali cancellation, Lofca Bulgaria on cover front, some good classic cancellations on piece, few certificates but some doubtful material, please inspect
1840-1950, Box with covers / cards / parcel cards / stationerys / tatar post documents including Cilicie, Greece and Thrace, wide range of cancellations, some different
1840-1917, Turkish P.O. in Iraq, a wide range of different cancellations on cards and stamps, Mosul negative on tatar post document, fine group
1840-1920, 10 covers / cards, including Tatarenpost from Yanina to Isketche, cover with all arabic negative Ayvalik, censor Adana, Ambulant Dersaadet, Office Sanitaire Izmir etc.
1850-1920, 28 covers / cards including good cancellations Mudanya Istasyon negative, Kirkkilise, Sivas, Proti, Izmir, Adrianople etc.
1850-1922, 32 covers / cards including good cancellations, registered mail, censors WW I, bisects on cover, commercial imprint covers etc.
1865-75, Collection of Local issues including Liannos, T.B.Morton & Co., Kustendje & Czernowoda, newspaper stamps, fine
1865-1900, 16 covers / cards including good cancellations Edremit negative, Trebizonde, Kastamonu box type, Ayvalik, Sirkeci, Ermenak negative etc., seven with certificates
1865-1960, Collection of ottoman cancellations on stamps in album pages including small part mint Republic issues
1868-85, 6 covers including good cancellations Kastamonu box type, Sivas, Tekfurdagi, Aydin, Mgnesia etc., all with certificates TFDF 1996