Lot no. 4116
367th. Auction
Catalogue no.
Opening800 €
Sold for850 €
FORGERIES & BACK OF THE BOOK: Impressive accumulation of doubtful/forgeries/fakes, with a. Large Hermes: a 10 lepta with Control Number on the front side -like Zante error but on meshed paper, three copies of 20 lepta with fake Control Numbers "80" instead of "20", a 80 lepta with CN "20" in blue, three forged copies of 40 lepta with CN "20 lepta corrected to 40", a 5 lepta inferior quality with double Control Number (similar to Coundouros 45.1.a) used at "Syros", a 40 lepta 1862-67 without Control Numbers used in "Athens", a 40 lepta meshed paper (olive on blue), with double Control Numbers, some altered colors of Large Hermes, b. Small Hermes some values together with a 20 lepta "postal forgery" used in Athens, c. some covers repaired, with stamps not belonging or stamps missing, d. Some bogus essays (i.e. the 1863 King George lithographic reprints) or issues (Epirus etc). Offered together with some genuine "Perfins", "Revenues" and "Poster Stamps" (vignettes)