368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.7073


Catalogue no.T26c

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1 d. with overprint double, used by cds. "LIMERICK 15 NO 22"; a fine and very scarce variety (Mi.-No. 13IDD)
Lot no.7074



Catalogue no.T27 var.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1½ d., horizontal strip of 3, the right stamp with part overprint only and remaining part overprint on the reverse of the sheet margin, which was folded over during print, unused o.g.; a very scarce and interesting variety
Lot no.7075



Catalogue no.T29wc

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
2 d., die II with watermark inverted and reversed, block of 4 of the upper sheet margin, unmounted mint with hinge remainder in the left sheet margin only, very fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2016) (Mi.-No. 15I/II)
Lot no.7076



Catalogue no.T31wc

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
3 d. in block of 4 with watermark inverted and reversed, unmounted mint, very fine (Mi.-No. 17I)
Lot no.7077



Catalogue no.TC92

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
4 d., control strip of 3 "S 22", margins perforated, unused o.g.; small pencil notation in the corner, otherwise very fine (Mi.-No. 18I)
Lot no.7078



Catalogue no.TC97wc

Opening500 €
Sold for700 €
6 d. with watermark inverted and reversed, control pair "U 22", unused o.g., very fine, unique item, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2016)
Lot no.7079



Catalogue no.T34a

Opening80 €
Sold for100 €
6 d., block of 4 from the upper sheet margin, both vertical pairs with missing perf, unmounted mint with hinge remainder in the margin only, also used pair with same variety (faults) (Mi.-No. 20I)
Lot no.7080



Catalogue no.T39-V56

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
Seahorses 2 s. 6 d. in block of 4 from the lower right sheet corner, 2 values with "R over Se", unmounted mint with hinge remainders in the margins only, very fine and scarce, private signature (Mi.-No. 9II)
Lot no.7081



Catalogue no.T41-V56

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
10 s. with "R over Se", unused o.g.; perforation corrected at upper right, otherwise very fine and fresh, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2012) (Mi.-No. 11II)
Lot no.7082


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Catalogue no.T42a

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
Wider setting: ½ d. green, horizontal strip of 3, central stamp with line over "RIALTAS", unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 12III)
Lot no.7083



Catalogue no.TC117

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
2 d., control block of 6 "T 22", margins imperforated, unused o.g., scissors' cut in the left margin backed with hinge (Mi.-No. 15III)
Lot no.7084


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Catalogue no.TC120

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1 s., control block of 6 "T 22", overprint setting 2, unused o.g., 4 stamps unmounted mint, perforation slightly split in the left margin only, otherwise fine (Mi.-No. 23III)
Lot no.7085


0 1

Catalogue no.TC120

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1 s., control block of 6 "T 22", overprint setting 1, unused o.g., 3 stamps unmounted mint, perforation split in the left margin only, otherwise fine (Mi.-No. 23III)
Lot no.7086



Catalogue no.ex T47e-58e

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1922/23, 3 line overprint ½ d.-2 d., 3 d. and 6 d.-1 s. with variety "S over E", most in multiples with normal stamps, unused o.g. (Mi.-No. ex 25-36I)
Lot no.7087



Catalogue no.T47ba

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
½ d. in vertical pair from the right sheet margin, top stamp with variety "accent inserted twice, once reversed", the pair unmounted mint, hinge remainders in the margins only. A very scarce variety, sign. David Feldman in pencil and certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2013) (Mi.-No. 25I)
Lot no.7088



Catalogue no.T47(bb)

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold
½ d., control block of 30 "U 22" with variety "dot for accent", but not corrected by hand as usual, also "line over Saorstat", unmounted mint; a very fine and rare block (Mi.-No. 25I)
Lot no.7089


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Catalogue no.T48 var.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1 d. in horizontal block of 8 from the lower left sheet corner, the 3rd pair with interesting overprint flaw, unused with o.g., most stamps incl. the variety unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 26I)
Lot no.7090


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Catalogue no.TC143

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1 d., overprint setting 2, control block of 6 "U 23" with 2 perforated empty spaces at right, unused o.g., the lower strip unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 26I)
Lot no.7091


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Catalogue no.T48a, aa

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €
1 d. with variety "QNE reversed Q" within a control block of 30 "T 22", also incl. one stamp with frame break, unused o.g., most stamps incl. the varieties unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 26I)
Lot no.7092


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Catalogue no.T48b

Opening5.000 €
Sold for5.000 €
1 d., complete sheet of 120 stamps showing the rare variety "missing accent" on pos. 15/12. The sheet has been folded several times and parts fixed with hinges, unused with original gum, the variety in very fine unmounted mint condition. A great rarity of Irish philately (Mi.-No. 26I)
Lot no.7093


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Catalogue no.T48ca

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1 d. in marginal block of 4, one stamp with accent inserted inverted, unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint, fine and fresh, certficate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1996) (Mi.-No.26I)
Lot no.7094


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Catalogue no.T48f

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1 d. in horizontal block of 8, the lower right stamp with accent & "at" inserted, unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 26I)
Lot no.7095


0 1

Catalogue no.TC145

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1½ d., control block of 6 "T 22", margins imperforated, unused o.g., the lower strip unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 27I)
Lot no.7096


0 1

Catalogue no.T57-V43

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
10 d., horizontal block of 12 from the upper left sheet corner, one value with variety "raised second A in 'SAORSTAT'", unused o.g., most stamps unmounted mint, some gum bends, otherwise fine (Mi.-No. 35I)
Lot no.7097



Catalogue no.T57e/TC171

Opening400 €
Sold for400 €
10 d., control block of 10 "T 22", setting 2, incl. variety "Stroke in TEN", all stamps unmounted mint, hinge remainders in the margins only; a scarce and fine multiple, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2013) (Mi.-No. 35I)
Lot no.7098


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Catalogue no.TC170

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
10 d., control block of 6 "T 22", margins imperforated, unused o.g., the lower strip unmounted mint, some minor gum bends, otherwise very fine; only 3 such blocks recorded, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2012) (Mi.-No. 35I)
Lot no.7099



Catalogue no.T58b

Opening2.500 €
Sold for2.500 €
1 s. with 'missing accent' with 2 normal stamps in vertical strip of 3 from the right sheet margin, unused o.g.; a very scarce variety with less than 10 examples recorded in unused condition, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2019)
Lot no.7100



Catalogue no.T59e, 59

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
Seahorses 2 s. 6 d. in horizontal pair from the left sheet margin, the right stamp with missing accent and re-entry, unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No.37I)
Lot no.7101


0 1

Catalogue no.T59g, ka

Opening140 €
Sold forUnsold
2 s. 6 d., block of 4 from the lower left sheet corner incl. "S over E", "block left of S" and minor re-entries, unused o.g., the lower pair unmounted mint (Mi.-No.37I)
Lot no.7102



Catalogue no.T59l

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
2 s. 6 d. in block of 4 from the lower right sheet corner, bottom right stamp with weak accent over A, unmounted mint, fine and scarce (Mi.-No. 37I)
Lot no.7103



Catalogue no.T60-V59

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
5 s. in horizontal pair from the upper sheet margin, the right stamp with raised second A, unmounted mint, very fine (Mi.-No. 38I)
Lot no.7104



Catalogue no.T60a

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
5 s. in horizontal pair, the right stamp with missing accent, unused o.g., fine and fresh, certificate Brandon (1980) (Mi.-No. 37I)
Lot no.7105



Catalogue no.T60b

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
5 s. with reversed accent, unused o.g., fine and scarce (Mi.-No. 38I)
Lot no.7106



Catalogue no.T60f

Opening180 €
Sold for180 €
5 s. with weak accent, copy from the lower right sheet corner, unmounted mint, very fine (Mi.-No. 38I)
Lot no.7107



Catalogue no.T61-V59

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
10 s., copy from the upper sheet margin with raised A, unmounted mint with hinge mark in the margin only, very fine (Mi.-No. 39I)
Lot no.7108



Catalogue no.T61c

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
10 s. with plate variety "stroke over TEN", unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No. 39I)
