368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
2p. blue, intense shade and good margins tied by black ponchito to folded letter to Montevideo, the adress partly crossed out, a horizontal pressure trace in the top of the cover does not affect the stamp, a rare entire, signed Hunziker with certificate (1961)
1858, Barquito 3p. deep green, deep fresh color with good margins on three sides and part of adjoining stamp at left, neatly cancelled by black ponchito, a very fine stamp, signed Hunziker a.o. with his certificate (1962) and certificate RPSL (1950)
3p. red in phantastic intense shade with good margins on all side sides and part of adjoining stamp at left, neatly used with black ponchito, a beautiful specimen of this stamp and of the few four margin and sound examples of this classic rarity, private signature
5p. yellow, position 18, good and intense shade with good margins, neatly used with black ponchito, a very fine stamp, signed Köhler and Hunziker with his certificate (1962)
4p. brown, good color and margins, used with black ponchito, fine, signed Bühler
4p. brown, horizontal pair with very fresh and intense shade, wide margins on three sides, just touched at top, used with central ponchito, right stamp with imperceptible and tiny rough spot, a rare and very attractive multiple, certificate Hunziker (1962)
1p. "TO rs" blue, two singles in different shade with good margins and part of adjoining stamps at left, used by blue 'Estafeta Central' the other tied by cds. to small piece, first stamp with tiny thinning, otherwise very fine, signed
1859, Cabecitas 4r-2p., three singles each in fresh and intense color with very good margins, 1p. with part of adjoining stamps at bottom, used by blue Estafeta Central resp. black dotted cancel, very fine
1859, Cabecitas 1p. blue with large balanced margins all around tied by black dotted cancel with cds. "CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 28 ENE 60" alongside to folded lettersheet to Rosaria, a scarce and most attractive entire, signed Bühler
1859, Cabecitas 1p. blue with large balanced margins all around tied by blue Estafeta Central to folded lettersheet to Rosaria, a fine and scarce entire
1862, Cabecitas 2p. blue with large margins and part of adjoining stamp at bottom, tied by black dotted cancel with cds. "CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 9 JUL" alongside to folded lettersheet to Santa Fe, a scarce and very attractive entire, signed Hunziker with certificate (1964)
1873/1903, ungebrauchte Sammlung mit einigen besseren Werten, einige Werte mit "MUESTRA" Aufdruck, sauber auf 4 Blättern, gute Erhaltung
1858/1974, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit vielen besseren Werten inkl. Flugpost, dabei auch ein guter Teil Dienstmarken, gute Erhaltung
1858&1940 (ca.), kleine alte Partie mit Marken, Einheiten sowie über 200 Probedrucken, meist in ungezähnten 4er-Blocks