368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
1850/53, Thomas Ham 2 d. brown-lilac with full to large margins, tied by clear butterfly "15" GEELONG to piece, very fine, sign. Holcombe with certificate (1983)
2 d. grey-lilac with good to large margins, ca. 2,5 mm sheet margin at bottom, neatly cancelled by butterfly "37" MELBOURNE, very fine, sign. Holcombe
3 d. blue with good to large margins, cancelled by central butterfly "15" GEELONG, very fine, sign. Hunziker with certificate (1963)
Second state of die 1 d. red-brown with ample to large margins, used with central clear butterfly "37", very fine, sign. Hunziker with certificate (1962)
1861, Victoria 4d. dull rose-pink as horizontal strip of three and single 2d. dull reddish lilac tied by duplex cancel "MELBOURNE OC 26 63 VICTRORA" to cover to Johannesdorf, Prussia endorsed 'via Southampton'. Carried on the P&O 'Bombay', to Galle, on the 'Nemesis' to Suez and thence on the 'Pera'. Red 'London / Paid' transit cds (Dec 18) on front and circular 'Aus England Per Aachen / Franco' below and arrival cds on reverse, a fine cover (#17 in the Palmer Census).
Provenance: Collection Trevor Davis (May 2003), lot 52934