368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.602



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for1.300 €
"PRIVAT POST UNTERNEHMEN von TRIER nach LUXEMBURG / J. Recking" as well as "PRIVAT-POST-EXPEDITION WIRTGEN / LUXEMBURG 3 DECEM. 1855" on parcel accompanying letter to Abentheuerhütte with nice red wax seal on reverse, very fine
Lot no.603



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €
"PRIVAT POST UNTERNEHMEN von TRIER nach LUXEMBURG / J. Recking", blue oval marking on parcel accompanying letter with transit mark "TRIER 24 4" to Berlin with red arrival mark "P:C:D.H:P:A:BERLIN"
Lot no.604



Catalogue no.U10A

Opening1.000 €
Sold for3.400 €
"PRIVAT POST UNTERNEHMEN von TRIER nach LUXEMBURG J. Recking" on Prussia postal stationery envelope 3 sgr. yellow, endorsed at bottom left "Militärbrief der Bundesfestung Luxemburg" as money letter via "TRIER 11 6" to Markneukirchen in Saxony; at left small part of reverse side cut out by opening with tiny missing part of front; a still very fine and rare entire
Lot no.605



Catalogue no.1b

Opening500 €
Sold for2.800 €
POSTAGE STAMPS: 1852, William III 10 c. greenish-black, good to large margins and fresh colour, unused with original gum (here some brownish spots); a faint vertical crease in the right margin, otherwise fine; a scarce stamp in this condition, certificate Demuth AIEP (1999)
Lot no.606



Catalogue no.1c

Opening1.500 €
Sold for1.500 €
10 c. black (printing of 1855), horizontal pair with clear to good margins, unused without gum, fine and fresh; a very scarce multiple, sign. F.S.P.L. with certificate (1970)
Lot no.607



Catalogue no.1c

Opening400 €
Sold for400 €
10 c. black, horizontal pair and 2 single copies, all with full to wide margins, tied by clear targets to small lettersheet with adjacent "ECHTERNACH 11 VIII" (1855) to Lexy in France; some light staining, one single stamp small marginal tear and the pair horizontal crease at top, where affixed over the edge of the cover; still an attractive and scarce franking to abroad, certificate Demuth BPP (1981) Provenance: Isaac Seligson (Corinphila 1982)
Lot no.608



Catalogue no.2d

Opening1.200 €
Sold for1.600 €
1 sgr. vermilion with watermark inverted, horizontal pair with good to large margins and nice fresh colour, unused without gum, very fine and fresh; a rare multiple of the first issue; sign. Goebel with certificate (2013) (Prifix 2e)
Lot no.609



Catalogue no.2d

Opening500 €
Sold for400 €

1 sgr. vermilion, nice fresh colour and large margins, unused without gum, extremely fine, certificate Scheller (2008) (Prifix 2e)

Lot no.610



Catalogue no.2e

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
1 sgr. light brownish-red (1855), fresh colour and good to large margins, unused with small part original gum, fine and scarce, sign. W. Balasse and certificate Calves/Jacquart (2009)
Lot no.611



Catalogue no.2e+11

Opening3.000 €
Sold for4.000 €
1 sgr. light brownish-red (chair pâle) with good to large margins, in combination with 1859, Coat of Arms 40 c. orange in horizontal strip of 4, nice fresh colour and clear to large margins, all tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 4 JUIN" to large part of oversized registered envelope to Germany; the strip with tiny marginal nick in the left stamp and 2nd of left with tiny tear at bottom, just touching the design, otherwise very fine. A combination of greatest rarity with an extremely rare multiple of the 40 c.; certificate Demuth BPP (1985) Provenance: Juan del Puente (Corinphila 1985)
Lot no.612



Catalogue no.2f

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1 sgr. rose with ample to good margins, nice fresh colour, unused without gum, very fine, certificate Scheller (2009)
Lot no.613



Catalogue no.2f

Opening3.000 €
Sold for8.000 €

1 sgr. carmine-rose with good to large margins, tied by superb strike of circle of squares to small lettersheet with adjacent clear cds. "BETTEMBOURG 26 MARS 60" to Trier with transit and arrival marks. The so-called "Dés de Frisange" was transferred in August 1859 to Bettemburg; 4 letters of this usage are recorded incl. this unique cover with the 1 sgr. One of the highlights of the 1st issue of Luxemburg, certificate Demuth (1985)
Provenance: J. del Puente (Corinphila 1985)

Lot no.614



Catalogue no.166-76 proof

Opening800 €
Sold for1.300 €
1926, Grand Duchess Charlotte final design 5 c.-1¼ fr. in issued colours, all as single die proofs on gummed paper in block format, unmounted mint, 10 c. and 20 c. light bends, otherwise very fine; a rare set
Lot no.615



Catalogue no.ex 166-226 spec.

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1926/30, Grand Duchess 5 c.-1 3/4 fr., 17 different values on watermarked paper (wavy lines), all with red overprint "SPECIMEN" and punchhole, all unmounted mint, fine/very fine. The final issue was produced on unwatermarked paper; a very scarce group
Lot no.616



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
PODGORICA: 1876, travelling escrow accounter receipt struck on top with PODGORICE (A&P type 1, RRR) oval handstamp. Illustrated in A&P
Lot no.617



Catalogue no.Bl.1-2

Opening350 €
Sold for350 €
1942. Dutch Legion souvenir sheets each tied by cds. "BADHOEVEDORP 8.III.43" to two registered covers with German censor marks to Grosspostwitz with arrival marks, fine
Lot no.618



Catalogue no.D9-12, 14-15

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.400 €
1934/38, International court 1½-30c., mint never hinged, gum slightly unfresh, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate Vleeming BPP (2018)
Lot no.619


Catalogue no.A10

Opening280 €
Sold for244 €
1950, Groszy handstamps: Cuture souvenir sheet, used with cds. "WARSZAWA 1 14.4.51", very fine, sign. Falkowski (Mi. 2.000,-)
Lot no.620


Catalogue no.Bl.A11

Opening300 €
Sold for360 €
Roosevelt souvenir sheet cancelled "KATOWICE 1 20.1.51", very fine, certificate Wczranowski (2018) (Mi. 2.200,-)
Lot no.621



Catalogue no.4I

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1916, 10 k. blue with diagonal white line, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Jungjohann BPP
Lot no.622



Catalogue no.7

Opening80 €
Sold for140 €
1855, Pedro V. 50r. green, horizontal pair with fresh color and good margins all around, with numeral "86" on piece, fine
Lot no.623



Catalogue no.9

Opening80 €
Sold for160 €
1856, Pedro V. 5r. brown, vertical pair with fresh color and good margins all around, with numeral "1" on piece, fine
Lot no.624



Catalogue no.21

Opening80 €
Sold for140 €
1866, Luis I 50r. green, horizontal strip of three with fresh color and good margins on three sides, close at bottom right, used with numeral "1" on piece, fine
Lot no.625


Catalogue no.22

Opening120 €
Sold for220 €
1866, Luis I 80r. orange, block of three with good margins and right sheet margin, used by clear numeral "121", small thin in margin, otherwise a fine multiple, certificate Nucleo (1998)
Lot no.626


Catalogue no.23

Opening120 €
Sold for220 €
1866, Luis I 100r. grey-lilac, horizontal strip of three with fresh color and good margins on three sides, close at left, used with numeral "102", with original gum, fine
Lot no.627



Catalogue no.6ay

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1858, 40 par. blue on white paper, large margins on all sides, unused with original gum, at top left tiny corner crease well off the design, very fine
Lot no.628


0 1

Catalogue no.6ay

Opening300 €
Sold for550 €
40 par., vertical pair, the stamps in clearly different shades, unused with original gum, hinge remainder in the top margin only, stamps unmounted mint, extremely fine, opinion Dr. Gmach BPP
Lot no.629


0 1

Catalogue no.6ay

Opening600 €
Sold for1.100 €

40 par. blue, block of 4 with large margins all around, nice fresh colour, unused with original gum with hinge remainder in the upper margin only, stamps unmounted mint; a very fine block, unsigned, opinion Dr. Gmach BPP
Provenance: Maurice Burrus (Balasse 1962)

Lot no.630



Catalogue no.6ay

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €
40 par. blue, large margins, tied by clear black "FRANCO GALATZ" to piece; slight horizontal paper wrinkles, still very fine, sign. Schlesinger and Heimbüchler
Lot no.631


Catalogue no.7ay

Opening100 €
Sold for320 €
80 par. vermilion on white, good margins, neatly cancelled by central "FRANCO TEKOUTCI"; slight ink spot at lower left, still very fine, sign. Heimbüchler
Lot no.632



Catalogue no.7ay

Opening150 €
Sold for444 €
80 par. vermilion, good to large margins, tied by brownish "FRANCO GALATZ" to piece with adjacent cds. "GALATZ MOLDOVA 5/6" and "BAKEU MOLDOVA 6/6"; 2 horizontal creases not affecting stamp or cancellations, very fine, sign. Heimbüchler
Lot no.633



Catalogue no.7ay

Opening300 €
Sold for650 €
80 par. vermilion, 2 stamps, both with ample to large margins, tied by clear blue cds. "BAKEU MOLDOVA 11/4" to piece, very fine, sign. Heimbüchler
Lot no.634



Catalogue no.7ay

Opening200 €
Sold for1.200 €

80 par. vermilion with good to large margins, tied by blue "FRANCO TEKOUTCI" to large part of folded cover with adjacent blue "TEKUTSCH MOLDOVA 20/9" and "RECEPISSE", very fine, opinion Dr. Gmach BPP

Lot no.635



Catalogue no.P71-72U

Opening120 €
Sold for150 €
1932, Crown 3-6l. black, imperforated blocks of four, mint never hinged, fine
Lot no.636


Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold for380 €
1857, Coat of arms 10K. brown/blue, plate II, fresh colour and good margins all around, used with clear dotted numeral "536" VOLCHANSK, very fine, signed Brandes and certificate Hovest (2015) (Mi. 1.000,-)
Lot no.637


Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold for240 €
1857, Coat of arms 10K. brown/blue, plate II, fresh colour and good to wide margins all around, used, very fine, signed Diena and Pfenninger and certificate Leupold (2016) (Mi. 1.000,-)
