368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.746



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for190 €
1857, "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" black crowned circle handstamp on folded letter to Vigo with red crayon "2/2" and black due marking "2R", filing crease, otherwise fine
Lot no.747



Catalogue no.

Opening180 €
Sold for460 €
1857, "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" blue crowned circle handstamp on folded letter endorsed "By West Ind Steam Packet" to Vigo with manusscript mark "2/2" and red crayon "58" alongside, a very fine and attractive entire
Lot no.748



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €
1863, "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" black crowned circle handstamp on folded letter to Barcelona witth red "PORTO RICO PAID" and "LONDON PAID" alongside, fine
Lot no.749



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1868, folded lettersheet with cds. "PORTO-RICO C NO 11 68" on reverse of folded lettersheet endorsed "per royal mail steamer..." to Genoa with  "GB/1 F.60 C." accountancy marking alongside, fine
Lot no.750



Catalogue no.Italy P12

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
1870, unpaid folded letter dated "San Juan Mayo 11 1870" to Genoa, with scarce boxed "F.*56" and accountancy mark "GB 1F60C" alongside, upon arrival charged "20" thus postage due 2l. applied and tied by csd., fine
Lot no.751



Catalogue no.Italy P7-8, 11

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
"MAYAGUEZ PORTO RICO UNPAID JA 75" cds. on reverse of folded letter to Genoa, upon arrival charged "17" decimes thus postage due 30-40c. and 1l. added and tied by cds., fine and scarce
Lot no.752



Catalogue no.Z84

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold
1872, 1d. red tied by barred "C61" to printed matter to Copenhagen with cds. "PORTO-RICO PAID" and "PD" alongside, reverse with arrival mark, a beautiful and very rare entire especially send to Denmark, certificate BPA (2007)
Lot no.753



Catalogue no.Z84

Opening400 €
Sold for750 €
1864, Victoria 1d. rose-red as horizontal pair tied by barred "C61" to folded letter originating from Mayaguez where cds. "MAYAGUEZ PORTO RICO UNPAID JA 10 74" was applied, with 2d. insufficiently franked thus upon arrival charged full amount with corresponding charge "17" and postage due 30-40c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., a fine, very interesting and most unusual combination
Lot no.754



Catalogue no.Z90,Z105

Opening300 €
Sold for400 €
1865, Victoria 4d. vermillion and 1sh. green tied by oval barred "C61" to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. "PUERTO-RICO C JA 27 75" to Genoa with arrival mark, a fine and scarce cover, signed Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi and Sismondo with certificate (2016)
Lot no.755



Catalogue no.Z102

Opening800 €
Sold for1.600 €
1867, Victoria 10d. red-brown as horizontal strip of three with wing margin on right stamp neatly tied by two strikes of barred "C61" to double-weight folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. "PORTO-RICO FE 12 74" and accountancy mark "4d" alongside to Cadiz, Spain with arrival mark on reverse, file crease not affecting stamps, a attractive and rare franking, certificate PF (1984) and Sismondo (2005) Provenance: The Don Gaspar Roca Collection (HR Harmer, 2006)  
Lot no.756



Catalogue no.3

Opening500 €
1855, Isabella 2r. red as horizontal pair with close to good margins all around tied by parilla killer with adjacent cds. "PUERTO RICO 9 10 57" to hektographed printed matter (market report) to Palma de Mallorca, tiny age spots, a very attractive and exceedingly rare entire
Lot no.757



Catalogue no.8

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1857, Isabella II. ½r. blue with good margins all around neatly tied by parilla killers to folded lettersheet with adjacent crowned circled "PAID AT SUAN JUAN PORTO RICO" and red "PD" etc. alongside, reverse with transit and arrival marks, a scarce and interesting cover
Lot no.758



Catalogue no.8

Opening100 €
Sold for150 €
1857, Isabella II. ½r. blue horizontal pair with close to good margins all around tied by parilla killers to folded lettersheet endorsed "per Steamer via Southampton to Rochelle with cds. "PONCE 19 MAY 91" alongside, fine Provenance: 332. Heinrich Köhler Auction
Lot no.759



Catalogue no.8

Opening5.000 €
Sold for4.200 €

1857, Isabella II. ½r. blue vertical strip of four with close to good margins with parilla killers on registered cover addressed to "Vicente Costa farmaceutico" in Tossa, with clear cds. "AGUADILLA PUERTO RICO 9 FEB 62", straight-line "CERTIFICADO" and "CADIZ" and "BARCELONA" transit marks alongside, the first stamp was originally affixed around the envelope, now stabilized by paper strip thus fully visible at the front, in overall very beautiful and appealing condition, being one of the most important letters of Puerto Rico and the only known registered letter recorded, detailed certificate Graus AIEP

Lot no.760



Catalogue no.8

Opening80 €
Sold for180 €
1857, Isabella II. ½r. blue, 6 singles with mostly good margins with parilla killers on large cover with adjacent cds. "MAYAGUEZ 23 JUN 61" to Puerto Rico with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.761



Catalogue no.8+GB16

Opening1.500 €
Sold for1.400 €
1857, Isabella II. ½r. blue paying the inland postage tied by parilla killer to folded letter, originally posted in London and franked with GB 1d. red as late fee, an ecxeedingly rare and interesting mixed franking, certificates Comex and Scheller (both 2008) Provenance: 332. Heinrich Köhler Auction
Lot no.762



Catalogue no.9

Opening80 €
Sold for64 €
1r. green with close to good margins tied by parilla killer to folded letter to Cadiz with arrival mark on reverse, fine
Lot no.763



Catalogue no.9

Opening400 €
1857, Isabella II. 1r. green as horizontal strip, middle stamps slightly touched at top resp. bottom, otherwise good margins, with parilla killers on folded lettersheet with cds. "PUERTO RICO 26 ENR 67" and framed "FRANCO" alongside to Madrid, vertical fold running between two stamps, strip has been lifted for inspection and replaced, minor toning, a quite attractive and entire with a rare multiple, certificate RPSL (1972)
Lot no.764



Catalogue no.9,14

Opening250 €
Sold for240 €
1857, Isabella II. 1r. green together with 1864 ½r. green, with good margins, 1r. just touched at top, tied by blue parilla killer to judicial cover front endorsed "No hay sellos", attractive and rare franking between two issues, certificate Comex (2014)
Lot no.765



Catalogue no.14a

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
½r. green on white, strip of four sind single with mostly good margins tied by parilla killers to cover front to Adjuntas, scarce and interesting Provenance: 332. Heinrich Köhler Auction
Lot no.766



Catalogue no.14a,b

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1864, Isabella II. ½ green on rose resp. white, two singles with clear to good margins tied by parilla killers and cds. "AGUADILLA 13 DIC" to enevelope endorsed "Vo Bo" with adjacent straight-line "AGUADILLA", some toning and ink erosion, otherwise fine, certificate PF (2014)
Lot no.767



Catalogue no.14b

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
½r. green on rose horizontal strip of four with good margins on three sides, two stamps touched at top, tied by parilla killers to large format envelope with manuscript "2 oz" and adjancent municipal cachet
Lot no.768



Catalogue no.15

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €
1864, Isabella II. 1r. blue on chamois close to good margins all around tied by parilla killer to folded letter to Corsica with cds. "PONCE 21 ABR 65" and boxed accountancy mark "GB 1F60C" alongside, a very attractive entire to a rare destination
Lot no.769



Catalogue no.16

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €
2r. red with good margin all around tied by parilla killer to folded letter to Genoa, with adjacent cds. "P. DE MAYAGUEZ PUERTO RICO 26 NOV 67" and accountancy marking "GB 1F60C", upon arrival charged with "10" decimes, filing fold through adhesives hardly perceptible and does not detract from the overall attractive preservation, certificate Comex (2009)
Lot no.770



Catalogue no.31-32

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1869, Isabella II. 10c. brown, two horizontal pairs together with single 20c. orange tied by parilla killers to double-weight registered cover to Mayaguez with arrival mark and "Recibo" manuscript on reverse, vertical fold and some minor imperfection do not detract from the good appeal of this rare two-colour franking Provenance: 332. Heinrich Köhler Auction  
Lot no.771



Catalogue no.33

Opening500 €
Sold for400 €
1869, Isabella II. 40c. lilac, horizontal strip of three tied parilla killers to large format registered cover, endorsed "3 on" this crossed out and marked with "5 on", with adjacent straigt-line "CERTIFICADO" to Naguabo, a very attractive and rare registered cover with high franking
Lot no.772



Catalogue no.47

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1871, Hispania 25c. blue tied by oval "S. JUAN a YABUCOA" to judicial cover front to Yabucoa with neat strike of fancy handstamp "PITUTACION PROVINCIAL DE PTO RICO" alongside, fine
Lot no.773



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
1873, Amadeus 25c. grey tied by pre-philatelic straight-line "SEIBA" to judicial cover front with adjacent strike of fancy handstamp "PITUTACION PROVINCIAL DE PTO RICO" to Ceiba, very fine
Lot no.774



Catalogue no.D5

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1855, Coat of arms ½o. on yellow with good margins all around, tied by smeared parilla killer to envelope to San German, fine and rare
Lot no.775



Catalogue no.D5, Antilles 14

Opening100 €
Sold for81 €
1855, Coat of arms ½o. on yellow with good margins all around, together with Antilles Isabella II. ½r. green, tied by black resp. green parilla killers to envelope endorsed "R.S" (Real Servicio), scarce and attractive mixed franking, certificate Comex (2015)
Lot no.776



Catalogue no.D6

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €
Coat of arms 1 on. on rose, vertical strip of three cut into at bottom, otherwise good margins with parts of adjoining stamps at right, tied by parilla killers to cover front with backflap to Caguas, scarce, certificate Comex (2014)
Lot no.777



Catalogue no.D6-7

Opening200 €
Sold for260 €
Coat of arms 1 on. on rose as single and 4on. on green as single and horizontal pair tied by parilla killers to large cover front to Ponce, ink erosion stabilized by hinges, one tear running throug pair, despite some faults an attractive and scarce franking, certificate Comex (2014)
Lot no.778



Catalogue no.3

Opening500 €
Sold for600 €
1873, Amadeus with overprint 1pta. brown tied by oval "PLAYA DE MAYAGUEZ" to folded lettersheet endorsed "p Paqte Ingles" to Santander, reverse with cds. "MAYAGUEZ PORTO RICO UNPAID OC 25 74" applied in error, a very attractive and rare first issue entire, certificate Comex (2009)
Lot no.779



Catalogue no.3

Opening300 €
Sold for340 €
1873, Amadeus with overprint 1pta. brown, vertical pair tied by parilla killer to folded lettersheet endorsed "Via Inglesia" to Cadizn with cds. "PUERTO RICO" alongside, an attractive and rare first issue entire, certificate Comex (2008)
Lot no.780



Catalogue no.4

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1874, Hispania 25c. blue, horizontal pair and single tied by parilla killers rto registered coverfront with Puerto Rico with straight-line "CERTIFICADO" alongside, fine and attractive  Provenance: 332. Heinrich Köhler Auction
Lot no.781



Catalogue no.8I

Opening400 €
Sold for360 €
1878, Alfons XII. with overprint 25c. violett, block of four and two singles with parilla killers and adjacent cds. "MAYAGUEZ 14 MAR" on registered coverfront to Puerto Rico with straight-line "CERTIFICADO" alongside, manuscript mark "1 3/4 onzas" at upper left, two stamps of block of four with crease, otherwise a fine and very rare item Provenance: 332. Heinrich Köhler Auction
