368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.782



Catalogue no.8II

Opening250 €
Sold for850 €
1878, Alfons XII. with overprint 25c. violett, horizontal strip of four, vertical strip of three and single with parilla killers on front and reverse of folded letter to Santander, charged "130" in Spain, reverse with transit and arrival mark, a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.783



Catalogue no.14, 49

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €
1877, Alfons XII. 25c. blue resp. 1881 Alfons XII. 5c. violet-blue, each tied by pre-philatelic straight-line "GUAYANILLA" to folded letter to Puerto Rico, 5c. with vertical fold, otherwise fine, in addition loose 25c. blue with part of straight-line, certificate Graus (for 5c.)
Lot no.784



Catalogue no.19

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €
1878, Alfons XII. 50c. blue tied by oval "PLAYA DE MAYAGUEZ PTO RICO" to folded letter to Genoa with rare red "MAYAGUEZ 30 AOUT 78 PAQ FR. D. No. 2" (Salles 1498) alongside, reverse with transit and arrival mark, very fine and rare, certificate Robineau (1987) Provenance: Dubus Collection                      332. Heinrich Köhler Auction  
Lot no.785



Catalogue no.62

Opening250 €
Sold for340 €
1882, Alfons XII. 5c. blue-gray, horizontal pair with blue cds. "JUNCOS 24 FEB 86" to mourning cover to France with rare adjacent octogonal "St JEAN-PORTO-RICO P FR B No 4 26 FEVR 86" (Salles 1443), opened on two sides and minor imperfections at upper right, otherwise a scarce and attractive entire, certificate Comex (2010)
Lot no.786



Catalogue no.87,88

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1891/92, 1 m. lilac and 2 m. brown, tied to entire printed matter from Arecibo 1892 to Spain, fine and scarce
Lot no.787



Catalogue no.93

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1891, Alfons XIII. 2c. red-brown tied by illegible cancel ton printed matter to Paris with violet "Por Vapor Correo Espanol" alongside, fine
Lot no.788



Catalogue no.101

Opening80 €
Sold for240 €
400th anniversary of the landing of Columbus 3c. green tied by cds. "PLAYA DE MAYAGUEZ 15 NOV 93" to small, slightly reduced local envelope, fine, scarcer than the catalogue evaluation suggests, certificate PF (2011)
Lot no.789



Catalogue no.115-21, 123-28

Opening200 €
Sold for550 €
1895, Alfons XIII. ½m-80c. tied by boxed "CERTIFICADO S JUAN 14 JUN 96" to large format registered cover with german exchange label "vom Ausland über..." to Elberfeld, reverse with transit and arrival mark, some creases and minor imperfections as to be expected, an attractive and rare entire
Lot no.790



Catalogue no.120

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1895/97, 2 c. red-brown, tied to printed matter envelope from Mayaguez to France with adjacent "HAITI A FORT DE FRANCE L.E. No.2 16 FEVR. 97" and arrival mark on reverse
Lot no.791



Catalogue no.137, CS3

Opening100 €
Sold for170 €
Alfons XIII. 3c. brown horizontal pair in combination with compulsory surcharge stamps 2c. red-brown vertical pair tied by cds. to cover endorsed "Flandria" to Hamburg with Le Havre transit alongside, vertical fold not affecting adhesives, fine, certificate PF (2012)
Lot no.792



Catalogue no.141, CS3

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
Alfons XIII. 8c. sepia in combination with compulsory surcharge stamps 2c. red-brown tied by cds. to cover to Hamburg, fine
Lot no.793



Catalogue no.167

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €
1898, Habilitado Para 1898 y 99 handstamp on Alfons XIII. 80c. black tied by blue boxed "CERTIFICADO 15 OCT 98 ST. JUAN" to registered cover  with large violet registered mark to Rio Piedras with arrival mark "RIO PIEDRAS 17 OCT 98" alongside, despite some staining a stunning and rare item with only two covers known bearing the 80c. stamp, certificate Comex (2008) Provenance: ex Preston                      ex Garcia Lomas                       332. Heinrich Köhler Auction
Lot no.794



Catalogue no.1

Opening800 €
Sold for8.000 €

LOCAL ISSUE: PONCE: 1898, 5c. violet on yellowish paper with violet seal on small fragment, good margins all around, slightly stained, still a fine copy of this very rare stamp with less than 25 known, certificate Comex (2008)

Provenance: Robert A. Siegel "Rarities of the World" (1968)
                     332. Heinrich Köhler Auction

Lot no.795



Catalogue no.2

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €
LOCAL ISSUE: PONCE: 1898, 5c. black with violett control handstamp "F. Santiago", horizontal pair types III-IV from positions 7-8, touched at right, otherwise close to good margins, unused with original gum, a very rare multiple, certificate /PF (2006)
Lot no.796



Catalogue no.US 126,A126X

Opening1.500 €
Sold for1.200 €
1898, Washington 2c. red horizontal pair and single Franklin 1c. green each surcharged with violet Ponce provisional handstamp "POSTAGE CORREOS 5 cts." tied by duplex cancel "SUAN JUAN PUERTO RICO DEC 28" to envelope via New York to Paris, right stamp of pair with close tear at top, otherwise a fine and spectacular cover, certificate PF (2008)
Lot no.797



Catalogue no.

Opening10.000 €
Sold for11.500 €
1708, "Riga" ribbon postmark struck clean twice, on top and bottom, of folded lettersheet addressed to King Charles XII. "Dem Grosmächtigen Könige und Herrn Herrn Carl der Schweden, Gothen, und Wenden König, Großfürsten in Finland, Hertzogen in Schonen, Ehstland, Liefland, Carelien, Brehmen, Verden, Stettin, Pommern, Caßubien und Wenden, Fürsten zu Rügen, Herrn über Ingermanland und Wißmar, wie auf Pfaltz-Grafen an Rhein, in Bayern, zu Jülich Cleve und Bergen Hertzogen, Unserm Allergnädigsten Könige Allerunterthänigst", very nice and clean condition, maybe the most attractive entire with this rare postmark and one of the big rarities of Swedish and Baltic postal history! Shown in Harry von Hofmann "Latvia 1625-1915/18 The postal system on the territory of the later Republic of Latvia...; page 9".
Lot no.798



Catalogue no.

Opening5.000 €
Sold for5.000 €
1710, "PERNAU" superb strike the ribbon postmark on small folded letter sheet addressed to (Matthias) from Porten, one of the rarities of Swedish and Baltic postal history, certificate Obermüller-Wilen BPP (1999) Matthias von Porten, Swedish governor of Reval in the years 1690-1700 and economic director from 1691 until the end of Swedish rule
Lot no.799



Catalogue no.

Opening5.000 €
Sold for5.000 €
1710, "REVAL" superb clear strike of the ribbon postmark on small folded parcel letter, sent during the the time of the great nordic war, to  Andreas Timmermann in Narwa (in this time hostile foreign country), one of the rarities of Swedish and Baltic postal history, certificate Obermüller-Wilen BPP (1997)
Lot no.800


Catalogue no.1a

Opening600 €
Sold for600 €
1855, 3 sk. bco. green, used, fine, certificate Witt (1968) (Mi. 4.000,-)
Lot no.801



Catalogue no.708

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
Notary public revenue 50 pia. ochre, unused, tiny corner crease, otherwise very fine, a scarce stamp, signed and certificate ISFILA (2017)
Lot no.802



Catalogue no.II

Opening900 €
Sold for810 €
LOCAL POST LIANOS: “BUYUKDERE 15 SP 66” bilingual c.d.s. on folded envelope to Genoa, bearing 20 Pa. green/black in horizontal pair used by dotted grid with adjacent "POSTE LOCALE CONSTANTINOPLE 16 SEPT. 66" , handed to Austian PO with "CONSTANTINOPEL 29/9" and transported by Italian steamer, with boxed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI"; weak italian arrival mark; a horizontal cover crease affecting the pair; a very scarce combination cover, certificate Nakri (2017)
Lot no.803



Catalogue no.17Bb,P11Bb (2)

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
EGIN : All Arabic boxed postmark „Egin“ (Coles-Walker No.8, AP No.2, RR) clear on envelope to Istanbul at arrival on reverse affixed 5 Pia. grey (toned spots) and pair postage due 20 Pa. brown 1870 issue all tied by all arabic “DERSAADET 4” (AP No.22, RR), some crease at border, fine and scarce
Lot no.804



Catalogue no.

Sold forUnsold

SHIPMAIL: 1858 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing admirality 3 piaster rose carmine excellent impression and color, good to wide margins, with boxed “P.P./Anchor” alongside, very clear. Usual vertical file fold not affecting stamp or cancellation. An important showpiece from well known corrospondance Kirmissian, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
Provenance : Corinphila 99.th Stamp Auction Torrey & Brodtbeck Collections

Lot no.805



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for225 €
1859 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing label “Porto-Piastre” with ms. 4 Piaster, black “POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI COSTANTINOPOLI P.P.” clear alongside. Usual file folds, border toned, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
Lot no.806



Catalogue no.

Opening350 €
Sold for315 €
1861 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Mudania showing rare blue Ottoman Maritime Company cachet „COSPOLI POSTA DEL IMPERO OTTOMANO DELLA ZECCA *P.P.*“ very clear, alongside “Franco” one-liner in blue. Usual file fold and tiny spot at left, fine and very scarce
Lot no.807



Catalogue no.

Opening450 €
Sold forUnsold
AUSTRIAN DDSG: Folded envelope from Iskenderun (Alexandrette) to Aleppo tied by all Arabic “L+A An Canib-i Posta Haleb Nemce 1855” (AP No.2, RRR), usual file folds, very fresh; Iskenderun did not have a Lloyd office, so the entire was sealed on arrival; only few covers are recorded, certificate TFDF 1996
Lot no.808A



Catalogue no.I-II, Bl. I

Opening500 €
Sold for1.500 €
1972, Birthday of Tito 0,50-1,25d. brown-lilac and indigo and souvenir sheet 10d. grey-lilac, mint never hinged with usual gum, very fine and rare as the stamps as well as the souvenir sheet were withdrawn, because Tito did not like this picture of him, only few known, signed Velickovic with certificate (2011) These pieces are illustrated and described in the Bulletin of the Study group "Jugoslawien & Nachf.e.V. in the BDPh"  - Issue 115 - page 12-14.
Lot no.808



Catalogue no.678-79U

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1976, Tiziano Vecellio, vertical pair 100 l.+300 l., imperforated, unmounted mint, very fine (Mi. 800,-)
Lot no.809


Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for300 €
1 d. black, KA, plate 1A, large even margins and neatly cancelled by central red MC, very fine
Lot no.810


Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for340 €
1840, 1 d. black, DK, plate 2, good margins, neatly cancelled with superb strike of red MC, very fine
Lot no.811


Catalogue no.2

Opening200 €
Sold for480 €
1 d. black, vertical pair PE-QE, plate 1A, good to large margins, tied by clear red MC to piece, very fine
Lot no.812


Catalogue no.5

Opening200 €
Sold for600 €
2 d. blue, TL, nice large margins and neatly cancelled with central MC, very fine
Lot no.813



Catalogue no.40

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1856/58, 1 d. rose-red, tied by Liverpool "466" with adjacent red "PAID LIVERPOOL BR. PACKET 11 MY 64" to small envelope from a pointer on board HMS 'Princess Royal' to Cork, Ireland with arrival mark. The 'Princess Royal' then served as flagship of Sir George St. Vincent King, commander-in-chief of East Indies and China station, very fine, certificate BPA (2018)
Lot no.814



Catalogue no.137

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
5 £ orange, AE, with overprint "SPECIMEN" type 9, fresh colour, gum slightly soaked in upper perfs and one short perf at left, otherwise a fine and rare stamp (SG £4.500,-)
Lot no.815


Catalogue no.137

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
5 £ orange, DE, fresh colour and apart from one short perf at top good perforation, used with cds. "GLASCOW MY 19 93" and boxed "C.H.B./G.P.O.", fine
Lot no.816


Catalogue no.185

Opening700 €
Sold forUnsold
1884, 1 £ brown-lilac, watermark imperial crowns, used, very fine (SG £ 3.000,-)
