368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.925



Catalogue no.39

Opening200 €
Sold for190 €
POSTAGE 24mm:  "BRITISH VICE CONSULATE" 4 d. rose, horizontal strip of three, unused, stains and faults at top and right stamp with long tear, rare multiple (SG £ 1.500,-)
Lot no.926



Catalogue no.85,91

Opening100 €
Sold for360 €
1887, 2c. on 5c. vertical pair with additional franking tied by cds. "SINGAPORE AU 25 92" to registered postal stationery card 2c. on 3c. blue to Aue, Germany with arrival mark, a rare card, fine, opinion Holcombe
Lot no.927



Catalogue no.18

Opening300 €
Sold for440 €
1897, Kuala Lipis provisional 2c. manuscript surcharge and initials "JFO", unused with part original gum, with marginal selvedge at right, slightly rubbed, scarce, certificate BPA (2018) (1.500£)
Lot no.928


Catalogue no.11

Opening800 €
1848/59, Intermediate impressions 1 d. dull-vermilion, nice colour and large margins, neatly cancelled by boxed "INLAND", very fine and fresh, sign. Hunziker with certificate (1960)
Lot no.929


Catalogue no.38

Opening300 €
Sold for500 €
1859, Lapirot intermediate impressions 2 d. blue, good margins and fresh colour, neatly cancelled, very fine, sign. Pfenninger and certificate Hunziker (1966)
Lot no.930


Catalogue no.42

Opening400 €
Sold for850 €
1859, Dardenne 1 d. dull-vermilion, nice fresh colour and large margins, neatly cancelled by "PAID" in circle, very fine, sign. Lemaire and Enzo Diena with certificate (1979)
Lot no.931


Catalogue no.44

Opening200 €
Sold for460 €
2 d. pale-blue, fresh colour and good to large margins, lightly cancelled, very fine, sign. A. Diena
Lot no.932


Catalogue no.1

Opening3.000 €
Sold for4.600 €
1855/57, First issue 1 d. dull-carmine on white paper, clear at lower left, otherwise good to large margins with part of adjoining stamp at top, lightly cancelled "18" OTAGO; the slightest trace of tiny thin in the upper right corner, otherwise very fine; a very rare stamp, certificate BPA (1962)
Lot no.933


Catalogue no.3

Opening1.200 €
Sold for2.200 €
1 s. pale yellow-green on blued paper, nice fresh colour and ample to good margins, lightly cancelled by fine strike of numeral "6" NEWPLYMOUTH, very fine, certificate Hunziker (1962)
Lot no.934


Catalogue no.3

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
1853, printed by Perkins Bacon, slightly blued paper, 1d. brick-red, pair with fresh color and close to good margins all around, used, fine, signed Pfenninger
Lot no.935
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


Catalogue no.3

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1853, Paper slightly blued 1 d. brick-red in pair, good to large margins and lightly cancelled, very fine, sign. Georg Bühler
Lot no.936


Catalogue no.7

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
6d. pale rose-lilac, pair with fresh colour and close to good margins all around, used, tiny corner crease away from design,otherwise fine, signed Bühler
Lot no.937


Catalogue no.7

Opening300 €
Sold for550 €
1855/63, 6 d. pale rose-lilac, block of 3, nice colour and good to mostly wide margins, neatly cancelled, very fine, certificate BPA (2019)
Lot no.938



Catalogue no.7

Opening500 €
Sold for3.400 €
6 d. pale rose-lilac in pair, one stamp cut-into at corner, the other one with small tear, tied to lettersheet endorsed "By the first Steamer for England" from "BURGHERSDORP AP 4 1859", sent via Capetown, England and France, charged at arrival with 1 gulden 45 kreuzer, attractive and scarce, certificate BPA (2018)
Lot no.939
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.7

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €
6 d. pale rose-lilac, ample to large margins, tied to small envelope (part of reverse flap missing) from Capetown 1862 to England with frontside "LONDON PAID"; stamp with tiny corner crease not affecting the design, otherwise fine
Lot no.940



Catalogue no.7+GB40

Opening800 €
Sold for1.100 €
6 d. pale rose-lilac, just touched at bottom, otherwise ample to large margins, tied by triangle to small envelope from "GRAHAMSTOWN DE 16 1858" via Capetown and London to Southgate, here re-directed to Brighton, additionally franked with GB 1856/58, 1 d. rose-red, tied by duplex; backflap partly torn away, the envelope with small tear and somewhat reduced at top, a fine and scarce combination, certificate BPA (2018)
Lot no.941



Catalogue no.7c+26a

Opening3.000 €
Sold for3.700 €
6 d. slade-lilac, just touched at centre of bottom line, otherwise full to mostly wide margins with 1864/66, perforated 1 s. green, both tied by triangle to entire registered letter from "CAPETOWN FE 20 1864" to Aberdeen with crowned "REGISTERED" at lower left and adjacent "PAID DEVONPORT CAPE PACKET". A very fine and rare letter, certificate BPA (2019)
Lot no.942


Catalogue no.8

Opening150 €
Sold for280 €
1855/63, 1sh. yellow-green, pair with fresh colour and good margins all around, used, fine
Lot no.943
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.8b

Opening500 €
Sold for850 €
1 s. deep dark green, 'triangle'-block of 4, nice fresh colour and good to large margins, unused with large part of original gum, some minor toning on reverse, fine and scarce, certificate BPA (2019)
Lot no.944



Catalogue no.14

Opening1.000 €
Sold for3.200 €
1861, Woodblock 4 d. pale milky-blue, marginal copy, touched at left, at bottom good to large margins with part of neighbour stamp and at right with ca. 4/5 mm sheet margin, tied by clear triangle to entire letter from "PORT ELIZABETH AP 15 1861" to Capetown with arrival mark, very fine, certificate BPA (2018)
Lot no.945



Catalogue no.18

Opening800 €
Sold for4.200 €
1863/64, De la Rue 1 d. deep carmine-red, "triangle"-block of 9 with full to mostly large margins, nice fresh deep colour, unused with large part original gum, extremely fine and scarce, certificate BPA (2019)
Lot no.946



Catalogue no.18

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €
1863/64, printed by DLR with Perkins Bacon plates, 1d. deep carmine-red, pair with brilliant shade and close to good margins all around, unused with original gum, fine
Lot no.947



Catalogue no.19a

Opening800 €
Sold for1.300 €
4 d. blue, marginal block of 12 with large margins on 3 sides and ca. 11/15 mm sheet margin on the other side, unused with large part original gum, some slight toned spots and light diagonal crease affecting 4 stamps, still fine and attractive, certificate BPA (2019)
Lot no.948
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


Catalogue no.21

Opening200 €
Sold for170 €
1863/64, 1 s. bright emerald-green, good to large margins and lightly cancelled, very fine, sign. Georg Bühler
Lot no.949



Catalogue no.1

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1871/72 (dated 1288), 1 shahi black, Plate A, position 5, cancelled by corner bite and tied by pen stroke to cover (openend out for display; with original contents), cover some tears, otherwise fine
Lot no.950



Catalogue no.1

Opening400 €
Sold for300 €
2p. blue, intense shade and good margins tied by black ponchito to folded letter to Montevideo, the adress partly crossed out, a horizontal pressure trace in the top of the cover does not affect the stamp, a rare entire, signed Hunziker with certificate (1961)
Lot no.951


Catalogue no.2a

Opening200 €
Sold for600 €
1858, Barquito 3p. deep green, deep fresh color with good margins on three sides and part of adjoining stamp at left, neatly cancelled by black ponchito, a very fine stamp, signed Hunziker a.o. with his certificate (1962) and certificate RPSL (1950)
Lot no.952


Catalogue no.3

Opening600 €
Sold for2.400 €
3p. red in phantastic intense shade with good margins on all side sides and part of adjoining stamp at left, neatly used with black ponchito, a beautiful specimen of this stamp and of the few four margin and sound examples of this classic rarity, private signature
Lot no.953


Catalogue no.4

Opening500 €
Sold for2.200 €
5p. yellow, position 18, good and intense shade with good margins, neatly used with black ponchito, a very fine stamp, signed Köhler and Hunziker with his certificate (1962)
Lot no.954


Catalogue no.5a

Opening80 €
Sold for180 €
4p. brown, good color and margins, used with black ponchito, fine, signed Bühler
Lot no.955


Catalogue no.5a

Opening150 €
Sold for850 €
4p. brown, horizontal pair with very fresh and intense shade, wide margins on three sides, just touched at top, used with central ponchito, right stamp with imperceptible and tiny rough spot, a rare and very attractive multiple, certificate Hunziker (1962)
Lot no.956


Catalogue no.8

Opening150 €
Sold for340 €
1p. "TO rs" blue, two singles in different shade with good margins and part of adjoining stamps at left, used by blue 'Estafeta Central' the other tied by cds. to small piece,  first stamp with tiny thinning, otherwise very fine, signed
Lot no.957


Catalogue no.9-11

Opening80 €
Sold for95 €
1859, Cabecitas 4r-2p., three singles each in fresh and intense color with very good margins, 1p. with part of adjoining stamps at bottom, used by blue Estafeta Central resp. black dotted cancel, very fine
Lot no.958



Catalogue no.10

Opening120 €
Sold for160 €
1859, Cabecitas 1p. blue with large balanced margins all around tied by black dotted cancel with cds. "CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 28 ENE 60" alongside to folded lettersheet to Rosaria, a scarce and most attractive entire, signed Bühler
Lot no.959



Catalogue no.10

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1859, Cabecitas 1p. blue with large balanced margins all around tied by blue Estafeta Central to folded lettersheet to Rosaria, a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.960



Catalogue no.13

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1862, Cabecitas 2p. blue with large margins and part of adjoining stamp at bottom, tied by black dotted cancel with cds. "CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 9 JUL" alongside to folded lettersheet to Santa Fe, a scarce and very attractive entire, signed Hunziker with certificate (1964)
