368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1069



Catalogue no.ex155-170A/D

Opening600 €
Sold for750 €
1930/39, Abdullah 1m.-1£ perfr. 14 and 1-5, 15 and 20 m. perf. 13½x13 in blocks of 4, unmounted mint, very fine (SG 194b-207)
Lot no.1071



Catalogue no.1

Opening800 €
Sold for850 €
1856, Diligencia 60c. (pale)blue in good shade with usual margins, uncancelled as often on folded lettersheet to Salto, some ageing, otherwise a fine and rare first issue cover, certificate Hunziker (1963)  
Lot no.1072



Catalogue no.1

Opening800 €
Sold for800 €
1856, Diligencia 60c. deep-blue in intense shade with usual margins, uncancelled as often on folded letter to Minas, some minor ageing, otherwise a fine and rare first issue cover, signed Hunziker with certificate (1963)  
Lot no.1073



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €
1856, Diligencia 80c. green in fresh shade and with good to large margins, unused wihtout gum, a very fine stamp
Lot no.1074



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1856, Diligencia 80c. green in fresh shade and with good to large margins, unused wihtout gum, a very fine stamp
Lot no.1075



Catalogue no.3

Opening120 €
Sold for240 €
1856, Diligencia 1r. carmine in fresh and deep shade and with huge margins at top and left, unused, a superb example
Lot no.1076



Catalogue no.3

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
1856, Diligencia 1r. carmine in fresh and deep shade and good margins, unused, a superb example
Lot no.1077



Catalogue no.5-7

Opening150 €
Sold for300 €
1858, Montevideo 120-240c., each with fresh color and large, well balanced margins, unused without gum, very fine, signed Hunziker with three certificates (1961, 1965)
Lot no.1078



Catalogue no.2I

Opening200 €
Sold for440 €
New York: 1845, Washigton 5 c. black with "AC M" initials, fresh colour and good margins all round, tied by blue pen cancel to entire letter with adjecent red cds. "NEW YORK 5 Cts. 15.APR." and straight line "PAID" to Stratford, crease, signed Bartels and a.o. and certificate PF (1995) (Scott 9X1a)
Lot no.1079



Catalogue no.2

Opening5.000 €
Sold for4.500 €
St. Louis: 1847, 10 c. black on greenisch, type II, fresh colour, just touches at bottom and barely touching frameline at right, tied by red cds. "ST.LOUIS Mo. APR.19" to entire letter with red straight line "PAID" to Philadelphia, rare stamp without a pen cancel on cover  from the famed Charnley & Whelen correspondence, certificate Jakubek BPP (1988) (Scott 11X2; 14.000,-)
Lot no.1080
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


Catalogue no.1

Opening150 €
Sold for200 €
1947, 5 c. red-brown with good to enormous margins, showing large part of neighbour stamp at top, lightly cancelled in red, very fine, certificate PF (1986)
Lot no.1081



Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold for190 €
1847, Franklin 5c. brown with fresh color and good margins all around, with two strikes of red "5" handstamp and matching cds. "ELMIRA YA JUL 28" alongside on folded letter to Ithaca, a fine and attractive entire, signed Hunziker with certificate (1964)
Lot no.1082



Catalogue no.1

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1847, Franklin 5c. brown with fresh color and close to good margins all around, tied by red grid cancel with adjacent cds. "BOSTON 14 JUN" to envelope to Augusta, envelope with minor imperfections, otherwise fine
Lot no.1083



Catalogue no.1

Opening100 €
Sold for170 €
1847, Franklin 5c. orange-brown with fresh color and close to good margins all around, tied by red grid cancel with adjacent faint cds. "PROVIDENCE" to folded lettersheet to Norwich, some minor ageing, otherwise fine
Lot no.1084



Catalogue no.1d

Opening250 €
Sold for280 €
5 c. dark brown, fresh colour and good margins all around, tied by red grid cancel to envelope from "MILSBURY Ms. DEC.6." to Leicester, fine, certificate Brettl BPP (1986) (Scott 1a)
Lot no.1085



Catalogue no.1

Opening300 €
Sold for270 €
1847, Benjamin Franklin 5 c. red brown, horizontal pair with good margins on three sides, just touched at bottem with small incut, tied by blue grid to envelope from "SANDUSKY O. DEC.16." to Auburn, redirected and carried from "AUBORN N.Y. DEC.21." with tax mark "5" to Woolcott, stamps with horizontal ironed crease, rare combination, certificate Jakubek BPP (1986) (Scott 1)
Lot no.1086
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


Catalogue no.2

Opening200 €
Sold for440 €
10 c. black, nice impression and clear to large margins, neatly cancelled by red grid, very fine, certificates Nussbaum-Bisser (1969) and Holcombe (1991)
Lot no.1087


Catalogue no.2

Opening300 €
Sold for500 €
1847, Washington 10c. fresh color and good to wide margins all around, neatly cancelled by red grid cancel, very fine
Lot no.1088



Catalogue no.2

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1847, Washington 10 c. black, fresh colour and good to wide margins all around, tied by blue rate handstamp "10" to letter sheet from "GENEVA N.J. FEB.25." to New York, letter cleaned, otherwise fine; rare cancellation, certificate Jakubek BPP (1988) (Scott 2)
Lot no.1089



Catalogue no.7

Opening200 €
Sold for400 €
Verkauf wie besehen Umschlag unterhalb der Frankatur mit verklebtem Riss

1851/57, Washington 12 c. black, horizontal pair tied by black cds. "BRISTOL R.I. FEB.2. to envelope with red tax mark "5" via London to Birmingham with arrival mark, fine, sign. Jakubek BPP (Scott 17)

Lot no.1090



Catalogue no.7H

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold
12 c. black, dagonal half used as 6 c., top left half, good margins, tied by black cds. "SAN FRANCISCO CAL. 16.8." to entire letter via San Louis to Cincinnati, very fine and rare cover, certificate Brettl BPP (1981) (Scott 17a)
Lot no.1091



Catalogue no.326-28

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1930, Zeppelin 65 c.-2,60 $, each on card resp. cover of the Southamerica flight
Lot no.1092



Catalogue no.70a

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold
State: 1873, William H.Seward 20 $ green and black, unused, well centered, very fine and attractive example of this scarce stamp, sign. A.Diena and certificate Brettl BPP (1986) (Scott 071; 5.000,-)
Lot no.1093



Catalogue no.3

Opening120 €
Sold for100 €
Carriers: 1851, Eagle 1 c. blue tied by red star cancel to envelope with Washington 3 c. orange brown tied by blue cds. "PHILADELPHIA Pa. MAY 3" to West Chester, fine, sign. Jakubek BPP (Scott LO2)
Lot no.1094



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for320 €

Boston: 1851, 1 c. blue on bluish on envelope with Washington 3 c. dull red tied by grid cancel "PAID" and adjancent red cds. "POSTON FEB.21" to Shrewsbury, fine, certificate PF (1984) (Scott 3LB2)

Lot no.1095



Catalogue no.4y

Opening150 €
Sold for380 €
New York: 1842/45, 3 c. black on blue, glazed paper, large margins all around, used with red handstamp "US" on entire letter with adjacent red cds. "CITY DISPATCH POST MAY.6.(45), very fine, signed. Jakubek BPP (Scott 6LB5b)
Lot no.1096



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for400 €
Washington: One Cent Despatch,1856, 1 c. violett, type II, tied by cds "CITY DESPATCH APL. 7 1856" to envelope to Milford, tiny spots, otherwise fine, certificate Jakubek BPP (1988) (Scott 112 L1)
Lot no.1097


Catalogue no.9Bc

Opening150 €
Sold for320 €
1863, Jefferson "TEN CENTS" grey blue, wide margins allround, used, very fine, signed Alcuri with certificate (1989) (Scott 9b)
Lot no.1098



Catalogue no.11Ba

Opening300 €
Sold for320 €
1863, Washington 20 c. deep green, good to large margins all around, tied by black cds. "GAINSVILLE GA. OCT.20." to Lawrenceville, very fine, sign. A. Diena and certificates RPS (1945) and PF (2007) (Scott 13b)
Lot no.1099



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1829, Entire letter from New York to Neusohl in Hungary, privately transported to Hamburg and here posted, part-paid with "7" shilling (noted on reverse); certificate Van der Linden BPP (1999)
Lot no.1100



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1848, entire letter from New York (dated 30.Mai.1848) with handwritten endorsement "per Steamer Caledonia", carried by British Open Mail via Great Britain to Ververiers with Begian transit mark "ANGLETERRE PAR OSTENDE 16.JUIN." on reverse and red boxed "DEBOUR ETRANGERES L/TAXE REDUITE/PORT BELE" with different manuscript credits on front, fine
Lot no.1101



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1849, "AMERICA per ENGLAND", black transitstamp on entire letter from "PHILADELPHIA  5 JAN.20". with handstamp "PAID" by British Open Mail with manuscript "224" (Pfennig) to Bischoffswerda, Germany, fine
Lot no.1102



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for440 €
1850, Benjamin Franlin 5 c. brown tied by red grid cancel to entire letter from New York by Brit. Open Mail with steamer Niagara with French handstamp "COLONIES & c.ART.13" and transit mark from Calais with "15" decimes due handstamp to Bordeaux with arrival mark, stamp with horizontal faint ironed crease, certificate Holcombe (1998) and James von der Linden BPP (1997)
Lot no.1103



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1850, "AMERICA per ENGLAND", boxed in red reverse on entire letter from "LOUISVILLE 10 NOV.16." with straight line "PAID" by British Open Mail via Aachen to Coblenz, Prussia with handwritten tax "16 3/4" (Sgr.) and cancel "Entlastet Coblenz 15.12.", fine
Lot no.1104



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for210 €
1851, "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN 9 1/2 / 3", red German transit mark on entire letter from "MERCERSBURGH AUG.5." with Washington 3 c. orange brown tied by black grid cancel via "NEW-YORK AUG.6." with tax mark "20" (Cents) by Bremen Convention Mail to Berlin with manuscript due marking "12 1/2" (Sgr.) and arrival mark, cover was treated as totally unpaid, stamp vertical folded at left and corner faults, otherwise fine, signed Jakubek BPP and certificate James van der Linden BPP (1997)
Lot no.1105



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for90 €
1853, letter sheet from "NEW YORK 10 MAR.23" by British Treaty Mail with manuscipt tax "2 sh." to Forwarded Agent "Sewell, Hamury & Sewell" in London with arrival mark, now readdressed and carried by private ship to Norway, fine 
