368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (2974) Apply Main catalogue filter
- British Palestine (75) Apply British Palestine filter
- Commercial Zeppelin Mail 1928-1937 (352) Apply Commercial Zeppelin Mail 1928-1937 filter
- Danish West Indies 1773-1917 – The "Høgensborg" Collection (part I) (335) Apply Danish West Indies 1773-1917 – The "Høgensborg" Collection (part I) filter
- Incoming mail from Central- and South America to Italy 1837-1889 – The Dr. Giorgio Magnani Collection (187) Apply Incoming mail from Central- and South America to Italy 1837-1889 – The Dr. Giorgio Magnani Collection filter
- Ireland - The Path to Independence - The "Dublin" Collection (part I) & Irish Coil Stamps 1922 to 1940 - The Robert M. Benninghoff Collection (part I) (310) Apply Ireland - The Path to Independence - The "Dublin" Collection (part I) & Irish Coil Stamps 1922 to 1940 - The Robert M. Benninghoff Collection (part I) filter
- Kingdom of Saxony - The Christian and Renate Springer Collection (part I) (160) Apply Kingdom of Saxony - The Christian and Renate Springer Collection (part I) filter
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- German Colonies and offices abroad (157) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (254) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (230) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German shipmail (28) Apply German shipmail filter
- German States (496) Apply German States filter
- Germany after 1945 (714) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (63) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (330) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (222) Apply Overseas filter
- transatlantic post (44) Apply transatlantic post filter
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1853,envelope from "N.YORK BR.PKT. 7 PAID AUG.30." by Prussian Closed Mail via Aachen with red transit mark "Franco Preuss:resp.Vereinsl.Ausg.Pr.", Belgian and France mit L1 "FRANCO" to Turin with modifield manuscript tax and arrival mark, fine
1854, "16/6 Kr.R. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN", red German transit mark on postal stationery envelope 3 c. used from "GLENN SPRINGS S.C. APL. 17" via N.YORK...9 APR.." by Bremen Convention Mail with manuscript due markings "22" (Kr.) to Ebern, Bavaria with arrival mark, envelope was treated as totally unpaid
1854, "4 1/2 / 2 Sgr. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN", red German transit mark on entire letter from "MILWAUKIE SEPT.15" via "N.YORK BREM. PK. 5 OCT.5." with tax mark "15" by Bremen Convention Mail to Dresden, Saxonia with manuscript due tax and arrival mark, address somewhat faded and toned, otherwise fine
1855, Washington 10 c. green, type II, horizontal strip of three, good margins all around, tied by cds. "BUFFALO FEB.13." via N.YORK 7 PAID FEB.20" with red German transit mark "AACHEN 4.3. FRANCO" to Nagold, Württemberg with arrival mark, right stamp with small diagonal crease at top right and cover with a tear at bottom, certificate PF (2003)
1856, local stamp New York 1 c. red tied by cork cancel to envelope with adjacent cds. "N.YORK BR. PKt. 23 23.JUL." by Prussian Closed Mail at 30 c.- post rate in the DÖPV via Aachen with handwritten tax "45" (Kr.) to Ilsfeld with arrival mark, envelope with a diagonal crease at right and a corner nick at bottom left, very rare usage of a local stamp on Transatlantibrief, certificate PF (2012) (Scott 136L9)
1856, envelope from "N.YORK AM.PKT. 7 PAID NOV.15" with straight line "PAID" and manuscript taxe "29" (?) by Prussian Closed Mail via "AACHEN 2.12. FRANCO" with red boxed "Franco Preuss. resp. Vereinsl.Ausg,Gr. and Hamburg with transit mark "fr. Hbg." to Danmark, fine
1857, Frankin 1 c. blue, horizontal pair and Washington 3 c. dull red tied by cds. "NEW ORLEANS AUG.13" to double rate entire letter via "NEW YORK BR.PKT. AUG.20" by Brit. Open Mail to Nantes with "26" decimes due marking an arrival mark, stamps with cut faults, sign. Jakubek BPP (Scott 9, 11)
1857, Washington 12 c. black, horizontal pair tied by red open grid to envelope from "NEW YORK 19 SEP.30" by Brit. Treaty Mail to London with arrival mark, tiny spots and water traces, otherwise fine (Scott 37)
1858, unpaid entire letter from Havanna (dated 23.1.) carried by forwarded agent " FORT & LINDAM" to New York and further from "NEW YORK 3 FEB.3." by Frenc Convention Mail with cancel "ET.UNIS.SERV. BR. A.C. 16.FEVR.58" and tax mark "8" (Decimes) to Bordeaux with arrival mark, fine
1858, Jeffferson 5 c. brown and Washington 10 c. green tied by cds. "LOWVILLE NY. MAR.12." to double rate envelope via "NEW YORK 18 MAR.13" with handstamp "SHORT PAID" by French Covention Mail with French ship cancel "ET.UNIS.SERV.AM. A.C. 29.MARS.58" und handwritten tax "16", fine, rare combination (Scott 30 A, 32)
1859, "8 3/4" tax mark in blue from Hamburg, clear on envelope from "CLERMONT APR.19" via "N.YORK BREM.PK. 3 MAY" by Hamburg Convention Mail via Hamburg with modified manuscript tax to Christiania, Norway with arrival mark, slight toned, otherwise fine
1859, Franklin 1 c. blue in horizontal pair tied by cds. "NEW ORLEANS APR.22" as partial cash franking printed matter "Printed Report-per first Steamer" via French shipmail with red cancel "ET.UNIS.SERV.PR.A.C.M. 16.MAI.59" and black boxed "F./40" to Absam near Hall, Tyrol with handwritten tax "9" (Kr.) for the postal route from French to Austria and arrival mark, right stamp with corner fault, otherwise fine (Scott 24)
1959, Jefferson 5 c. red-brown, good margins all around, tied by cds. "NEW ORLEANS La. MAI.24 (57)" to entire letter with handwritten endorsement "pr. Steamer, via Liverpool", carried by French Convention Mail via Liverpool with accountancy handstamp "GB 1 F.60" and French tax mark "16" (Decimes) to Bordeaux with arrival mark, very fine, signed Calves, Brettl BPP and Jakubek BPP with certificate (1977) (Scott 12)
1860, unpaid letter sheet from "N.YORK BR.PKT. 46 MAY.11" with red double line "PER PRUSSIAN CLOSED MAIL" and manuscript tax "26" via Aachen to Grossenhain, Saxony with arrival mark, fine
1860, "6 3/4 Sgr.-9Xr", blue tax mark on envelope from "N. YORK HAMB. PKT. 5 JUL.1." with seal wax "KÖNIGL.WÜRTTEMB. CONSULAT NEW YORK" one ververse via Hamburg to Lorch, Württemberg with arrival mark, fine
1860, Franklin 30 c. orange tied by black grid cancel to envelope from "PHILADELPHIA OCT.2.1860" via "N.YORK AM.PKT. 7 PAID OCT.6." with modified manuscript endorsement "via Liverpool", caried by Prussian Closed Mail via Aachen with red handstamp "AACHEN 17.10. FRANCO" to Bautzen, Saxony with arrival mark, tiny spots, otherwise fine (Scott 38)
1860, unpaid letter sheet from Havanna (dated 27.10.) via "NEW YORK AM.PLT. NOV.3." with tax mark "16" (false tax mark "19" overstamped) by French Convention Mail with French ship mail "ET.UNIS. SERV. AM.A.C. 19.NOV.60" and tax mark "19" (Decimes) nach Paris mit Ankunftsstempel
1861, Jefferson 5 c. brown tied by "PAID" cancel" to envelope from "BOSTON 6 JUL.2" by French Convention Mail with French red ship cancel "3 ETATS-UNIS 3 SERV. BRIT.CALAIS 16.JUIL." and tax mark "16" (Decimes) to Paris with arrival mark, cover was treated as totally unpaid, fine, sign. Alcuri with certificate (1984) (Scott 30 A)
1863, "Col. E.D. Baker" patriotic cover as "army letter" from "PORT ROYAL S.C. MAR.14" via New York with handstamp "Due (21)" by French Convention Mail" with red ship cancel "ETAT-UNIS SERV. AM. CALIS 3. AVRIL.63" to Switzerland with manuscript rates and arrival mark, very fine and rare military patriotic cover to Switzerland
1863, Washington 10 c. green in horizontal pair and Franklin 1 c. blue tied by target cancel to letter sheet from "SAN FRANCISCO APR.6.1863" with handwritten endorsement "Via Paris" via New York by French Convention Mail with red ship cancel "ETATS-UNIS SERV.AM CALAIS 3.MAI.63" and red boxed "PD" to Geneve, Switzerland with arrival mark, folded, otherwise fine, sign. Alcuri with certificate (1992) (Scott 63,68)
1863, Jefferson 5 c. brown tied by black open grid cancel to entire letter from "N.YORK BR. PKT. AUG. 12. PAID" by British Open Mail via London to Cadiz, Spain with red tax mark "8 Rs." and arrival mark, fine, certificate PF (1984)
1864, Washington 24 c. grey violet, tied by black crid cancel to envelope with red cds. "PHILA BR. PKT. 19. FEB.11." and handwritten endorsement "per Steamer Feb. 3. 1864" by Brit. Treaty Mail to Bromsgrove with arrival mark, envelope with small tear at top, otherwise fine (Scott 70)
1864, Washington 10 c. green, two horizontal pairs and 3 c. rose tied by target cancel to envelope from "SAN FRANCISCO SEP..." via New York by Prussian Closed Mail via Aachen with red boxed "AACHEN 21.10. FRANCO" and "Franco Preuss. resp.Vereinsl.Ausg.Gr." and via Switzerland with double line "Débours...Transite suisse" and straight line "Italiano" with handwitten tax "20/35 cts" to Chiavari with arrival mark, in Switzerland the cover was treated as double rate cover, the right stamps wiht faults, otherwise fine, rare (Scott 66, 68)
1864, unpaid entire letter from Puerto de Mazatlan (dated 18.9.) with manuscript endorsement "per overlandmail" carried by Forwarded Agent "ZIEL, BERTHEAU & Co." via "SAN FRANCISCO SEP.26.1864" and "N. YORK BREM. PK. 3 OCT.22" with tax mark "30" by Bremen Convention Mail with German transit mark "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" in blue and tax mark "22" to Backnang with arrival mark, slight folded marks and toned
1864, Franklin 30 c. orange tied by cds. "PHILADELPHIA MAR.11.1864" to envelope via "N.YORK BREM.PKT. 24 PAID MAR.12." with blue German transit mark "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" nach Rhodt near Landau, Bavaria, few tears on reverse closed, otherwise fine, signed Jakubek BPP (Scott 71)
1865, Washington 10 c. green, three single stamps and 3 c. rose, all tied by target cancel to envelope from "BATTLE CREEK MICH. OCT.10." via New York by Prussian Closed Mail and Aachen with blue boxed "AACHEN....FRANCO" and red tax mark "12" to Thal, Switzerland with arrival mark, tiny spots (Scott 66,68)
1865, Washington 24 c. lilac and 3 c. rose tied by black grid to mourning cover from "N.YORK BR.PKT.7.PAID NOV.25." by Belgian Closed Mail to Brussels with arrival mark, tiny spots, otherwise fine
1867, blue tax mark "6 1/2", clear strike on US postal stationery envelope 3 c. from "ROCHESTER JUN.24." via "N.YORK Hamb.PKT. 3 JUN.29" via Hamburg to Wehden, Prussia with arrival mark, envelope was treated as totally unpaid
1867, Washington 24 c. grey and two single stamps Jackson 2 c. black, tied by cork cancel to envelope from "WASHINGTON AUG.26." via "N.YORK BR.PKT. 7 PAID AUG.27." by Prussian Closed Mail to Vienna with arrival mark, fine (Scott 78b)
1868, Andrew Jackson 2 c. black with cork cancel on printed matter of the 3rd weight category from "BALTIMORE FEB.27", franking not accepted, used via New York with boxed "SHORT PAID" and tax cancel "6" (cent) to Bremen with arrival mark and handwritten tax "4 1/2" (Sgr.) on front, fine (Scott 73)
1868, Washington 10 c. tied by cork cancel to envelope from "PITTSBURG PA. MAR.23" via "NEW YORK 9 MAR 24" with straight line "INSUFFICIENTLY PAID" by French Convention Mail via Great Britain with handstamp "F.30" to Switzerland with arrival mark, cover was treated as totally unpaid, reverse with long cuts, otherwise fine (Scott 68)
1868, entire letter from "NEW ORLEANS MAY.13" via "NEW YORK BR.TRANSIT MAY.19." by Prussian Closed Mail via Aachen with blue tax mark "8" to Limbach, Saxony, fine, certificate James van der Linden BPP (1996)
1869, Shields and Eagle 10 c. yello tied by cork cancel to envelope from "NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT AUG.19.", carried by Direct Mail via Bremen with red handstamp "BREMEN 1.9.69 FRANCO" to Berlin with arrival mark
1870, Landing of Columbus 15 c. brown & blue, type II, two single stamps tied by red cork cancel to registered cover from "NEW YORK REGISTERED JAN.22." via Bremen with red boxed "BREMEN 1.2.70 FRANCO" to Stuttgart with arrival mark, cover opened on two sides, otherwise fine, certificate PF (1993)
1871, Stanton 7 c. orange, horizontal pair tied by blue cork cancel to envelope from "KEWANEE MAY.19" via "NEW YORK MAY.22." by German Closed Mail via Aachen with transit mark "Wfr. 1 1/2" to Sweden with arrival mark, left stamp with corner faults, otherwise fine, certificate Jakubek BPP (1989)
1871, Jefferson 2 c. brown, horizontal pair with cork cancel on letter sheet from "NEW ORLEANS JUL.21." via New York by Open Mail via Great Britain with handstamp "GB 40c" and French cancel "ANGL. AMB. CALAIS 6.AOUT.71" and tax mark "10" (Decimes) to Bordeaux with arrival mark, fine (Scott 146)