373rd Auction
23-27 June 2020 in Wiesbaden
1857, Frankin 1 c. blue, horizontal pair and Washington 3 c. dull red tied by cds. "NEW ORLEANS AUG.13" to double rate entire letter via "NEW YORK BR.PKT. AUG.20" by Brit. Open Mail to Nantes with "26" decimes due marking an arrival mark, stamps with cut faults, sign. Jakubek BPP (Scott 9, 11)
1858, unpaid entire letter from "CHARLESTON S.C. FEB.5." with canceled tax mark "5" (cent) via Boston to forwarded agent "Hambro & Son" in London with arrival mark, forwarded with private ship to Palma, Majorca, early mail, fine
1858, Jeffferson 5 c. brown and Washington 10 c. green tied by cds. "LOWVILLE NY. MAR.12." to double rate envelope via "NEW YORK 18 MAR.13" with handstamp "SHORT PAID" by French Covention Mail with French ship cancel "ET.UNIS.SERV.AM. A.C. 29.MARS.58" und handwritten tax "16", fine, rare combination (Scott 30 A, 32)
1861, Washington 12 c. black, two single stamps tied by black grid cancel to patriotic cover from “FLEMINGTON N.J. JUN.6.” via “NEW YORK PAID Hamb. Pkt. JUN.29 10” and Hamburg to Elbinghausen, Germany, left stamp with corner fault at bottom and cover with margins tears and rough opened at reverse, overpaid, but rare patriotic cover to Europe, signed Jakubek BPP (Scott 36)
1865, Washington 24 c. lilac and 3 c. rose tied by black grid to mourning cover from "N.YORK BR.PKT.7.PAID NOV.25." by Belgian Closed Mail to Brussels with arrival mark, tiny spots, otherwise fine
1866, Franklin 30 c. orange and Washington 10 c. green, tied by black grid cancel to cover from “TELL CITY MAR.4.” via New York with tax mark “16” and blue German transit mark “AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO” to Zürich, Switzerland with arrival mark, two cent overpaid, the right double rate postage “via Bremen” is 38 cent, otherwise a nice cover (Scott 71, 68)
1867, Washington 10 c. green, horizontal pair tied by cork cancel to entire letter from “ST.LOUIS OCT.16” via “N.YORK BREM PKT. OKT.24 PAID” and Bremen with transit mark “AMERIKA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO” to Meiringen near Bern, Switzerland with arrival mark, one cent overpaid, fine (Scott 68)
1867, Lincoln 15 c. black tied by cork cancel to entire letter from “NEW ORLEANS AVR.6.” via New York with French ship mark and framed “PD” to Paris with arrival mark, signed Alcuri with opinion (Scott 77)
1868, Lincoln 15 c. black tied by cork cancel to envelope from “NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT…MRZ.” with tax mark “5” (cent credit to Switzerland) via Hamburg with machine transit mark “HAMBURG 13.4.68 FRANCO” and handwritten endorsement “2 Wfr”(Weiterfranco) to Sülz, Switzerland with arrival mark, stamp with tiny stains, otherwise fine (Scott 77)
1868, postal stationery envelope 3 c. carmine used from „NEW ORLEANS LA. MAR.17” via “NEW YORK DIRECT MAR.24” with tax mark “7” (cent, total rate 10 cent) and straight line “INSUFFICIENTLY PAID” via Hamburg to Sulz, Württemberg with arrival mark, charged on arrival with 28 kreuzer, slightly dirty, otherwise fine
1869, Washington 6 c. blue, tied by cork cancel to small envelope from “ST.LOUIS SEP.26.”, very fine, signed E. Diena (Scott 115)
1869, Lincoln 15 c., F.Grill, tied by red cork cancel to cover from “NEW YORK PAID 6 APR.1.” with French transit mark to Paris, flap with closed tears, otherwise fine, signed Holcombe (Scott 98)
1870, Lincoln 6 c. carmine, tied by cork cancel to entire letter from “SAN FRANCISCO CAL. OCT.22” with tax cancel “6” via New York, London and “PARIS 16.NOV.” to Reims with arrival mark from 28.3.71, late delivery during the Franco-German War, interesting combination with underpaid franking (Scott 148)
1870, Shield and Eagle 10 c. orange tied by cork cancel to cover from “CHICAGO ILL. JUN.21” via Bremen with red transit mark “BREMEN 7.7.70 FRANCO” to Königsbrück, Saxony with arrival mark, fine (Scott 116)
1873, Lincoln 6 c. carmine, tied by New York Foreign Mail Star cancel to letter sheet with adjacent red cds. “NEW YORK JUL.26” to Glasgow, Scotland with arrival mark, fine, signed Bloch (Scott 148)
1873, Stanton 7 c. vermillion on advertising stationery envelope 3 c. green, used from “SAN FRANCISCO CAL. MAR.16” via New York to Paris with French mark “ETAT-UNIS CHERBOURG 4 AVRIL.75” on front, envelope slightly shortened at left and one cent overpaid, otherwise fine, complete with letter, nice (Scott 149)
1874, Jefferson 10 c. dark brown, tied by New York Foreign Mail Geometric cancel to envelope with adjacent red cds. “NEW YORK PAID ALL MAI.6.” via Basel to Arlesheim, tiny spots on reverse, otherwise fine (Scott 161)
1874, Jefferson 10 c. dark brown, tied by New York Foreign Mail Star cancel to letter sheet with adjacent red cds. “NEW YORK PAID ALL SEP.2.” via Basel to Neuchatel with arrival mark, fine, signed Alcuri with opinion (Scott 161)
1874, Washington 1 c. blue on postal stationery card 1 c. from "CHATTANOOGA TENN APR.12”" via "NEW YORK PAID ALL APR…HAMBURG" to Schleitheim near Schaffhausen, Switzerland with arrival mark, fine; rare pre-UPU rate (Scott 145, P1)
1874, Washington 1 c. blue on postal stationery card 1 c. from “DUBUQUE IOA AUG.12.” via “NEW YORK AUG.19.” to Darmstadt, Germany, fine, nice pre-UPU rate card (Scott 145, P1)
1847, Washington 10 c. black, fresh colour and good to wide margins all around, tied by blue rate handstamp "10" to letter sheet from "GENEVA N.J. FEB.25." to New York, letter cleaned, otherwise fine; rare cancellation, certificate Jakubek BPP (1988) (Scott 2)
12 c. black, dagonal half used as 6 c., top left half, good margins, tied by black cds. "SAN FRANCISCO CAL. 16.8." to entire letter via San Louis to Cincinnati, very fine and rare cover, certificate Brettl BPP (1981) (Scott 17a)
State: 1873, William H.Seward 20 $ green and black, unused, well centered, very fine and attractive example of this scarce stamp, sign. A.Diena and certificate Brettl BPP (1986) (Scott 071; 5.000,-)
1880, Essay Return Envelope 3 c. red on white, size 160 x 90 mm and second envelope 3 c. with inscription “Six cents us. Return envelope (size 240 x 100 mm), unused, stronger folds
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1889, reply postcard 1 c. + 1 c. grey-violett, unused, slightly separated at top (Scott UY3, 450 $)
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1894/97, postcard 2 c. green with violet duplex "WAIPAHU JAN 18 1899" to Germany with transit and arrival marks, long text in German language, small corner crease, otherwise fine (Scott UX9)
1852, entire letter from Puerto Cabello to New York, redirected by forwarded agent “J.W. Schmidt & Co.”, new dispatch from “NEW YORK BR. PKT. NOV.23.” via London and Paris with transit mark “ETATS-UNIS-PAQ.BRIT. PARIS 8.DEC.” and tax mark “19” (decimes) to Marseilles with arrival mark
CELEBES: 1943, interessante ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit zwei Ganzsachen, außerdem Einheiten, Briefstück mit Mischfrankatur, sauber auf Blättern aufgezogen, meist gute Erhaltung
JAVA, GROTE OOST: 1944/45, kleine ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit 10 Briefen bzw. Ganzsachenkarten, außerdem einige Werte und ein Brief der Amboina Fälschungen, gute Erhaltung
LESSER SUNDA ISLANDS: 1943, kleine ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit einer Postanweisung und einer Ganzsachen, sauber auf Blättern aufgezogen, meist gute Erhaltung
SUMATRA: 1942/45, hochinteressante ungebrauchte/postfrische und gestempelte Sammlung ab den Stern-Aufdrucken Atjeh, außerdem Tapanoeli, Mittel- und West-Sumatra, Djambi, Palembang inkl. Postmeisteraufdrucke, Lampong, Bangka, Billiton, Nord-Sumatra sowie Malaya-Aufdrucke und Japanische Marken gebraucht in Sumatra, dabei viele verschiedenfarbige Aufdrucke sowie Briefstücke und Einheiten, alles sauber auf Blättern aufgezogen, dazu einige Banknoten, teils sign., meist gute Erhaltung
SUMATRA: 1942/45, interessante Sammlung mit 32 Postanweisungen, Briefen und Karten, ab den Stern-Aufdrucken Atjeh, außerdem Malaya-Aufdrucke und Japanische Marken gebraucht in Sumatra, dabei Sonderstempel, R-Briefe, Zensurstempel usw., übliche, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung
SOUTH-EAST BORNEO (Bandjermasin & Samarinda): 1942/45, interessante ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit einer Postanweisung, Vorderseite einer Drucksache sowie einem Dienstbrief, sauber auf Blättern aufgezogen, meist gute Erhaltung
WEST BORNEO (PONTIANAK): 1942/45, kleine ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit 2 Postanweisungen, sauber auf Blättern aufgezogen, meist gute Erhaltung
1867/1957, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit einigen besseren wie Mi.-Nr. 69-81, 93, 104 und 120 ungebraucht, meist gute Erhaltung
Lot no.4386
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
0 1Catalogue no.
Opening250 €
Sold for200 €
1953/30, postfrische Sammlung (anfangs einige wenige ungebraucht), ab 1954 weitgehend kpl., in 2 Vordruck-Alben