375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
CHARGABLE OFFICIAL ITEMS: Cover from the postage stamp department of the "Generalkommissar Ostland" that had been relocated to Köslin, sent to Altenburg, two vertical folds, otherwise fine and rare
Reference: "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 115, Harry von Hofmann (2001)
GIFT BOOKLETS: Two booklets inscribed "Generalpostkommisar Ostland" with Sovjet resp. Ostland stamps, fine
ITEMS SENT TO "NON-HOSTILE FOREIGN COUNTRIES": 1943, Hitler 6 Pfg. postal stationery card with additional franking including Hindenburg 3 Pfg. from "MAJORY 15.4.42" to Spoleto, Italy, small hole otherwise fine, scarce
Reference: "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 129, Harry von Hofmann (2001)
ITEMS SENT TO "NON-HOSTILE FOREIGN COUNTRIES": 1943, Hitler 5 and 20 Pfg. tied by tarn machine cancel "30 OKT 1943" to censored cover to Switzerland, scarce, fine
Reference: "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 126, Harry von Hofmann (2001)
ITEMS SENT TO "NON-HOSTILE FOREIGN COUNTRIES": 1943, Hitler 25 Pfg. tied by cds. "RIGA 26.06.1941" to censored cover to Switzerland, scarce, fine
Reference: "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 127, Harry von Hofmann (2001)
POSTAGE-FREE OFFICIAL LETTERS OF THE LATVIAN POSTAL SERVICE: Sovjet postal stationery envelope disguised and used in Widrisch as registered cover, for sending in to the main post office in Riga the main portions of money transfers paid out), scarce
Reference: "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 119, Harry von Hofmann (2001)
POSTAGE-FREE OFFICIAL POSTCARDS OF THE DEUTSCHE DIENSTPOST OSTLAND: 1944, pre-printed card sent from "KÖSLIN 15.12.44" to Altenburg, fine
Reference: "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 113, Harry von Hofmann (2001)
1941/43, interesting collection of 66 cards, covers and forms with many interesting items such as use of official stamps, postage free mail, "Postsache", postal stationery, airmail, registered mail, mixed franking Ostland-stamps with Deutsches Reich and Stelle "C" etc., in addition some large format cover(fronts) from the Ostland Öl-Vertriebs GmbH, mostly fine
1941, unused/mint never hinged and used collection with multiples, paper folds, Hitler 5 Pfg. as complete sheet, se-tenants including strips of 11, small handbook for Latvian postal workers and more than 25 covers including registered and censored, "Deutsche Dienstpost Ostland", Official mail with official stamps, all in two albums
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1941, with more than 60 cards (few envelopes) with many interesting items like Latvian tourism postcard and many Advertising postcards including three used ones
CANCELLATIONS: Very extensive collection with approx. 600 items of "Deutsche Dienspost Ostland" postmarks "BRENE-WINDAU", Riga machine cancellations, amended Latvian and Sovjet Latvian postmarks, German postmarks for Latvian post offices, dumb cancellations, provisional cancellation, different r-labels and cancellations etc.
CANCELLATIONS: Interesting collection of more than 100 cards and covers plus loose stamps and pieces, German and Latvian cancels, "Deutsche Dienstpost" cancels and meter marks, adjusted Russian cancels, 2nd. class post offices for instance "Hasenpoth-Kloster über Hasenpoth", provisional cancellation including manuscript, railway, muted fieldpost cancellations with one cover depicted in "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 184, Harry von Hofmann (2001), all written up in 4 volumes
1941/43,very interesting collection with more than 60 cards and covers, with marking "taken from the mailbox with changed address", postage due with different markings, "address unknown retour", "zurück unzulässig", "Zurück z. Zt. keine Postverbindung", label "Covers with stamps not in proper place will not be carried in the future", "Ansichtskarten unzulässig", "Zurück Absenderangabe fehlt ungenügend", "Überprüft! Keine Bedenken" etc., meist gute Erhaltung
REGISTERED MAIL: 1941/43, very interesting collection with 46 cards and covers, showing re-used latvian r-labels, provisional r-label and german r-labels, german receipts, Sovjet Latvian receipt (depicted in "Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalkommissariat OSTLAND", page 240, Harry von Hofmann (2001)), mostly fine
TELEGRAMS: 1942, very interesting collection starting with 19 telegrams and 5 corresponding envelopes, in addition five GREETINGS TELEGRAMS and five corresponding envelopes, mostly good condition
PARCEL CARDS/FORMS: 1941/44, interesting collection with 29 forms containing International COD form, Notification for a package, usage of sovjet forms, emergency parcel card etc., fine
MONEY SERVICE: 1941/44, interesting collection with 24 various forms, postal giro letters, postal savings book, identity cards and return coupons, good condition
TELEPHONE SERVICE: 1941/44, interesting collection with 19 various forms, phone book announcements, telephone bill envelopes, telephone bills, telephone accounting slips, radio subscriber card on Lithuania postal stationery, receipt book for radio license fee, receipt for PO Box fees, various pieces illustrated in the handbook
SPECIAL SERVICES: 1941/44, interesting collection with 31 various forms like notification for a package, Newspaper purchasing permits, newspaper subscription order cards, delivery slips, letter bundle slips, waybills, identity cards etc., various pieces illustrated in the handbook
INCOMING MAIL: Interesting collection of 12 cards and covers including censored and registered, airmail cover with meter mark, field post with handstamp "Zurück z. Ut. keine Postverbindung", postcard written in latvian with marking "Zurück an den Absender unzulässig" etc, mostly fine
RESETTLEMENT MAIL: Interesting collection of 9 cards and covers including pre-printed envelopes "Volksdeutsche Einwanderer-Beratungsstelle", cachet "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" and "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle Umsiedlung Lager Nr. Villa Werneck", card with request to provide additional information on the replacement of the property left behind etc., good condition
UNAUTHORIZED USE OF OSTLAND STAMPS: 1942/43, interesting group of 15 cards and covers included registered, mostly transported un-rejected
FISCALS: 1942/43, very interesting group of 9 documents including one passport, fine
FOREIGNER IN THE WEHRMACHT: 1942, cover from Riga with muted machine cancel "10 AUG 1942" to Lausanne, with censor label and mark on reverse, fine
FOREIGNER IN THE WEHRMACHT: 1943, field post cover to Valancia sent from a member of the Spanish "Blue Division" at the Spanish military hospital in Riga, censored in Berlin, fine and rare
1942/44, interesting collection with 40 cards and covers, with registered mail, Latvian in the Wehrmacht, mail posted in civil post offices including one cover with railway mark, SS-Fieldpost etc., all written up
MEERBECK: 1947, "Displaced Persons Mail Paid" red cachet with adjacent cds. "STADTHAGEN 21.1.47" on cover to Lübeck, fine
1945/47, interesting collection with 16 cards and covers including Incoming mail to the Flensburg camp, several "Displaced Persons Mail PAID" cachets, often with contents, mostly fine
Albanien bis Zara, umfangreiche ungebrauchte und postfrische Sammlung mit einer Vielzahl an guten Werten, dabei Mährisch-Ostrau Mi.-Nr. 1-5, 28-29, 30,31, 32-40, Generalgouvernement Mi.-Nr. I-III, Flämische Legion Mi.-Nr. XX, Dänische Legion mit "Til Kamp" Vignette, Estland Odenpäh Mi.-Nr. 1A(2), 2AI, AII, 2BI (o.G.), 2BII, Frankreich mit Eisbärblock, St. Nazaire Mi.-Nr 3III auf Brief, Kotor Mi.-Nr. 7-10, Laibach und Serbien in den Hauptnummern augenscheinlich postfrisch komplett, Litauen Mi.-Nr. 4-7K ungebraucht, 10-18 postfrisch, Alsedschen Mi.-Nr. 2-8 postfrisch mit Fotoattest Krischke (2-7 mit heute nicht prüfbarem Aufdruck), Ponewesch Mi.-Nr. 1-3, 4-9 mit allen Aufdruckfarben, Raseiniai Mi.-Nr. 1-7 I-III, 8-11, 10K, Telsiai Mi.-Nr. 8, 10, 10KI, 17, 19-21 sowie 24-25, Pleskau Mi.-Nr. 2-9 ungebraucht und Block 1X gestempelt, Ukraine zwei Werte Hilfpostmsarken der Zivilpost, Wosnessensk Mi.-Nr. 1-2, Nordukraine Mi.-Nr. 21-24, 25-28, Zante Mi.-Nr. I/I und I/II, Zara mit besseren,
Feldpost mit Mi.-Nr. 5a, 7A, 9, 10Ad, 11Aa, Ostpreußen-Feldpostkarte auf weißem Karton gebraucht usw., etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung, vieles sign. und mit einigen Befunden/Fotoattesten
1933/45, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung, dabei u.a. Albanien kpl., Theresienstadt /1, Laibach kpl., Litauen 10-18, Mazedonien 1-8, Serbien mit 4er-Blocks, Bl.1-4, Pleskau Bl.2, 4, Zanto 1-3I+II etc.
1939/45, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit u.a. Albanien kpl., Theresienstadt Mi.-Nr. Z1, Flämische Legion Mi.-Nr. I-XIV, XV-XIXB, XX P, St. Nazeire 1-2, Französische Legion Bl.I, Laibach kpl., Mazedonien Mi.-Nr. 1-8, Montenegro Mi.-Nr. 14, Serbien in den Hauptnummern kpl. etc., im SAFE-Dual-Album
1939/45, postfrische und etwas ungebrauchte Sammlung, dabei Laibach kpl., Serbien in den Hauptnummern kpl. etc., dazu etwas Dt. Reich
1939/45, postfrische, etwas ungebrauchte und teils zusätzlich gestempelte Sammlung, dabei u.a. Theresienstadt Z1, Laibach kpl., Mazedonien kpl., Montenegro 20-35, Serbien in den Hauptnummern kpl. etc.
1939/45, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit besseren Ausgaben wie Französische Legion Bl.I, dazu Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen, in 3 Alben
1939/45, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit einigen Briefen und Ganzsachen, dabei Albanien kpl., Laibach bis auf Mi.-Nr. 44 kpl., Serbien mit allen Blocks, dazu etwas Kroatien
1939/45, postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand im großen Karton