375th Auction

16-21 November in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.2010



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for250 €
1795, entire letter dated "St Georges Grenada Avril 25 1795" to Lancaster struck on reverse flap with „GRENADA/Crown“ handstamp in black, London arrival (June 26) and charged "1/6" in manuscript. The letter contains the eye-witness report of a British Ship's captain writing to his wife in England and mentioning an ,,Insurrection of the Mulatois & Blacks" which took place in March 1795 when about ten thousand people revolted against the upper class members of the Island of Grenada. Driven by ideas of the French Revolution which had previously inspired developments in e.g. Haiti this rebellion failed due to the vigorous intervention of the British troops and admiralty. A full transcription and more information is included