376th Auction
19-24 April 2021 in Wiesbaden
1941, 18.2., airmail cover from Thorshavn via New York to Denmark with British and Munich censor labels
1941, 15.3., airmail cover from Gotenburg, Sweden to Thorshavn, transported via Moscow, Teheran, Bagdad (transit mark of March 31), Cairo, New York, Lisbon and London with British censor label "P.C.90"; a very rare postal history item, just one further cover recorded transported via Bagdad
Provenance: Geoffrey Noer (366. Heinrich Köhler auction 2018)
1941, 18.3., airmail cover from Thorshavn, franked with provisional stamps 20 on 5 øre (2) and 50 on 5 øre (3) via New York to Denmark with British and Munich censor labels, tiny unfresh
1941, 22.4., cover from Midvaag via Thorshavn to Denmark with British and Frankfurt censor labels
1941, 27.4., cover with provisional 20 on 5 øre from Vaag to Copenhagen with British and German censor labels
1941, 1.5., registered airmail cover from Copenhagen to Thorshavn with German censor label of Frankfurt, transported via New York and England, here confiscated with manuscript registration number "L/L41204" on reverse, very scarce
1941, 3.5., cover from Thorshavn to Denmark, franked with complete provisional issue, transported via New York with censor label "P.C.90/4454"; confiscated in England with registration number "L/L.40589"
1941, 6.5., cover from Sand via Thorshavn to Denmark with and Danish censor labels. Certificate Moeller (1998)
1941, 8.5., airmail cover from Lisbon undercover address 'PO BOX 164' to Trangisvaag with British censor label "D/8825" of Jamaica with rubber handstamp "12 JAN 1942", very scarce
1941, 19.5., airmail cover (reduced in size at left) franked with provisional issues 20 on 1 øre in pair, 20 on 15 øre (5), 50 on 5 øre in pair and 60 on 6 øre in pair, all tied by Trangisvaag Klipsfisk cancel, addressed to Denmark, confiscated in England with registration number "L/L.41029" on reverse; fine and scarce
1941, 15.7., cover with provisional 20 on 1 øre, copy from the upper right sheet corner with plate no. "442" from Thorshavn to Reykjavik, Iceland with brown censor label with violet "Thorshavn" and "16 JULI 1941"; fine and very scarce
1941, 3.8./20.10., 2 covers to Great Britain with British censor labels, one underfranked and taxed
1941, 30.8., postcard from Thorshavn to Australia with British censor handstamp; unusual destination
1941, 10.11., airmail cover from Trangisvaag with red oval "O.A.T." (onward air transmission) to Nanortalik on Greenland with British censor label; top right corner of envelope clipped, otherwise fine. A very rare cover
1941, 1.12., cover from Copenhagen to Trangisvaag with German censor handstamp "Ab" of Berlin and returned. In Copenhagen double line "Postudvekslingen indstillet retur afsenderen" (later crossed out) and due to missing return address officially opened and re-sealed, manuscript receiving notation of 28.6.1945; scarce and interesting entire
1941, 10.12., cover from Thorshavn to England with British censor label; undeliverable and returned. Due to missing return address opened and officially re-sealed with postal label
1941, 30.12., commercial cover with Caravelle 20 øre from Haldersvig to Thorshavn and re-addressed locally, posted again with numeral 10 øre, tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 3.1.42", sealed with red official seals, very fine and unusual, certificate v. Wowern (1978)
1942, 18.2., airmail cover from Charlottenlund to Thorshavn, transported via New York with British and German censor labels and handstamp "RELEASED" on front and reverse; some transportation marks, very scarce
1942, 30.4., commercial airmail cover from Copenhagen to Thorshavn with frontside German censor mark "Ab" but without British censorship
1942, 6.5., cover from Thorshavn to Castries, St. Lucia with British censor label and frontside American censor handstamp "801", arrival mark of September 18; transportation marks
1942, 9.7., airmail cover from Copenhagen to PO Box 506 in Lisbon operated by Thomas Cook & Son with German censor label and handstamp of Munich and Lisbon arrival mark of July 17 and British censor label; extremely rare
1942, 1.8., cover from Lisbon to Copenhagen with German censor label and handstamps; the cover roughly opened and most of backflap removed. Statement from a member of the family that the family received in this cover a letter from friends on the Faroe Islands (1989)
1942, 8.8., cover from Sandevaag to Thorshavn with frontside arrival mark; cover with brown censor label and handstamp "OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR" with signature
1942, 18.9., from Sørvaag to Thorshavn with frontside arrival mark, closed with brown censor label with handstamp "OPENED BY MILITARY CENSOR" on reverse
1942, 21.9., cover from London with meter mark to Thorshavn and re-directed from "THORSHAVN 7.11.42" to Reykjavik, Iceland, British censor label
1943, 2.6., cover from Alnwick, England to Thorshavn and re-directed from "THORSHAVN 16.6.43" to Reykjavik, Iceland with local censor label with straight line "Thorshavn" and date stamp "15 JUNI" and US-censor label; fine and very scarce
1943, 16.8., ballot cover from Copenhagen to Leirvik with 2 censor labels "OPENED BY ARMY U.S. EXAMINER No.", fine and very scarce
1943, 7.9., most likely philatelic cover with colourful franking from Thorshavn to Chicago with British censor label and printed notice that contents was missing
1943, 22.9., airmail cover from Randers to Klaksvig with German censor label of Berlin with manuscript notation "Zurück, bis auf weiteres nicht zustellbar, Abp", later crossed out and the letter forwarded with British censor label "EXAMINER 4225" with manuscript "I.C.(BERMUDA)"
1943, 6.11., airmail cover from Frederikshavn, Denmark to Fuglefjord, transported via New York with British and German censor labels and frontside "THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN HELD BY THE OFFICE CENSORSHIP"
1943, 5.11., cover from Sutton, England, to Thorshavn, underpaid by 1½ pence and therefore Danish postage due stamps 1 øre, 10 øre and 25 øre applied, cancelled "THORSHAVN 1-12-43"
1943, 6.11., double rate registered airmail cover with a weight between 25 and 30 gram, from Thorshavn to Chicago with violet straight line "O.A.T." (onward air transmission) and British censor label; an interesting and rare cover
1943, 2 registered airmail covers from Stockholm to Thorshavn at 60 resp. 100 øre rate; both with British censor labels, one with additional German censor handstamp and green label "Valutakontroll Postverket"
1944, 24.4., postal stationery envelope 2½ pence from Edinburgh to Thorshavn with British censor label, underpaid by ½ pence and therefore Denmark postage due stamps 6 øre in vertical pair applied, cancelled by violet straight line "THORSHAVN 28 MAY 1944"
1944, 11.7., airmail cover from Randers to Klaksvig with German, British and American censor labels
1944, 3.10., registered cover franked with provisional 20 on 5 øre in block of 4 and churches 20 øre from Thorshaven to Miami with British and American censor labels and circle handstamp "PASSED BY EXAMINOR BASE ARMY 1251"; transit and arrival marks. Certificate Dr. Debo BPP (1980)