376th Auction
19-24 April 2021 in Wiesbaden
Lot no.1480
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
1Catalogue no.19BI/II
Opening300 €
Sold for360 €
1897, "thrir"-Overprint 5 a. green, vertical "pair" from position 58 and 68 showing small overprint on upper and large overprint on lower stamp, unused, pair re-joined by hinge, fine, signed and certificate Kaiser (1983) and Sismondo (2009)
1912, Frederik VIII. 5a. - 5kr., blocks of four, fresh colour and good perforation, mint never hinged, very fine
Lot no.1482
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
0Catalogue no.111
Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
1924, 10kr. on 1kr. yellow, fresh colour and good centering, mint never hinged, fine
1925, 10kr. on 50a. lilac-red, used with cds. of "REYKJAVIK 11 VI.2..", fine, certificate Daebel BPP (2009)
Lot no.1484
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
0Catalogue no.125-39
Opening120 €
1930, 1000 Years Allthing 3a. - 10kr., mint never hinged, fine
1930, 10kr. on 5kr. brown/black-blue, block of four, fresh colour and good perforation, unused, in addition 5-20a. on 16, 25 and 40a. blocks of four, mint never hinged, fine
Lot no.1486
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
0Catalogue no.147
Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1931, Zeppelin 30a., block of four from the upper right sheet corner with marginal imprint "No 299 Y", mint never hinged, fine
Lot no.1487
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
1Catalogue no.172-74
Opening350 €
Sold for460 €
1933, Hopflug 1-10 kr., unused, 10 kr. some minor short perfs, otherwise fine, signed A. Brun
1933, Hopflug 1-10 kr., each tied by cds. "REYKJAVIK -9.VII 33." to piece, a very fine set, signed Witt a.o. and Grobe (slightly penetrating) with certificate (1971)
Lot no.1489
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
1Catalogue no.D13
Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
1902, 10a. blue, perf 14, fresh colour and good perforation, with overprint variety "03-03", unused, fine, signed
Lot no.1490
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
1Catalogue no.D13
Opening100 €
Sold for130 €
1902, 10a. blue, perf 13, fresh colour and good perforation, with overprint variety "03-03", unused, fine, signed
Lot no.1491
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
1Catalogue no.D15A
Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1902, 20a. green, perf 14, fresh colour and good perforation, with overprint variety "03-03", unused, fine, signed
Lot no.1492A
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
6Catalogue no.
Opening100 €
Sold for240 €
1830, entire prepaid double rate letter from Dublin to Mecklenburg,
Lot no.1492
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
0Catalogue no.D55-58
Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1930, 1000 Years Allthing 1-10kr., mint never hinged, fine
1922, Essay of O'Loughlin,Murphy & Boland 3 d. red, die proof on ungummed carton, fine and scarce
Overprint proofs: ½ d. with double overprint, once albino, shifted downwards without date, unmounted mint, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2010) (Mi.-No. 1P)
Issued proof overprints in dull-black 1½ d., overprint setting 9, base plate 35, T22, perforated, horizontal block of 6 from the lower left sheet corner, unmounted mint, faint gum creases, very fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
1922, Thom ½ d. with proof overprint in greyish-black with wide "Rialtas", control block of 6 "U 22", unmounted mint; a fine and scarce multiple
Issued stamps: 1922, Overprint by Dollard: ½ d. green, vertical pair from the upper sheet margin, top stamp overprint missing (only "Rialtas" at bottom), unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint, private signatures (Mi.-No. 1 var.)
1 d. with overprint inverted and double (once albino), unused with original gum, fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2019)
2½ d. in block of 4 from the left sheet margin, double overprint, once albino, unmounted mint with hinge remainder in the margin only, one short perf at top, otherwise very fine, certificate Brandon (1992) (Mi.-No. 3a)
9 d. agate, overprint double, once albino, unmounted mint; a very fine and scarce variety, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2005) (Mi.-No. 7a)
Overprint in red: 2½ d. with double overprint, once albino, horizontal pair, unmounted mint, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2016) (Mi.-No. 3b)
Overprint in carmine: 4 d., horizontal block of 8 from the lower right sheet corner with overprint varieties "R over Si" and "I over na", also mis-aligned clichés between first and second stamp in each row, unmounted mint, very fine (Mi.-No. 5c)
9 d. with variety "PQSTAGE", used, fine, certificate David MacDonnell AIEP (2004)
Dollard high values overprinted in black: Seahorses 2 sh. 6 d. with Nissen re-entry and reversed accent on e, unused with part o.g.; on reverse pencil notations, otherwise very fine and fresh. A very rare variety, only 4 examples recorded with the reversed accent on the 2 sh 6 d. Certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2010)
5 s. with variety "overprint double, one albino", unused o.g., perforation somewhat irregular, otherwise fine, a scarce stamp, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
10 s. with major re-entry, unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No. 11I)
10 s. with major retouch, unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No. 11I)
10 sh. with variety "T.EN", unmounted mint, fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2015)
Overprinted by Thom: 1½ d. with missing "A" in "RIALTAS", unused with small part o.g., a fine and rare stamp, so far the only recorded unused example (Hibernian unpriced), ex Field; certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1999) (Mi.-No. 14IV)
2 d., die II with overprint inverted, unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2015) (Mi.-No. 15IV/IIK)
2 d. orange, die II, overprint inverted with setting varieties "R over Se" and "l over na", unused o.g., fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2019)
2 d., die II, horizontal pair from the lower left sheet corner, the left stamp with watermark variety "missing v" in the cypher, unmounted mint, very fine and rare, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
1 sh. bistre-brown, control block of 6 "S 21", margins perforated, unused o.g., bottom row unmounted mint, diagonal crease affecting the left vertical pair, still fine and scarce
1½ d. with variety "PENCF corrected" within a horizontal coil join pair, unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)