376th Auction

19-24 April 2021 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1515



Catalogue no.T22a/TJ5

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1½ d. with "PENCF corrected" as coil join with normal stamp, unmounted mint, very fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2019)
Lot no.1516



Catalogue no.T26a

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
Overprinted by Thom in shiny blue-black or red: 1 d., copy from the top sheet margin with variety "QNE", unmounted mint with hinge remainder in the margin only; gum slightly toned, otherwise fine; a rare variety, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1992) (Mi.-No. 13I)
Lot no.1517


Catalogue no.T26c

Opening220 €
Sold forUnsold
1 d. with overprint double, used by cds. "LIMERICK 15 NO 22"; a fine and very scarce variety (Mi.-No. 13IDD)
Lot no.1518



Catalogue no.T28a

Opening130 €
Sold for130 €
Thom overprint in shiny blue-black or red: 2 d., die I with overprint inverted, unused o.g., very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1996)
Lot no.1519



Catalogue no.T28/v25a

Opening130 €
Sold forUnsold
2 d. orange, die I, horizontal block of 12 from the left sheet margin with gutters at bottom, containing 2 values "R over Se + I over na", unmounted mint, gutters partly slightly separated in the vertical perforation, otherwise fine
Lot no.1520



Catalogue no.T29wc

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
2 d., die II with watermark inverted and reversed, block of 4 of the upper sheet margin, unmounted mint with hinge remainder in the left sheet margin only, very fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2016) (Mi.-No. 15I/II)
Lot no.1521



Catalogue no.T31wc

Opening130 €
Sold for130 €
3 d. in block of 4 with watermark inverted and reversed, unmounted mint, very fine (Mi.-No. 17I)
Lot no.1522



Catalogue no.TC92

Opening130 €
Sold forUnsold
4 d., control strip of 3 "S 22", margins perforated, unused o.g.; small pencil notation in the corner, otherwise very fine (Mi.-No. 18I)
Lot no.1523



Catalogue no.T39-V56

Opening440 €
Sold for440 €
Seahorses 2 s. 6 d. in block of 4 from the lower right sheet corner, 2 values with "R over Se", unmounted mint with hinge remainders in the margins only, very fine and scarce, private signature (Mi.-No. 9II)
Lot no.1524



Catalogue no.T40b, 40-V56

Opening440 €
Sold for460 €
Seahorses 5 s., marginal block of 4, the upper left stamp with retouch to 5, the lower left stamp with "R over Se", unmounted mint, very fine and scarce multiple, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
Lot no.1525



Catalogue no.T41a

Opening750 €
Sold for750 €
10 s. blue with major re-entry (1/1 from plate 5A), unused o.g., 2 short perfs at bottom, otherwise very fine; just few copies known, certificate David Feldman (1982) (Hibernian € 6.000,-)
Lot no.1526



Catalogue no.T41c

Opening1.100 €
Sold forUnsold
10 s. blue with "Strokes over TEN" (plate 5A, R.4/2), unused o.g., very fine and fresh, an exceedingly rare stamp, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1999) (Hibernian € 8.000,-)
Lot no.1527



Catalogue no.T41d

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
10 sh., broken S plate with retouch to "10/-", unused with large part o.g., very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2006)
Lot no.1528



Catalogue no.T41ea/T41

Opening1.100 €
Sold for1.100 €
10 sh. in vertical pair from the upper right sheet corner, the upper stamp with "perfect S" and retouch to "10/-", the lower stamp with "broken S", unused o.g. A very rare and interesting variety of which just 2 pairs have been recorded, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2004)
Lot no.1529



Catalogue no.T41-V56

Opening360 €
Sold forUnsold
10 s. with "R over Se", unused o.g.; perforation corrected at upper right, otherwise very fine and fresh, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2012) (Mi.-No. 11II)
Lot no.1530


Catalogue no.T41/V56

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
10 sh. with variety "R over Se", lightly used, fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2019)
Lot no.1531


0 1

Catalogue no.T42a

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Wider setting: ½ d. green, horizontal strip of 3, central stamp with line over "RIALTAS", unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 12III)
Lot no.1532



Catalogue no.TC117

Opening130 €
Sold forUnsold
2 d., control block of 6 "T 22", margins imperforated, unused o.g., scissors' cut in the left margin backed with hinge (Mi.-No. 15III)
Lot no.1533


0 1

Catalogue no.TC120

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1 s., control block of 6 "T 22", overprint setting 1, unused o.g., 3 stamps unmounted mint, perforation split in the left margin only, otherwise fine (Mi.-No. 23III)
Lot no.1534


0 1

Catalogue no.TC120

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1 s., control block of 6 "T 22", overprint setting 2, unused o.g., 4 stamps unmounted mint, perforation slightly split in the left margin only, otherwise fine (Mi.-No. 23III)
Lot no.1535



Catalogue no.T47bb

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold
1922/23, Thom 3-line overprint: ½ d. with dot for accent corrected by hand (setting 1, row 19/4) within a control block of 6 "U 22", unused o.g.; a fine and extremely rare block, certificate BPA (1966, for "accent inserted by hand")
Lot no.1536



Catalogue no.T47ba

Opening440 €
Sold forUnsold
½ d. in vertical pair from the right sheet margin, top stamp with variety "accent inserted twice, once reversed", the pair unmounted mint, hinge remainders in the margins only. A very scarce variety, sign. David Feldman in pencil and certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2013) (Mi.-No. 25I)
Lot no.1537



Catalogue no.T47(bb)

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
½ d., control block of 30 "U 22" with variety "dot for accent", but not corrected by hand as usual, also "line over Saorstat", unmounted mint; a very fine and rare block (Mi.-No. 25I)
Lot no.1538



Catalogue no.ex T47e-58e

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
1922/23, 3 line overprint ½ d.-2 d., 3 d. and 6 d.-1 s. with variety "S over E", most in multiples with normal stamps, unused o.g. (Mi.-No. ex 25-36I)
Lot no.1539


0 1

Catalogue no.T48cb

Opening360 €
Sold for360 €
1 d. with variety "accent inserted twice, once reversed" with 3 normal stamps in marginal block of 4, unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint, small pencil notation. A very scarce and fine block, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2019)
Lot no.1540



Catalogue no.T48fa

Opening360 €
Sold for360 €
1 d. with variety "accent & t inserted broken and A not corrected" within a marginal block of 6 (margin re-enforced with hinges), unused o.g., one normal stamp rounded corner, otherwise fine. A very scarce block, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2008)
Lot no.1541


0 1

Catalogue no.T51a, T52a, T53c

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
2½ d., 3 d. and 4 d., all with "missing accent" in blocks of 4 resp. 6 with normal stamps, all varieties unmounted mint, normal stamps partly hinged, very fine
Lot no.1542


0 1

Catalogue no.T57-V43

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
10 d., horizontal block of 12 from the upper left sheet corner, one value with variety "raised second A in 'SAORSTAT'", unused o.g., most stamps unmounted mint, some gum bends, otherwise fine (Mi.-No. 35I)
Lot no.1543


0 1

Catalogue no.T57d, 57

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
10 d. in marginal block of 18, the upper right stamp with variety "Eircann", unused, o.g., the variety and 6 further stamps unmounted mint
Lot no.1544



Catalogue no.T57/TC170

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
10 d. with bottom sheet margin and control "T 22", unused o.g.
Lot no.1545


0 1

Catalogue no.TC170

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
10 d., control block of 6 "T 22", margins imperforated, unused o.g., the lower strip unmounted mint, some minor gum bends, otherwise very fine; only 3 such blocks recorded, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2012) (Mi.-No. 35I)
Lot no.1546



Catalogue no.T58c

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1 sh. with accent inserted within a marginal block of 4, unused part o.g., perforation partly split, otherwise fine; in the margin signed D. MacDonnell
Lot no.1547



Catalogue no.T59a

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
2 s. 6 d. from plate 3/5L 2nd state with major re-entry, copy with top sheet margin (here hinge remainder), unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
Lot no.1548



Catalogue no.T59e, 59

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
Seahorses 2 s. 6 d. in horizontal pair from the left sheet margin, the right stamp with missing accent and re-entry, unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No.37I)
Lot no.1549


0 1

Catalogue no.T59g, ka

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
2 s. 6 d., block of 4 from the lower left sheet corner incl. "S over E", "block left of S" and minor re-entries, unused o.g., the lower pair unmounted mint (Mi.-No.37I)
Lot no.1550



Catalogue no.T59l

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
2 s. 6 d. in block of 4 from the lower right sheet corner, bottom right stamp with weak accent over A, unmounted mint, fine and scarce (Mi.-No. 37I)
