376th Auction
19-24 April 2021 in Wiesbaden
10 s. in vertical pair from the lower right sheet corner, the lower stamp with "weak accent improved", unmounted mint, some light staining in the lower right corner, otherwise very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1994)
10 sh., perfect S plate, block of 4 from the upper left sheet corner, the upper right stamp with "raised A", unmounted mint, a fine and rare multiple
10 s., horizontal pair from the upper left sheet corner of the 'perfect S plate', the right stamp with raised second A, unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2012) (Mi.-No. 39I)
10 s. in vertical pair from the 'perfect S plate', top stamp with "S over E", unused o.g., bottom stamp unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 39I)
10 sh. in block of 4 from the upper right sheet corner, the upper horizontal pair "perfect S", the lower pair "broken S", the upper right stamp additionally with retouch to "10/-", unmounted mint, very fine and rare block, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2005)
10 s. from the 'perfect S plate' with retouch in "10/-", unused o.g., fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2012) (Mi.-No. 39I)
10 s., horizontal pair from the upper right sheet corner of perfect S-plate, the right stamp with retouch to 10/-, unused o.g., the left stamp unmounted mint, fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
10 s., perfect S-plate with retouch to "10/-", unused o.g., certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2014)
1925, narrow date overprint: 2 sh. 6 d., 2 copies with Nissen resp. Brennan re-entry, unused o.g., very fine, the later one with opinion Hamilton-Bowen BPP
2 s. 6 d. in vertical pair from the left sheet margin, the top stamp with overprint double, one albino, unmounted mint, very fine and scarce variety, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2016) (Mi.-No. 37III)
NARROW OVERPRINT: 5 s. in block of 4 from the upper left sheet corner, the left pair with variety "AT hyphenated", unmounted mint, fine and scarce multiple, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1994) (Mi.-No. 38II)
5 s. with 'inverted T', unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No. 38II)
5 sh. in vertical block from the upper right sheet corner, the lower left stamp with 'inner frame notch', unmounted mint, pre-folded in the perforations, otherwise fine and fresh, unmounted mint with hinges in the margins only (Mi.-No. 38II)
10 s., basic stamp with kiss-print (design blurred), unmounted mint, very fine (Mi.-No. 39II)
10 s. from perfect S-plate, irregular block of 3, the 2 lower stamps with variety "overprint double, once inverted", cancelled par complaisance with Thomondgate cds., some light blue staining on the two right stamps, otherwise fine; an interesting and scarce multiple, originating from recovered printer's waste, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
2 sh. 6 d., vertical pair 'wide' setting, the lower stamp with "S in Saorstat inserted", unmounted mint, the normal stamp with hinge remainder, very fine and rare. Certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2007)
COMPOSITE PRINTING: 2 s. 6 d., block of 24 from the top part of the pane, with "raised A" on pos. R3/4 and R4/4, normal setting, perforation split between the 2nd and 3rd vertical row (fixed by hinges) and slightly separated in the last vertical row, 12 values hinged, the others (incl. 3 composite pairs and 1 variety) unmounted mint; a very scarce item
5 s. in vertical pair with narrow and wide date, narrow date with "inverted T", unused o.g. (Mi.-No. 38IV S)
5 s. in vertical pair with narrow and wide date, bottom stamp with "inner frame notch", unused o.g., the variety unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 38IV S)
10 s., horizontal pair with right sheet margin, the right stamp with "hollow accent", unmounted mint, very fine and rare, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2010)
10 s. in horizontal pair from the lower right sheet corner, setting 2, perfect S plate, the right stamp with 'improved accent over A', unused o.g., fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2020)
Wide date overprint, 2 s. 6 d. in vertical block of 6 from the lower left sheet corner, central stamp at right with circumflex accent (very late stage), unused o.g., 3 stamps incl. the variety unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 37III)
WIDE DATE: 2 s. 6 p. in block of 4 from the upper right sheet corner from "broken R" plate with several small overprint flaws, unused o.g., 2 values unmounted mint (Mi.-No. 37III)
2 sh. 6 d., broken R and O plate, marginal block of 4 with circumflex accent on pos. 9/2, the variety and 2 other stamps unmounted mint, the upper left stamp with hinge mark, fine and scarce
5 s. in vertical pair from the upper left sheet corner, plate 3A, the lower stamp with "inverted T" and overprint with small dot between S and A, unmounted mint, very fine and rare, certificate MacDonnell AIEP (2004) (Mi.-No. 38II)
5 s. in horizontal pair, plate 3A, the left stamp with "inner frame notch", the right stamp with sled-tailed 9", unmounted mint, very fine and fresh (Mi.-No. 38III)
Experimental coils: 2 d. imperf. x perf. 14, horizontal patch-join pair, unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1997)
1922/23, First definitive series 3 d. Celtic Cross with "spur on i" within a vertical block of 30, partly folded in the perforation, hinges in the margins and on one normal stamp, the variety unmounted mint; largest positional block recorded 1922/23, First definitive series (Mi.-No. 45A)
1922/23, First definitive series 10 s. St. Patrick with inverted watermark, neatly cancelled "BAILE ATHA CLIATH 7/18 AU 41", very fine and scarce, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2008) (Mi.-no. 64Z; € 2.000.-)
Booklet stamps: 1 d. with label "Get a Telephone", watermark inverted, unused o.g. with small hinge mark, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2005)
1 d. with label "Buy Savings Certificates", unused with small hinge mark, light vertical crease at right, according to certificate possibly due to manufacturing, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1994)
1935, Seahorses re-engraved 2 s. 6 d.-10 s., all with "dot between S and A", unused o.g., the lower values unmounted mint (Mi.-No. A61-C61)
5 s. with flat accent, unused o.g., very fine (Mi.-No. B61)
5 s. in block of 4 from the upper right sheet corner, all stamps with "dot between S and A", unused o.g. with only faint traces of a central hinge and hinge in the top margin, very fine and fresh (Mi.-No. B61)
1935, Seahorses re-engraved 10 sh. with almost missing accent, unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (1994)
10 s. in block of 4 from the upper right sheet corner, 3 values with "dot between S and A", unused o.g., the 2 left stamps unmounted mint, very fine and fresh, certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2013) (Mi.-No. C61)