377th Auction

20-25 September 2021 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.6219



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
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1941/43, four covers sent to Thorshavn, all censored in England and closed with "PC 90" closing strip, one cover with cancelled airmail service and one cover double censored in the USA and in England, all written up, fine

Lot no.6220



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1942/44, six covers sent to by surface or airmail to Thorshavn, with different US censorship labels "9801", "9811" (with PAA Pan American Airways System label), "9820"(2), all written up, fine

Lot no.6221



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, 13.4., Airmail 10, 15 and 50c. with additional franking tied by mute oval cancel to registered airmail cover via England to Thorshavn, censored in the USA and closed with censor label "9827", with typewritten "PHILATELIC MATERIAL Censorship Permit No.. PCU #750", this permit allowed the sender to send stamps abroad. Reverse with transit and arrival mark of "THORSHAVN  14.5.53", fine and attractive and one of two known covers
Lot no.6222



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1944, 6.4., airmail cover from "LONG ISLAND CITY APR 6 1944" sent via England to the Postmaster General of Faroe Islands. Censored in the USA and closed with censor label "20002" additionally endorsed "20006". The reverse shows a "black dot", probably because it is sent to the Postmaster General it was sent as privileged mail, opened on two sides and slightly shortened at right, interesting and uncommon
Lot no.6223



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

1944/45, Airmail 8c. with additional franking tied by machine First Day cancel "TALLAHASSEE MAR 3 1945" to special First Day Cover via England to Thorshavn, in England three-line "INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID AIR MAIL" applied, further English censorship mark "PASSED T. 185" on reverse, in addition registered cover from "THORSHAVN 24.7.44" to Dayton with English censorship mark "PASSED T. 188", both covers with Insert note "P.C.5 This cover was open..." and "P.C. 12 letter was missing....", a fascinating duo

Lot no.6224



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1944/45, two covers including one First Day Cover and double censored cover via England to Thorshavn, written up, fine
Lot no.6225



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1945, 9.3., McKinley 25c. tied by mute oval cancel to registered cover from Haddonfield, New Jersey 9 to Faroe Islands, censored in the USA and closed with censor label "20006", at bottom left endorsed permit "Permit D-61", this permit allowed the sender to send stamps abroad. Reverse with transit and arrival mark of "THORSHAVN  26.4.45", fine and attractive and one of two known covers